You’re gonna win plenty with a 70% accuracy Ashe. Either you’re lying about having a 70% accuracy, or you just need to stop flexing. Screw 2/2/2. just play what youre good at to climb dude.
I have spent a LOT of time at the thresholds of silver/gold, gold/plat, and plat/diamond. In most scenarios, I’m playing as tank or support so it’s very easy to see where the team’s heads are at especially if they’re under-performing. It’s also very surprising how much a strong shot caller with a positive, “we’ll get 'em next time boys” attitude can lead your team to victory in these threshold matches.
No, you are not contributing to the problem if you are providing extra firepower to your team using a Damage hero you are great with. In this scenario, you will be providing your team a solution in the form of BOB (best tank in the game, basically the spirit of Level 3 turret), and you are providing your skills to the team so you can climb on your own merit. At a certain point, you gotta STOP trying to fill roles that you can not perform and simply play a hero you’re good at.
Once I stopped trying to play whatever I thought would “Help” my team win, took matters into my own hands, and just started running Reaper I began winning a lot. I started winning because I was using simple, effective strategies and raw skill to win games on my own merit instead of hoping my team would win for me while I support them. I went from 2450 to 2922 with only 2-3 losses on Reaper. The surprising thing is that every single lobby I played in both had allies who knew how to support Reaper and enemies who knew how to effectively exploit and counter Reaper. I didn’t specifically “carry” many games, but I was a dominant force and siezed opportunities as I saw them. (e.g. quick flanks via teleports in the middle of the chaos while tank abilities are active, or simply using DB after DM is down because 510 DPS x 2 seconds = dead mech. Also, DB/BOB + shatter = ez kills)
No amount of compromise in a low-skill lobby will net you wins. Save your compromising until low plat, where people are at least a little reliable at forming coherent team compositions before the round begins.
Dat troll LUL, I’m waiting now…
So let me get this right. You the type of tool to have 10 accounts because you like smurfing. People like you LOVE are the reason why the ranking system is crap. You get smurfs on one team and people playing the game to climb on the other. Bravo and well done on your 10+ accounts. You should be proud .
Its like argueing with a flat earther. You tell him facts and he b like “Proof that the earth isn’t flat”
People who are better than Plat move out of plat and that counts for every rank. Sorry but even as a diamond im able to completly carry myself out of plat.
Just letting you know, you sound really really dumb for people who managed to improve & climb. (Oh in case you trash me for only being able to climb because I’m a DPS player, I’ve another account in Diamond which is mostly Maintank)
yes. you are an exception
Great quote from you here. As you proceed to blame your teammates in a list of lost games you provided before it. Good stuff.
If someone can consistently stay in top 500 I’d consider them a top 500 player.
Except of course the 20%+ top500 players that were banned a few days ago for cheating or the unknown remaining percentage that are still using an undetected cheat.
Tell me do you have this account only for trolling or do you actually write something constructive sometimes?
i’m so glad that people like you think about me so often! thanks!
“calm down…”
I think we all logged our W/L exactly like this at somepoint and come to the same conclusion.
literally was on a win streak. was 5 sr away from plat and the game puts me with a pharah one trick into a ashe. then a hanzo one trick
I think that’s the problem, the matchmaker is trying to force your rank. It’s taking a team game and trying to give everyone individual stats and ranks based on performance which is somewhat dependent on 5 other players in your matches. This approach likely limits players who are boosted to higher levels but also effects many others at times unfairly.
I think that’s more a case of playing to your teammates strengths than putting you in a losing game. There’s 5 other players on the team.
Not that I disagree with the losing streaks and matchmaking being pretty off at times but you are going to loose games at times.
how is pharah into her counters , playing their strength? they had me as a mercy pocket and the dude just died and died
I would suggest not pocketing them and suggesting to others that they focus the Ash so they’re more effective, i the pharah for example won’t change. Zarya can bubble pharah to get a few more hits in, a dive tank can keep Ash busy for a little bit making pharah more effective, Moria can throw a ball her way and make her reposition… In a team of six, one player isn’t the deciding factor and Blizzard can’t anticipate that a single players performance could be poor against a certain comp therefore forcing a loss. I think this post is more about losses that are far out of your control where you just get stomped game after game after game, till the algorithm is happy with where your SR lies and then you start to win again. You can similarly have win streaks but it’s so pronounced when it happens that it seems like a flaw in matchmaking and ranking system.
It’s not perfect, but honestly what else does it have to go off of? Over the long run, good players will put up good stats consistently enough to win and climb. How else do pro players get multiple accounts within 10-20 SR of each other? I have multiple accounts within 50 SR of each other. If nothing else, the system is consistent.
You’re basically complaining about the method by which you are weighed. It’s like stepping on the bathroom scale and saying “that number is too high!”.
What’s a win? Never heard of it.