Fixed in new patchnotes Sombra Casttime nerf is alot bigger

Emp takes 650ms or if we take your number about 450ms

The avregare Humen reacton time is 250ms

ping is delayed twice btw.

  1. 40ms till EMP cast starts 40ms when cast ends meaning that cancels itself out.
  2. 200ms for Reactions time
  3. Audio and Visual delay are MUCH smaller then you say they are they can besically be ignored the server calculating the game would take more time then the visual and audio delay. At max we can add her another 20-50ms

ending us at 250ms.

No its not that just your weird “I suptract a bit here and there way to go about things” right now im uploading a clip that explains the whole process because you clearly don’t understand it.

i thought about 20ms :smiley: see my calc in ealrier posts, can search later

thats not correct. It’s always delayed atleast 100ms. there are several videos proffing exactly that. IT’s average 180ms and thats normal for games, audio is always much delayed to visual.

come on, i just took a calc and used the number 0.18 to 0.65, and thats not 325%.

If it was over 3x more than what the patch notes say, we wouldn’t need to go frame by frame to notice.

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Which calculations?

This one?

This one?

Well the first is wrong because it calculated ping in which how I said removed itslef because its delayed twice synco, And the second one is so completly wrong thats hard to find anything correct about it

I took the programmed value 0.2 removing the tickrate error which you can read all about in the video.


I literally put a timer on it and an explanation…

And if we are already in such a small timescale we better do it and we are way more accurate like this then doing it at a random speed for pretty much the same work… And I compared it to the curred hack which needed the timer to start and stop at the same locations which requires goint from frame to frame

And just so you know its clearly noticable even in real time

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ping doesn’t remove itself… wtf :smiley: how you come to this stupid idea. IT’s doubled. server-client-server

You really don’t just use google to search for audio delay overwatch? look at the youtuber battlenonsense. YOu will find the video. Which shows you that my calc is made easier, but not wrong.



it’s a totally fine nerf, cause it could be a bug that its 0.65 and it acutally was prob a bug that its 0.18.

Holy this must be super hard to understand or something…

Okey first you press Q
Then it take 0.04s till the server recives hey EMP starts start the cast.
Aka this increases the time of cast for Sombra…

Then When EMP goes off it takes 0.04s again to tell the server who got hit
this decreases the casttime of Sombra.

Think just a minimal bit please.

And just to add to the cake we know that the previose 0.5s was acctually her recovery time and you also see in my first clip that she now recovers before hack goes through meaning either those 0.65s are just a complete random number that Bliz took from somewhere while programming a complete other number…

Your whole point adds in no way up…

Here is the clip I also edit this into the Main post.

Also that was a really awkward ending I tried editing it out after the upload but Yt doesn’t want to so I will leave it there xD


They also increased her ult charge rate (same as everyone else) and nerfed the hack duration on top of it with no compensation on a hero consistently in the lowest winrate of the game.

She needs buffs.


You seriously think your the best and your the only one knowing something. If you would half think about it the way is actually: client Server client server. Why this? The other user has a ping too.

You emp, server registers that, sends it to enemy client, enemy client activates animation, it sends back to server to check that you are actually alive when you emped and then your emp is really in place and activates. It’s not getting delayed, the emp is active when you activate it, shooter favored. The hack effects but only starts after the enemy client receiving it, so he can technically kill you before that, and you just die. Like it’s happening with mei freeze block all the time, cause the feeeze block doesn’t setup a immunity when activated on your side but only looks at enemy side. So you in no way have 0 ping. You need to add ping, not remove it.

It in no way Gets any ping removed, quite the opposite. There is no such thing as negative ping. What you need to get ping removed.

And actually I did that test with the reaction time with 10 people and took the average, and they all started reacting afterwards, on one guy for whatever reason he always got hacked before the audio even started playing and was at the very beginning of animation.

Watched your video now, what you are still willing to completely ignore how the enemy side looks like, is the enemy side changed in animation and effect too? And so on. So calculation is only valid in workshop mode, which looks at server timing and the timing between pressing a, measured toll it shows hack on a other screen, so you need two pcs for that. You can’t say by animation that it is now 325% which still is false, it will not change being 261% even if you think otherwise, math isn’t about your feelings :wink: . You can only really judge it by testing directly, and I suppose it will be 0.4s which would be totally fine, 0.65s would be fine too btw.

The activation is only affected by Sombra and EMP follows Favior the Shooter which in this case is Sombra so the Enemy ping doesn’t matter.

Both the activaton of the casttime and the start and end of hack happens on the server not on Sombra or the enemies PC… atleast that is the only thing that makes sense.

What your doing right now is just assuming the system works in the worst possible way…

Holy this sentence shows that you did not even read my calculations or you are just unable to understand.

Ping need to be neither added nor removed it should not be taken into consideration in this case because it basically counters itself out.

The point stants the only logical thing is that hack’s Casttime now is 00.65s according to calculations and according to simple dame logic because bliz will not have taken that 0.65 out of thin air… They will have programmed exactly that and not some random number inbetween and just wrote 0.65 for the fun of it…
It makes absolutly 0 sense for it to be 0.4 or anything else that isn’t 0.65s just thinking about it logicaly

And its more then just in the avrage human reaction time just look at rein his ult has a 0.45 cast and people can reacte to it…

Im done with you btw if you continue just ignoring all points I make and write replies that make 0 sense if you just read one of my posts, and then wright totaly ilogical stuff thats taken out of thin are there is really no point.

And assoon as we have workshop we can clear this up obv I will absolutly stand to it if im wrong but currently it makes absoluty 0 sense to believe that from multiple standpoints.

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Good. It should be even slower.

How come to this bold conclusion? Actually it can’t be activates in the server, the server just checks if everything makes sense, activations and cooldowns and everything is handled in client. That’s why you don’t get faster cool down when your ping gets faster :slight_smile:

But they already did that by saying the increased it from 0.5 to 0.65 :slight_smile: Double standards, just cause you want to cry about sombra being weakened?

It makes 0 sense. You just don’t see your false assumptions and errors. Look you can test it without workshop: record in high speed when you emp on one pc and look when you get hacked in the other pc. That’s all you need and outside of workshop the only valid test.

Well, 1. you did not watch my voiced Video where I explain everything again because you’re again talking about things I long prooved otherwise.

Also, I just got all the proof I needed.
here is a clip of me normal hacking the bot with a timer.

This clip is measured from the point of where the Icon changes (aka the first changed frame) to the point where the skull first appears and oh look at that its pretty much the same time as EMP…
This is all the proof we need this pretty much confirms it EMP’s cast time is 0.65s because we know for a fact that Hack’s cast time is 0.65s we can and I did test that with the workshop mode I made and used to also show the cast time of EMP.

Try finding an excuse for this one will be hard.
I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier…

Shocking from Blizz.

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Then don’t start a thread because that’s what people doooooo.

What do they do? not read my replies but replying to them?
Rarly meet people like that and I spend way to much time here.

Half these people don’t read past the TITLE of a thread, let alone the replies of the OP.

I did watch it, I under stood your points already 2h ago, I just say that your wrong and it’s not working this way. See, the 100ms difference already tells you that this test is flawed. Your start points aren’t clear as you stated, at no time we see when you press q, and so on.