Fixed in new patchnotes Sombra Casttime nerf is alot bigger

Okey some of you probably know this Post I made quite a while ago:

So Then this happend:

I now obv instantly got into the PTR and tried to test how long the New Sombra cast time actually is but they didn’t have the workshop in the PTR.

Edit Note: all oft visual testing is now proofen to be wrong thanks to workshop you can ignore everything that has to do with visual testing.

So the only option that is left to me/us is to test it visually and as a Disclaimer, Visually checking for it can have a lot of error in it so we are gonna need to assume quite a few things.

Okay now let’s start here are the new EMP clip with a timer:

And as a compareson I redownloaded my old Workshop test clip and did tested it the same way there:

Okey first how did I determend the start and end point:
My starting point is the first point on where the animation changes any my end point is the first frame where the Hacked skull is seen on the enemy.

Edit: This here pretty much confirms it:

This is the same method of testing it tests from the first frame the ability changes the animation to the same endpoint where the skull appears.
And it’s exactly the same as we got with the first clip on new EMP
We can and I did test hack on live with the workshop back when I made my first post about EMP’s cast time and it is in fact 0.65s so this is as good as confirmed

Also this edit wont be in the voiced explain video because I did this after making that Video
Edit end

Okey one thing we can see first is that her animation is completely broken but that isn’t the important part.

What we do see is that EMP according to our Video stopped at the start animation and the hack animation takes 0.47s

If we compare that to our old clip which with the same after-edited timer gives us 0.08s

So we can guess that we have at least a 0.1s error here as we also can see on the ingame clock.

So our actual measured EMP cast time is 0.57s now I think everybody can agree that we probably have even more error in here so I’m just gonna assume that its the programmed EMP cast time is 0.65s

We also know for a fact that EMp’s old cast time is 0.2s

This means we got a 325% Increase (Multiplication nod addition) instead of what the patch notes say (130%)

And here the whole explanation in awkward Video form:

Also that was a really awkward ending I tried editing it out after the upload but Yt doesn’t want to so I will leave it there xD

What is also worth to note is that her recovery time now seems less than her cast time what is weird in its own but okay.

All in all I’m pretty mad right now! To sneek, a pretty big nerf like this under the radar by making it seem less than it is…

Also Devs please add Workshop into the PTR.

Okey we got workshop now seems to be 0.32s which basically confirms that all casttimes probably are bugged and shorter then they where programmed too. Or that the patchnotes are wrong.

Okey it got clarified in the new patchnotes:

Now I can live happily


your calcs are wrong :smiley:

Your mistakenly think that emp hits the people and they get hacked afterwards, no. EMP instantly hacks everyone in the area of effect, there is no projectile happening. In your video, around 0:00:43 the EMP is casted, at that time, the enemie is already hacked. We need to test that correctly if i have my ptr downloaded. MY internet isn’t that fast. But saying it’s 0.65s is a false assumption.


I’m depressed. How can they nerf her like this at the same time as introducing 2-2-2. I can’t believe they catered to everyone that cried. I honestly don’t even know what to say or how to express myself, I’m just really hecking sad right now. I love Sombra so much, I was planning on picking her up for competitive play once I get a better PC but now? I’ll rather spare myself from being suspended because of false reports.


YOu got that wrong buddy.

I did not assume that:

I did not you can see that on pretty much any post I discussed this. And im literally the one that makes the 0.18s post where you can clearly see that that isn’t the case.

What I actually did is take the first frame where Sombra’s animation changes as a starting point and the frame a skull appeared on the enemy team and an endpoint I then compared that to the current “old” version of EMP by doing the exact same.

I then can remove the error as said in the main post.

I would appreciate if you would read it instead of just watching the clips.


you even added time, but errors are always in the ±

what acutally could be, that the animation of sombra is broken, that could be a bug, cause that adds around 0.2s, so if they fix this, i would complelty agree with a 100% increase in the emp time.

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Why is this so hard for you to understand?

The ingame timer gives us 0.18s the after edited timer 0.08s

Now the error is + and yes only + 0.1s

Which is why I add them to the other timer too.

READ MY REPLYS PLEASE! I don’t want to explain everything 100’s of times

0.65 second cast time on EMP is 100% fair and not even remotely unjustified.



Still a 325% increase in one go.

I wouldn’t have half the problem that im having now with this if they would have said the truth in the Patchnotes but they didn’t

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first, your explanation is bad, second you don’t account for your ping or anything else, what the workshop test does! So its ±. Second, just cause you think something is like that, i don’t turst you in any way as sombra main, you will always want to favour your char. So no, i disagree until you show real proof, not some stupid videos that stop at completly wrong timings and show nothing basically.

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your proving more and more why i don’t trust you :smiley: its not even remotely 350% or 325%. it’s

250% to be exact: 261% increase.

Not sure why they say the current casting time is 0.5 seconds, but it’s irrelevant. We know its 0.2 seconds and thats at least 3 times faster than it should be. It’s likely the most powerful ultimate in the entire game and has no counter play outside of hiding your supports.

The percentage increase of 325% that you keep mentioning is red herring b.s. and everyone knows it. A “325% nerf!” is not outrageous when the ability was blatantly unable to be reacted to because it was approximately 3 times too fast.

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the thing is, calcualting everything in you need to have a reaction time of -12ms when not viewing at sombra. When viewing at her it depended on your monitor, but the reaction time still was around 50ms, which is impossible for almost all humans.

Another patch another Sombra change… whatever, we’ll adapt, again, and continue to help our team however possible. I don’t like the nerf but it is what it is.

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Wow you got your math wrong her buddy.

1000ms are 1s
200ms are 0.2s
500ms are 0.5s
650ms are 0.65s

the avrage human reaction time is 250ms aka 0.25s

I appreciate your effort, but I think these visual tests (especially with the bugged animation) are currently unreliable. We should wait until it hits live so we can test it in the workshop.

Based on what the animation I saw I suspect 2 things:

  1. They didn’t nerf the actual cast time (0.2s) but only the recovery

  2. They added + 0.15s (0.2s - 0.35s) to the the actual cast time (hence the short midair “pause”) which increased the total recovery from 0.5s to 0.65s.

I have a video explaining everything with voice in the works it seems you guys got something confused.

Possibly. I undestand what you said about the skulls, and it’s actually quite possible I’m in denial.

Bridgette got a 500% nerf to her shield bash damage and no one batted an eye so…

Well atleast thats written correctly into the patchnotes.

Uploading now I hope thats clearer to understand. Up in ca 10-15 min

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we talk about gamers ;). i was taking in lag and you know, audio gets a delayed playback of 0.2s so we have 200ms +200ms + avg ping of 40ms is 440ms :smiley: but i made detailed calc on a earlier post. Look in my history.

again, it’s not 325%. it’s 250… thats a lot smaller.