[Feedback Thread Continued Part IV] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Mass rez was super boring to play against. Get a nice teamwipe with coordinated team play? OOPS you didn’t’ focus mercy lel instant counter with mass rez.

Requiring a hero to be dead first makes for not very dynamic game play.

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Same can be said for this rez.

I am so, so sick of the “not fun to play against” crutch.

Getting locked in to an uncounterable combo (zarya + hanzo) and just dying wasn’t fun to play against.

Having 4 dive heros shove themselves into your face at the start of every fight because you cant possibly stay alive vs it wasn’t fun to play against.

This just in, getting outplayed isnt fun to play against, who the hell knew.

There’s about a thousand mega threads for this…

I would prefer a rework. Jelly never enjoyed mass res, just never clicked with me.

If anything, way back when, the devs nerfed the frequency of ultimates by about 1/3rd.

Before that, it was more reasonable to have an ability that cancelled Ult spam.

I’m sorry, what? Mass rez didn’t require communication? What?

No, It really didn’t require communication.

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No. Even a Sound Barrier doesn’t require communication.

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Yeah, it did. Even if you didn’t say something EVERY TIME, it was no different than any tank or DPS or healer that hits Q when they see fit without saying anything beforehand. But letting people know it was up and that fighting to hold the point even though it may get you killed was INCREDIBLY important. Why you would even consider saying otherwise boggles my mind.

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So the new Mercy nerf decreases her healing per second by 17% or so, which is significant. It doesn’t necessarily address the core issues of why Mercy is the most picked main healer by far, but it is significant nonetheless. What people haven’t really seemed to realize is that it is going to make it take quite a bit longer to get her ultimate since her ultimate cost wasn’t reduced to compensate (not that she needs the compensation anyway, but yeah).

Also, it will take Mercy longer to top off individual targets, so the wait for somebody who needs healing might be a second or two longer, and they might die in that time because they had to wait. Mercy players will have to consciously decide who is at most risk of dying/who is most important to heal now more often than they did before.

Additionally, the chain healing during her ultimate will also not be as strong. This will make it less effective overall, and maybe even enforce damage boost as the dominant use of Valkyrie (though I’m not sure on that one). We’ll see on that one.

Anyway, we’ll see what happens with this. I’m hesitant to say that this nerf is what was needed, because I don’t necessarily think that is true. The core reasons that she is picked so much were mostly unaddressed, but I’m willing to see how it plays out, I guess.


Right, I feel similarly about this as I do the Shield Bash to 7s change. It may not be the “#1 issue”, but it’s a significant enough change that it’s worth not immediately dismissing it as pointless.


So what is the number 1 issue? The once-a-fight res? If so, there’s no turning that down a notch. There’s only removing it, which would make her have no team utility aside from healing. The other healers have much more potent offensive and whole-team abilities throughout the fight.

Actually, you could lock Rez behind Valk. Would add a lot of depth to an otherwise depthless ultimate, and make popping the ultimate feel far more impactful. Also, it would remove the ability to Rez in the first fight of the game, as so often happens when one side gets a quick pick.

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Without res on cooldown, she might fall to “Lucio in Mercy double res meta” level support picks. Consistent healing and damage boosting do good work, but the other healers’ in-fight utility has always been important. That’s why single healer has never been a good team comp, outside of super specific scenarios.

THANK YOU MY FRIEND, I been saying this every since I seen the update about the Nerf… I even made a whole thread about it. The Mercy Nerf is an Indirect Nerf to Every Hero 💔 (Click Me)

As I stated that the nerf is a bit deeper than what people realize. I am not upset about the nerf as a nerf was needed, but it was once again the wrong nerf. All this does is take a toll on literally everyone’s survivability (more so on tanks)

I am aware that this is an indirect buff to damage-dealers, but you also have to think about the survivability of these changes. Yes, Mercy will still be the go to and still remain superior as she offers that consistent raw healing, but with these changes, you will see more diverse in the support selection, but more so contradicted team compositions as Mercy believe it or not… handled all the dirty work, that allow teams to run pretty much whatever weird team composition as please.

Why? well because you know that you have a pure support who offer that consistent healing.

You can run 5 DPS and a Mercy, and you can still be effective.

I agree with you Fragehardt, as I bee saying this for the longest time, but of course I received some negativity. (nothing that I can’t handle) because I am a Sombra Main :wink:

These changes are again the wrong type of nerf, but I will still wreck and dominate with Mercy as I am one different Mercy Main. This just means that I won’t play as aggressive as I normally do with Mercy.

Heroes, Well… They Are Going Die :dizzy:

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So if it’s like Sound Barrier (which I did communicate when it was up sometimes) and Sound Barrier is fine, then Mass Rez was fine, with that logic.

Heyyyo, thread merge!

With the amount of changes that have taken place to Mercy (all nerfs) since her rework, it is clear that it was a failure.

Whether Blizzard will accept this, ignore this, or do what they did last time and claim it was still a success, is to be seen.

Many people have said it before, including high ranking Mercy players such as Animetic, that resurrect is what is keeping Mercy at a huge pickrate over the other healers.


But no, Blizzard nerf her base healing instead.

No disrespect meant, but at this point, whoever decided that any of the Mercy changes were good needs to be shown the door.


Sound Barrier and Mass Resurrect have nothing in common.


Nor did my comment indicate as such. I also communicate with teammates when my Ultimate is ready, it’s just habit at this point.

But your team knowing you have Sound Barrier, and you coordinating with them on when to use it, doesn’t really matter because it’s a Defensive Ultimate used for shields. You use it when you feel it is most necessary.