Seriously, what’s wrong with being average?
Climbing with new account is actually harder, because you will get many low level smurfs in your games.
No, it’s easier lol. You’ll get much more SR per win with a fresh account.
Only for first 10 games after placement.
if your having trouble maintaining plat then it means you dont belong there for some reason or another.
in this case it could be 1 of 2 things.
your being boosted by friends
your causing the losses either through tilt or your own hero pool
before i quit the first time (over a year ago) i was a low diamond 3000-3100 mmr player. i got bored and left
i came back bout 8 months later (around this time of year) and i started to get back into it. at first i was having trouble maintaining the 2700~ but after a few weeks it was easy
it got to the point, that i could not fall under 2700. no matter what i did id never fall under that.
600+ games a season for multiple seasons and i couldnt fall under plat no matter what stupid thing i decided to do that match. since my return ive done nothing but meme. i play whatever hero i find fun, sometimes its symmetra sometimes sombra. maybe tracer maybe widow. hanzo ect
i then que’d up with a silver friend (who was almost gold) i got put into a 2300-2400 mmr matchs and every single one was an absolute stomp. playing the same heroes as before (note none of them were my low diamond mains from before i quit).
this is because as a highplat/low diamond player, anything under 2700mmr is too easy. and even then i rarely fell under 2800. since jan ive taken another break from the game
i wasnt enjoying it, but even then i came back (a few days ago) and did placements and i went from 2700 from placements to 2800 in a straight line across 20 games.
rng only hurts you so much, long term you end up where you belong.
maybe you have some elements of your play that are low diamond, but because some parts are gold your being held down. until you fix your weakness’s you cannot expect to climb
most aspects of my play are 3k+ but i hold myself back by playing garbo heroes that i find fun.
when i did tryhard id insta hit 3k then fall down when i got bored of those heroes.
if you want to climb, play the best heroes for the win. otherwise dont expect to climb
In past I have recorded runs:
Bronze-gold playing mostly support and tanks. I was starting in bronze by playing Moira few games first time ever when they released her.
Silver-Mid plat flexing and playing mostly soldier later.
Bronze-High gold by picking as last for team (146 games)
I could go higher on these runs but in all cases I lost interest, I am not able to do one thing way too long
If someone can consistently stay in top 500 I’d consider them a top 500 player.
Exactly why do people get upset about the literal most probable outcome?
Exactly that.
I have been saying that for a long time to people, that we need a better ranked system, that does not immediately just throw you back out.
Yes, they do. LITERALLY millions of people have expereinced this exact same thing, but because you have not had it happen to you, it does not exist.
And I never actually blamed other people. I blamed the system in tandem with some of my own mistakes. But as somebody else point out, and something the Devs have mentioned as well, the MMR system uses very out of date info to determine things. It takes so long to update.
And as for adapting to “the new meta” what meta is that, exactly?
The Meta of "let me please have a team of 5 dps, 8 games in a row, where I have to solo tank or solo heal?
Or maybe the meta of “the enemy team has three shields, so lets pick Genji, McCree, Ana…literally counter-picking ourselves”? That the meta you are talking about?
Anything lower than MAYBE Diamond, there is no meta. People just pick whatever they want to pick, and the people who are genuinely trying to improve and are getting better get punished for it.
I actually JUST played a match like that. This dude did not want to tank…so he picked a third healer, even though there was a dps slot open. So then he went dps, but picked Genji…Against a Winston and Rein, so he did next to no damage, and just ended up feeding. WE asked him several times if he wanted to go back to healing (keep in mind that we asked him before the match even started) or if maybe he wanted to go Mei, to counter the Hammond just spinning around on point, keeping us off. He was Doomfist at that moment. He did literally nothing.
The other DPS switched to McCree to kill the enemy Pharah, and he did that.
But this guy refused to communicate with the team at all, did nothing productive, and died more than he killed. I counted 27 deaths.
But yeah, totally MY fault that SOMEBODY ELSE did some stupid crap that threw the team off.
Use your head bud.
Spoken like somebody who does not actually have to slog through the BS that is the Bronze-Plat Brackets.
I record EVERY match I play. And I watch it back with my brother and two other people, all of which are Diamond - GM. They have been giving me pointers over the last few seasons.
You know what their only criticisms are now? My team. 95% of the time, they tell me I am doing just about everything I need to do to help win the game. My biggest problem is on Defensive positioning. That is it. Not a brag, not anything other than a fact. I used to get straight-up ROASTED by them for all the dumb crap I did. Now they are curious as to why I am not in Plat/Diamond. They saw me get up there and were excited because then we could play together. But then they also saw the sudden 15 game losing streak. Then they saw me climb back into Plat…then the sudden week long losing streak back into 2200.
I am sorry, but when people from Sub 500, all the way to Top 500 say that the system needs reworked at least a bit? I think it needs to be looked at in a critical light, and the community needs to give valid input as to what they think needs to be changed. But we can’t do that when people like you just flat out deny that there is any problem.
It is not a perception bias. They may or may not be playing better, but you do not know that, so hush.
And to believe that the yactually get team-mates that are the same skill level as you (or about), you are the one who has a break with reality. The stat variances in teams…that alone disproves your theory of a fair system.
My mains, I currently have a 57-65% win-rate with. I have 70% accuracy with Ashe (as an example) but I keep getting paired with people who have lower win-rates and lower accuracy than me. THAT ALONE tells me that it is not the same.
I even did some side-by-side comparrisons of that person in specific.
Their Ashe play time: 19
Me: 17
Deaths per 10
Them: 6
Me: 2
Damage per ten
Them: 6k
Me: 13k
Them: 35%
Me: 70%
Win Rate
Them: 28%
Me: 66%
Just those numbers alone tell me just how different the skill level is between me and even just one person on my team. Only one person on my team had HIGHER stats than me, and I am 85% sure they were a smurf one-trick, so I am not sure what to say there.
But the fact that that happens often, to many players including myself…it should tell you just how bad the system is.
All of my mains (11 characters) have 35+ hours played.
ALL OF THEM, and I do mean all of them, have 56-65% win-rate, and thats across all comp seasons that I have played in a serious way (Season 11-12ish.)
Except I am not the only person on the team. Funny how people like you only use that logic one way. If we lost, it is all MY fault and ONLY my fault…which would make the game 1v11. But there are 5 other people on the team, who may or may not want to win. And there are sure as hell 6 other people against me.
You can not hold the individual responsible for the actions of the group.
That logic of yours has already been broken down before, yet people still use it.
Read a bit above.
Sure, you’re not the only person on your team, but that is completely irrelevant. You are the only constant on the teams that you are on where you repeatedly fall. If this is a consistent thing for you then you are the issue.
Sure, you can claim that every time you get near the top you for some reason just get a bunch of bad teammates that make you lose, but do you realize they probably think the same thing about you?
Very flawed logic.
No one is saying that a single loss is only your fault.
Now, repeated losses once you get to a certain rank is absolutely your fault.
Think about it. It is possible that, at your maximum rank, there could be a Master smurf trying to climb who couldn’t win because of throwers for one game. However, that Master smurf will not repeatedly lose at that rank. Since the Masters player is literally on another level he will win where you lose more often than not.
So it isn’t only your fault if you lose one game, but it is your fault if you are repeatedly losing at the same SR.
And there are 6 people on the other team who may or may not want to win. That, of course, wouldn’t fit your narrative.
So far you haven’t brought anything up that I haven’t personally debunked…
I am not.
You did not break down my logic. People still use these arguments because they work. They are logically consistent.
You, however, have not brought up anything that I haven’t personally debunked. You have no evidence for your claim and instead repeat the same talking points.
Please reply with a logical statement. Also don’t tell me my logic isn’t sound when it is. If you need help with logical understanding I suggest higher education
I will add that it is funny that you say my logic is flawed and has been broken down but you only quoted a bit of my post.
If you’re going to suggest that my logic is flawed a good way to establish that would be to show how all my points are incorrect.
Since you didn’t (you can’t) I can safely assume you are simply ignoring points that counter your position while embracing those that confirm it.
We have a name for this thought process of yours. It’s called confirmation bias.
Where can I find that because I can’t seem to find it.
i feel ya OP
I was just about to break a five game losing streak and Jeff jumped through my window and unplugged my computer…
Meta doesn’t mean anything, and shouldn’t mean anything to anyone below 4400. Seriously.
“I’ve never blamed other people, but i’m gonna start doing it now!”
I would love to slog through the bad brackets. Cake walks are fun.
Dude, if you have 70% accuracy as Ashe, just play Ashe. Stop flexing. Play. Ashe.
I have really bad aim and i made it to 3700 on my Ashe OTP account. You can definitely make it out of gold or whatever rank you are
Dang that’s a long post!
Imagine how much more consistent the OP would play if they spent the time it took to write that on actually working on their consistency. Greater consistency --> fewer streaks. This ignores tilt etc. as factors, of course. But then, those factors and the player’s consistency are what determines SR in the medium to long term, not some sort of game induced manipulation of match outcomes.
It’s not random. Most people who say streaks aren’t forced don’t claim it to be random, they claim it to be due to other factors. Typically things like tilt, anxiety, fatigue etc. are suggested as reasons. It’s not hard to imagine someone who really wants to get to the next rank getting a little tilted when they lose and it didn’t happen, resulting in a downhill turn. That’s just one example. There are many reasonable explanations.
The point is, even if it’s not pure luck it doesn’t mean the game is forcing it.
You’re losing games right next to the border of Gold because you have teammates who are tilted because they are falling out of Gold, or you have scared Silvers on your team who are afraid of touching Gold for the first (or seventh) time. Still other Silver players are so scared to play another hero that they throw at the Hero Select screen whether they intend to or not.
LFG a nice Gold stack once you get to 1950 or so and do not stop doing LFG until you hit 2100 to bypass all the BS that occurs right next to a rank change! I wouldn’t suggest a full 6 stack, because a 4 stack can utilize enough roles to achieve victory regardless unless the other 2 are legit throwing. As a bonus, you might get some nice 2 stacks who fit well into your team’s composition. The matchmaker’s pretty good about things like that if your hero choices are consistent.
Once you LFG, you’ll find it easier to stop trying to perform everyone else’s role and simply stay in your lane to get good results.
By and large, Silvers pretty much suck across the board, so don’t expect anything great if you Solo Q or LFG other Silvers.
I did actually, started in gold and it took me 10 seasons to improve to a diamond level.
No it does happen to me, I never once said that streaks don’t happen, they are a part of any competitive game with a ranked ladder. But to then just assume that these streaks are blizzard forcing you to stay in your rank is nothing more than a conspiracy theory crafted by people who can’t improve, or don’t play enough to climb.
By meta I wasn’t referring to the pro meta, but every ranks individual meta. For example reaper is very strong in gold, but not above diamond. My point was that you have to adjust your play to every new patch that releases, you may not have gotten worse at the game, but you probably haven’t adjusted to the new changes. I even fell to 2700 last week, but if that theory of “forced losing streaks” was true, how did I climb back out of it and get a new career high that I’ve maintained and increased a couple of times since then on this account?
Oh wow, I thought you “never blamed other people” pretty contradictory. No one is implying that improving can make you win every game, some games can’t be won. But improving and winning all the winnable games you can will let you climb, the idea of a system designed to keep you in you rank is just a sad excuse for someone that can’t put in the work needed to climb. It is NOT meant to be easy.
Again, my point is not that the system is perfect, it has a lot of problems. But you are trying to turn an observation into a theory that it is designed for you to fail. THAT is is you making excuses for yourself, play more, whine less.
And if I just pick Ashe every match, then I am just contributing to the problem that occurs all the time, of 3+ people instalocking into dps. I tried that stuff. All that happened was we never got any healers or any tanks, or the team just gets toxic and starts throwing.
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to not heal/tank in every match, but I am more concerned with trying to win.
that is a huge risk, and I am not sure I can do that.
That actually makes a lot of sense…
I was not talking to you. I was responding like 7 people…It was just one big post.
If you quoted my post, then immediately after responded with:
Using my exact wording to try and counteract my point, and that’s not talking to me? I think you need to take a high school English class because your posts are extremely confusing.
Either way, just about every person trying to convince you that forced loss streaks don’t exist are only doing it because they have climbed, and know that it just isn’t true.