First new hero in EIGHT MONTHS and she's already banned for a week?!?

Also what are you talking ahout? Just logged into overwatch and i dont see any new bans :expressionless:

just to point itout it was 9 months.

i would know.

(but not surprised about multiple things present)

She was played in almost every match, in almost every gamemode, even compeditive. Where do you get the data from that says otherwise?

You accessed it via the Competitive card.

There was no other Competitive season. The Competitive season was Role Queue Beta.

See the above linked video.

Please cite source for your the play rates you’re claiming she has.

PTR is not for balanc testing. There were a ton of new heroes and reworks who went out of PTR absolutly OP. The only times they nerfed on PTR so far was when heroes were gamebreaking OP and even than not always.

It absolutely is, especially for new release heroes.

That’s why Echo was nerfed twice before she was released.

So what… she was released to comp unexpectedly early. This just shows that the algorithm is consistent and without bias. Popular heroes get disabled. This is fine because popular heroes usually need downward tweaking - so if a hero gets to sit on the bench multiple times the balance team knows what to do.

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isnt that the same with every newly release heroes ?? that they will not be available in competitive for a week ?

Echo was available right away~ for some reason they decided just to release her like this in comp -,-

Echo should stay banned until they balance her properly.


I was surprised they even released her into competitive so fast compared to previous heroes.

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Here we go again with the ‘‘x’’ main being banned from one single mode whiners.
Ya’ll always overreact about the bans so i’d say it’s getting rather childish & pathetic instead,

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They should have exempted her this week. I wanted to see how she does with Widow and Cree in the pool. Then you can reasonably look at nerfs. Now we just have to wait another week to get any real data, and one of the better hitscans might well just get banned again next week. I suspect Widow might not be as good a counter as some believe but we just won’t know until they’re in the game together.

Lol you posted last week about not playing too. Are you going to be posting every week now? Hero bans are good for the game and they consistently change up the game and play styles. I play several characters in each role so it literally doesn’t effect me at all. I just adapt and try and figure out which is the best combinations of heroes to work each week.

It was not unexpected. Sigma set a precedent for new hero availability in Competitive. Thus it was expected she would be available in Competitive immediately upon release.

Hero bans are most certainly not fine. Far from it. They are ruining this game by driving people away.

As mentioned above, Sigma set a precedent for new heroes to be available in Competitive immediately upon release.

They already nerfed her twice on PTR before she was released. She’s now quite well balanced for a new release hero. She’s not completely OP as she’s extremely squishy, and is quite easily countered by hitscan heroes.

What about other game modes? QP,arcade,workshop? If you comp only player,it’s your problem lol.

No, it’s everybody’s problem because hero bans just keep driving people away from this game.

I agree that the bans it’s not the best thing added in overwatch,but again,what is the problem of quickplay or arcade?

I posted last week about not playing Support because Brig was banned, and I didn’t. I played Echo all week instead.

They are not.

Hero bans force players to either choose to play other heroes in Competitive that they’re just not good with or have never played before which leads to a decrease in match quality, or choose to not play a given role or just not play at all which leads to an increase in queue times and, potentially, a decrease in total player numbers if a player decides to not return.

Hero bans are extremely detrimental to the game and its players.

I can play all the heroes but there are some I don’t find fun to play so I don’t play them.

Regardless, as I noted when Brig was banned, if my preferred choice for a given role is banned then I’m just not going to risk my SR in that role by playing heroes that aren’t my preferred choice.

Here’s your answer, OP.