For those who dont believe in forced loss streaks

You don’t understand how proof works. You can’t prove the non-existence of something. Like how it’s impossible to prove the non-existence of God(s).

In this case the burden of proof is on those touting the existence of forced loss streaks, not the other way around.

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You forgot about the converse principle. You can’t prove forced losses, but we can prove forced wins by not providing value and still winning. Factor in consistent opponents. Your proven forced wins then proves their forced losses.
But we’re selfish and focus on losses, not wins, so no one does this. We recognize all our undeserved losses, but nowhere close to all of our undeserved wins. That would take really good judgment.

The logic on forced wins is flawed. Sure, you might win while doing nothing but there could be a thrower on the enemy, too. Or perhaps the five other players on your team just gelled really well and outperformed the enemy.

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What kind of proof do you want? I have recorded run from 500 SR to platinum picking what team need as last.

If you have some kind of theory which is not supported by official statements from blizzard, you are the one who need to prove it. And its quite easy. Record your games and show us your forced loss streaks so we can see the truth. There cant be better proof and you will show to all non believers that your theory is right.

But wait, you cant right? Because its nonsense and you will have some kind of lame excuse why you can record or something like that. I am sure of that.


The problem is it takes work to figure out the mmr algorithm from experimention.

Or you can keep pretending you’re smarter than everyone else so you don’t have to do anything.

Not hard to guess which option you’ll continue to choose.

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Check the VOD posted by OP in that thread, how does someone going 36-0 fit in your conspiracy theory? :thinking:

Maybe you have to accept that you are not good enough, unlucky.

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Never boosted, never grouped, nobody has helped me get to Masters except me, very few other people can say that as most have grouped to get there.

As for tanks carrying, in higher ranks that can happen but in diamond the support is still bad and tanks are only as good as the supports which carry matches inadvertently .

You sound goofy as hell right now lmaoo


You guys are just claiming tank hero’s carry matches because you heard it in a youtube video recently. I’m specifically talking about reinhardt and winston -

Here’s one question that proves this : How many videos have you ever seen that are solo queue one tricking reinhardt or winston from bronze to GM? The answer is very few possibly none and the reason is because you cannot reasonably carry with these hero’s. <-Period

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Nope. I’m claiming that they can carry because quite often, i carry games lol. Doing a bronze-gm on main tank would be incredibly boring to watch, but its obviously pretty easy for a GM main tank to carry diamond games with diamond supports.

Anyway, would you like to give me a bronze account so i can get it to masters in a week playing winston only?


The onus is on you to prove the forced loss streaks, since you are the one making the extraordinary claim. “Prove to me there’s no such thing as ghosts” - doesn’t work like that.


I don’t have bronze account but it wouldn’t happen in a week if I gave you a hardstuck gold account (which I don’t have). No way, not solo queue. You cannot solo queue a hard stuck plat account with winston only to GM, it would never happen.

Yes, it most definitely would. If i play winston at a high masters level, i’ll get the account to masters within a week.

Hard stuck accounts don’t exist. Only hardstuck players. Either way, you’re incorrect, and i’d be happy to prove you wrong

EDIT: Ok, probably not GM, since i reached 4040 and stopped playing, never got past that. But still definitely masters.


Well if you don’t get better, you wont beat your current rank? Sounds right imho.

I can’t reliable kill dia players, that’s why I’m only high plat.


You think you know more about this game than you do, nobody other than the developers and maybe a couple of other people know more about this matchmaker than I do. Send me a friend request, when/if I find a hardstuck account I’ll let you play on it and you’ll be a believer.

Here comes the back-peddling.

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Well, considering that my original post said masters, not really back peddling. Just correcting myself. Nice try tho bud. Anyway, Nickdarick#1643.


Wow you really have a messed up interpretation of how this game works. Tanks carry games by outsmarting the enemy and their team, they carry games by learning the limits of the enemy and their team and then constantly pushing these limits to their max. The mark of a really good main tank in ladder play, is one who can asses their teams skill level, and adjust their play accordingly, while also getting the maximum value from their abilities.


Tanks literally set the pace, and a good tank understands how to use their damage mitigation to also keep themeselves alive. Tanks are 100% the most important role and enable the others


TBH i think this guy is trolling just from reading this masterpiece


He seems too sure of himself tbh. I’d say ORISAGOD is trolling before this guy