Example of Toxic Smurfs - "Bronze2GM"

How is this tolerated and supported? Clear example of 2 players breaking TOS over 36 individual games.

  • Tricking players into disconnecting by typing “/log”
  • Spawncamping
  • Self-admitted “trolling”
  • Not necessarily a TOS violation but the entire commentary of the game is belittling other players on all regards
  • Not to mention you HAVE to throw games in order to be placed low in bronze/silver for a new account. If you play well on a new account, you get a higher rank, if you play poorly, you get a lower rank.

If no action is taken, it’s 100% clear Blizzard does not care. The guy’s stream is 100% clear and it’s 100% clear who he is and his friend. A 4.5k DPS main should not be playing DPS in anything below diamond, especially not bronze/silver.

inb4 this is a violation of the forum rules

Because if the streamers’ behaviors are acceptable but calling them out is not, then I want no part in this game anymore. But nothing will happen since he’s a revenue generator. You know, betray your fanbase rather than make a product that’s fun and enjoyable for everyone.

Video removed - Naming and shaming is against the forums code of conduct.

Video taken today (4/9/19).

BTW there is some hilarious content there but that’s besides the point. Yeah people deserve their ranks because they play poorly but point is a GM player should NOT be playing with this behavior. A pro football player doesn’t sneak onto an armature leisure football team to stomp noobs because that’s terrible sportsmanship and that player has zero business being there.


Couldn’t agree more.


Didn’t watch the video but Bronze to GM is bannable because a GM can’t get into bronze in the first place without throwing or buying an account which are both against the TOS. They usually place in at least plat or diamond on a new account.


His forced loss streak is coming soon …


Thats part of the game haha, very viable strategy tbh. Nothing wrong w spawncamping

Not if you are silver player spawncamped by gm duo.


Why wouldn you be able to manipulate the way you play. Once you know what you have to do in ord to win, you can also choose to ignore doing that…

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I think he was trying to say that gm would not be able to get to bronze normaly. Its not possible without playing bad on purpose.


Well no, that’d just be throwing games on purpose. It’s literally wrong lol. You have to actively throw games and make them 5v6 to get bronze.


Jesus that’s a hell of a run. 1600-3200+ SR without a single loss. Really goes to show just how far above us t500 DPS are.


But its not solo play. They are doing it in duo which change things a lot.

But its sad that they make it just for the fame.

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Doesn’t really change the fact that a good player WONT struggle to climb in lower ranked games.

isn’t deranking on purpose bannable?


yup. they should ban his main account as well


True gold will struggle while climbing to plat just as plat climbing to diamond… . Its just natural process of slowly getting better. They already are gm playing in low rank, not someone who is low rank trying to climb so for them its easy.


They should both be hardware banned so that they cannot play Competitive on any account.


Not against the rules

Trolling doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone, so isn’t necessarily against the rules without context

Or" just play your worst heroes", which isn’t throwing since it is just a hero pick. Not all dps are created equally

And that gets the thread 404d and a note on your account.

This isnt enough to get a GM into bronze. In the video you can see he wasn’t throwing his placements, but he probably did in a previous season, or he just bought a bronze account/had it given to him


I didn’t watch the video, it is 7am and I’ve been up for 23 hours. Fair enough then

Buying an account, therefore feeding blizzard/activision more money is against TOS, that’s news to me. Haven’t heard a single time someone get banned for having multiple accounts.

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