Forced losing streaks

That’s right, you will still rank up 100% of the time, it will just be astronomically more difficult than it should be.

It’s weighted super, super low. My day 1 account where I had no MOBA experience and just played OW like it was COD on a wireless mouse and keyboard, 60fps, and mouse sens wayyy too high peaks within not even 50 SR of a multiple new accounts I made after hundreds of hours of experience, a real gaming mouse/keyboard, 144fps with gsync monitor, great game sense, etc.

People who blame “old MMR” are just making excuses.

I just hit the same ol’ pattern as the op. Extremely predictable. The system can promote the smurfs who stomped my team and demote those turds who don’t belong anywhere close to that rank, but don’t trigger this free fall loss streak in a pittiful effort to keep people playing competitive Overwatch. It’s pathetic. If you’re wondering, it seems like many of my teammates were facing the absurd and improbable loss streaks as well. HM…

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I used to kind of feel the same way, like I was just stuck by some mysterious force that I couldn’t understand. I melted all the way down the ranks of triple-digit bronze and I felt like I just was NOT that bad of a player. Then I was let into a game of all Master/Grandmaster ranked players (except myself in bronze). Let me tell you, this was the biggest eye opener of my OW life, the INSANE gap in game sense, mechanics, communication, positioning, and understanding of the basics of the game were like comparing an ant to a god. I spent the next ENTIRE WEEK, watching HOURS AND HOURS of Youtube videos of Jayne (the OW coach) and practicing basics on custom games with A SINGLE MAIN HERO. My win percentage went from like 20% to 58% super fast (and the 58% is counting all the previous losses, I’d say it’s more like 75% since starting to improve). My point is, you’re stuck in a misconception from lack of perspective. More than likely you’re doing a few things okay, and one or two things TERRIBLY, TERRIBLY WRONG. Maybe your mechanics are good, but you’re always standing in the absolute worst spots. Maybe you go QUAD gold and feel GREAT because rrraawwrrrr damage and kills!!! But none of those were when they mattered. Overwatch is pretty much entirely about timing. Go watch videos, recognize that there’s a 99% chance that you’re just terrible right now, and rejoice that you have ROOM TO GROW.


To be honest dude i have played in masters as a plat orisa main and let me tell you the only differance i seen was you got better team mates who supported me .I didnt see some god like players or anything as a matter of fact i was wiping the floor with these guys .i just feel its alot easier to rank up playing dps than it is tank or healer so people get this false perception that masters and gms are god like players when in actual fact they just play massive amount of hrs and play certain roles that help them climb .I know for a fact my orisa is some of the best in the world and im definatly better than evil toaster yet evil toaster is in top500 and im in plat the only differance is that evil toaster sits on his computer all day where as i dont lol .

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What do you want to change exactly, because many others climbed. Yes climbing is hard but if you invest enough time and play your best heroes, you will climb. If you cant, well your skills is not that good as you might think.

Or you think there is some greater scheme and blizzard is keeping you lower on purpose? :smile:

So what rank would someone have to be in order to be considered a top 500 player in your opinion? Top 350?

You post this in all people’s threads I see…

You don’t get it. The game is letting you climb. I don’t usually go by medals but when you have been ranked low and constantly getting 3 or 4 golds in a game it means you are sort of carrying and the other players are doing nothing. Its rigged… That simple

So what you’re saying is, me and every other GM who was able to rank up 10+ accounts into masters, the game let us climb? But for you, the system is holding YOU back? doesn’t make sense to me, love

I feel like I could have written this. Except mix in ‘leavers’ along with that. Sometimes it’s an excellent game and then suddenly someone leaves either because they dc’ed or whatever else. Then we lose the game despite doing really well because 5v6.

It just feels like a system that punishes you get a group with people who want to win and puts you with a group that doesn’t care and just wants to play win or lose (but really just lose).

Its already been proven that a fresh account can easily rank highly. Have you climbed from bronze and tried?

Yeah a fresh account will climb easier, but that doesnt mean old accounts cant climb. Anyway, what do you mean did i climb from bronze? like a bronze-gm run on a fresh account? or someone elses?

Yes, an old account can definitely climb. But that isn’t the point here. You made the statement “a bunch of our accounts can get to grandmasters”, like my dude yes your brand new account can definitely get to GM. But I’d like to see a GM climb to GM from Bronze on a brand new account, personally.

You’d want to see it from a brand new account? Don’t you mean an old account? Either way, i’ve done a bunch of bronze-gm runs on console years ago, and i did one on PC a few months back when Ashe came out, solely playing her. got to 3700 before i stopped playing on that account.

I’m confident i can get to atleast 3700 on an old account or new account. Same sh*t

New account purposeful dropped itself into Bronze. Old account purposefully dropping itself into bronze. Account already in bronze. Take your pick. Doesn’t matter how one starts at Bronze as long as I can see it.

If you’re confident you can do it, YouTube it. I’ve been waiting forever.

In my case, when I am active in that type of match I acquire a severe amount of insight, experience and a reference point. A reference point that I can refer and gauge myself to see if I am making any progress. For example, just by competing at that high of a level my reflexes naturally peak and my knowledge comes together in a cohesive fashion in haste to try to keep up with my competition.

What I am trying to say (which I 'll put bluntly and crudely): The experience I get in my own rank is crap; it’s just crap compared to what I explained. Proper reference points don’t emerge, my reflexes don’t peak and in more times then not I get slower due to the inconsistent challenge that comes my way.

Bottom Line: To me, players need significant upgrades in challenge and present ranks don’t give them that. At present, being in your own rank is like the blind leading the blind.

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I did stream my bronze-3700 Ashe run, but that was months back, so the VoDs got deleted (Twitch deletes VoDs after two weeks or something). If someone gave me a bronze account, i’m sure i could do it.

Meanwhile, one of the posts on the forums right now, like top 5 most recent, is talking about a bronze-gm stream. You can go check that one out for yourself

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Its really not, and that is some super flawed logic you have there. Gold medals done matter 1 bit if your losing, winning, getting stomped, or stomping. All it means is that you have the highest stat on your team, and stats don’t matter in a game where 1 team fight can determine the outcome of a match. Most of these stats are shared anyway, you could have gold with 10,000 damage, but the other dps is at silver with 9500, and bronze is sitting at 9400. It’s a team game where your individual stats have little to no influence on the outcome of a match, got a high damage number? doesn’t matter if your team isn’t getting the picks needed to win the fight. Got gold kill? doesn’t matter if your team is dead every fight because your too aggressive.

The company isn’t evil, they gain nothing from you staying in your rank, YOUR NOT THAT IMPORTANT. Get over it and stop making excuses for yourself, or just stay in whatever rank your in. You only have yourself to blame for your rank.

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shall i prove the nonexistence of god and ancient aliens too when i’m at it?

not how it works.

  1. you can’t prove a negative (the nonexistence of something)

  2. people actually claiming there are forced losses have the burden of proof

Edit: But hey, let’s use some logic. Forced losing streaks means people you play against get forced wins. That means if you don’t, blizzard especially hates you, and you alone. While 50%+ of the population get free wins.

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