Fix Bastion's Accuracy



As a freaking chain gun should be…

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Fix Bastion* you mean.


Have you ever shot a minigun?


I’ll leave this here… It shows a “best case scenario” for his Sentry damage on a squishy target (pretty much anyone who’s not a tank or Bastion)…

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Lets all take a moment to remember the Real Version of what we are talking about here…

“Chain guns shouldn’t be accurate”

I beg to differ.

Not exactly a Trumpet is it…


hahahah that guy really put all over your face on how a “freaking chain gun” as you said should be XD

The discrepancy between Bastion and a real minigun is a hell of a lot less than the discrepancy between a Reaper and a real shotgun. It’s worth remembering that this is a videogame and things are exaggerated for the sake of balance and gameplay diversity.

A real-life minigun would be deadly accurate and fire about 200 times faster than the one in Overwatch. Not only is that virtually impossible to track on a typical game-server, it’s also horribly unfun to play against.

If you increase his accuracy you increase his damage output. If you increase his damage output you just further justify the need to dump resources in him and babysit him. What bastion needs is more incentive to switch forms. Even switching to his ultimate from can mean sacrificing a great deal of pressure

well bastion was well balance at the releas of the game, if peopels are complaining about bastion now, then they surely are doing SOMETHING VERY WRONG

Well, about 2-3 times as fast… Bastion shoots at 1,800 rounds per minute, a minigun shoots at 2,000 - 6,000 rounds per minute…


m8 that’s the whole point of it, his recon is supposed to be more accurate. They intended it like this so people would use recon mode. It’s to prevent being a brainless stationary turret in every situation. In the dev comments of his rework they said they wanted to encourage more recon mode play.

close range: sentry

long range: recon

I believe my point still stands.

He was a weak Minigun, that was considered Balanced upon release, but hated by those who didn’t care to learn how to play around it.

Don’t you think there’s a problem when the only weapons in the game with comparable accuracy to Sentry Mode are shotguns?


Or, if he can kill things on his own without dying, then people will play other heroes instead of just pocketing the Bastion, because that’s more fun, and the Bastion doesn’t need to be pocketed.

You’re right, Bastion won’t need it. But it will be so strong that if one team does it there will be no answer from the other team except to do the same.

No… Don’t you know that if he has tighter spread it would be a “Brainless playstyle?”

-.- I’m starting to question the sanity of the general forum user.

And lets not forget, Genji is the hardest hero to play!
Somebody end my suffering.

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You mean kinda how literally every other hero works? What’s the answer to a Hanzo? A better Hanzo. What’s the answer to a Widow? A better widow.

So you want Bastion to be the next Hanzo/Widow?

Because if it’s not useless and it doesn’t match a very specific criteria (which can change at a whim), it’s “brainless”.