Forced losing streaks

This season. I have been about to be promoted to gold…13 times.
I have been promoted to Plat 11 times last season, and was ALMOST into Diamond once last season. The season before that, I fluctuated between plat and gold about 24 times. I kept getting into plat, but suddenly bam. Losing streak to punish me for having fun (it sure feels like that is what happens)
Every. Single. Time…I get a losing streak of at least 6 games MINIMUM.
Today, I went from 1908 to 1998, only one loss, and it was just a poorly played match. It happens.
Suddenly, the second I hit 1998.
Loss (easily winnable if people were in voice chat)
Loss (easily winnable if people were in voice chat)
Loss(easily winnable if people would have listened to callouts)
Loss (just a mess. everybody was toxic so I didnt even bother making callouts)
Win (mess, only won by sheer luck of the enemy having a leaver)
Loss (DPS literally did nothing. We had two shield tanks and Ana/Baptiste healing. We hardly died, but the dps could not shoot to save their lives >.>)
Loss (Just a complete lack of any desire to win. I was polite and suggestive…got called a whole slew of racial and homosexual slurs, yet again)

But what happened before that?
Win (great communication. great game)
Win (great communication. great game)
Loss (great communicaion. fun game, bad plays were made. Fun fun fun)
Win (decent communication. lots of follow-up)
Win (Complete steamroll/roflstomp. I legit felt bad for the enemy team. not a fair match at all)
Loss (Had a guy DC, team went full reeee mode and started throwing.)
Win (I made lots of calls, calls were followed up on, but nobody talked. Whatever)
Win (Serious struggle second round, but a good strong match from both sides)
Win (standard win. little bit of a fight, little bit of defense. GG.)
Win (I got hard-carried by a two-stack dps. Holy crap, they were clearly smurfs)
Win (Ironic. Get carried, then do the carry. 5 golds with Baptiste, which is bad since we had Reaper and Junkrat on my team, and my healing was at about 19k before the second round, soooo. I give myself some credit for this one lol)

But then the previously mentioned losing streak started up.
And here is the thing about it. This happens EVERY TIME. Without fail. Never once does this not happen. It happened to me when I was about to be Diamond. It happened to me when I was about to get back into Platinum. And it happens every time I get to be about into gold.
No matter what bracket I am about to go into, this happens every time.
I get plenty of good games, where people are cooperating, and we win (sometimes we lose though) and we all seem to have a pretty fun time either way.

Then suddenly every jam-head in the bracket comes out and wants to intentionally throw the matches. No matter how good I do, no matter how much the team works together or not…its just a sure loss. For at least 6 games.
Losing 2 games in a row, means I have to win about 5 games just to make up for those, and I have to win 5 in a row.
Why is it that one loss can set me three wins back…but one win can’t undo even one loss?
And why do we even lose rank like that? A few of the other games that I play, that have ranked, do not let you get demoted for just a little bad streak.
The logic they use is “If you got here, obviously you can do it, so lets not knock you down when you are just getting up”

Whereas Blizzards logic is “lets team you up with people who do not want to win, and then punish you for performing well. We see you got into Gold. Be a shame if you get demoted three games later, for circumstances that were just out of your control”

I see a problem there. I mean, imagine if that happened to you at work.
You get promoted, but make a couple of mistakes, so they demote you immediately, and never gave you a chance to get used to the new system that involves your new position…It would be absurd.

People need time to get used to the new brackets. Think about it. If you had to slog your way out of Bronze, Silver would seem like an alien world to you. You would need time to aclimate. You sloged through Silver to get to Gold? Again, you need time to aclimate to the new environment.
But instead, you are just immediately thrust into a hostile planet, where everybody is going to attack you for any mistake you make, and three bad games in a row can land you back in the mire of the previous rank. Which is demoralising as hell to just about everybody who has that happen.

We need to make some changes to this ranked system, to bring some semblance of true balance to this game.


calm down…


The problem is that your version of the 1999 SR or 2499 SR game is not the same as someone else’s version of the 1999 SR or 2499 SR game. And it doesn’t matter how many times this same phenomenon is described on these forums… You will always have the same people deny that this ever happens.


Sometimes it takes the matchmaker a while to realize you got higher than you should have so it forces you with a really hard loss streak.


are not a thing

you are just choking when about to be promoted don’t look at your SR and just play

also don’t play for SR play to get better


Why cant you just accept that you play like a gold player so you rank in gold? If you played legitimately higher rank you would not struggle.

This is absurd.

Would matchmaker do this if you were about to change from bronze to silver? Would it just keep you in bronze? or would your skills as a player get you over the threshold easily? What about if you were about to change from silver to gold?

It sounds dumb to think you could not get out of these ranks right? If your skills were higher than a gold player you would not struggle to go up in rank.


Well i climbed last year from silver to gold to plat to dia to masters. Am I an exception?


If you were to look at the entire ow competitive population, I bet you that a huge portion of people would have their season highs near the cusp of the next tier. Eg. 1499, 1999, 2499 etc…

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You dont stop playing when you are 1999. You will stop at 1950 or (more likely) on 2025

I’m talking about season high. Not where they are currently sitting

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I found the solution guys. Whenever the matchmaker decides to start trolling you with Pepega teammates every game that are too hard to carry, all you have to do is stop trying so hard to carry them. Cut your losses by playing your worst hero for a game and soft throw. I’ve tried this and it actually works. Then next game choose your main again and back to ez clappin’ with actual teammates instead of bots. Helps a lot if you have a bronze level doomfist like mine.


Just another person to witness this strange pattern of forced streaks.

It’s 100% true, and you’re not imagining things.

And i love all these solutions people have. Don’t try so hard. Stay under the radar. The matchmaker takes a while to realize you should rank up.


If it were random, you’d see NONE of this.

Rigged BS.


Prove they aren’t a thing

Dude comp is a joke to be honest read my post i made im about to just uninstall hey .Well my friend just quit overwatch today .comp is a coinflip at best - #4 by Mightypandah-2930

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Actually yes, it works both ways it’s just people only talk about the negatives. When you get lower than where the matchmaker estimates you should be it will give you some matches that are so easy you could go mow your yard and come back having won.

Does it suck to be average or something

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Its not absurd. When I know im playing better than everyone else in the lobby I get pepega teammates the next game that I literally caouldnt carry even ML7 was my support. Explain how they don’t exist

Says the mercy one trick

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Say it louder.

Dang right.

And I could out widow mcree or hanzo you easily

Omegalul a mercy who can aim. Why do you only play mercy than?