[Feedback Thread Continued Part IV] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Yes the hell it did. That was the entire reason for the “Die on point” meme.

The problem was that it was really hard for players to overcome their fight-or-flight instinct and not run away or waste time and ultimates when Mercy was waiting to Rez them. If they waste too much time, she loses the chance to Rez the whole team and the ones struggling die immediately after. If they run too far, she can’t Rez them at ALL.

Okay, I’m sorry, what was your complaint? Sound Barrier doesn’t require a lot of communication but mass rez working similarly was an issue??? And I ALWAYS heard people asking when mass rez was up or telling the team when it was ready. And as I said before, which you can’t ignore, letting your team know it was okay to keep fighting even if it meant death was EXTREMELY important and required…COMMUNICATION!

I’m just going to drop this since we’re clearly not seeing eye-to-eye.

You’re not making sense, and honestly, being dishonest about mass rez and communication to use the ult. And of course it’s difficult to see eye to eye when you say one thing and then the opposite the next second.

Haha, no they are not being dishonest. Any good player knows they need to die with everyone else for the mass rez. They didn’t need to be told (unless they were new to the game).

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Oh, really? But know it’s up and that Mercy is ready and in position to use it, that she feels an ult storm is coming so position YOURSELF accordingly wasn’t communicated? Yes, both of you are being dishonest and misremembering horribly.

That’s not really even true, because “good” players make mistakes all the time.

Not to mention, at that level, Tempo Rez was the far more powerful and common Resurrection method.


I’ve been playing for over two years, haha. I’m not new :wink:

I just stand by the logic of multi-kills were earned and deserve to be kept.

Just because you don’t understand what I’m saying doesn’t mean I am not making sense. You just have a different opinion than myself, and that’s ok. We need to drop it because we aren’t going to agree with things.

I wasn’t saying you were new. I was saying that unless someone was new (in general), they know that in the case of an on coming team wipe you needed to stay together.

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It’s not an opinion that Mercy required communication to use mass rez just the same way it works with any other ult. That is a fact. AND if you’re being unclear, explain yourself. You are saying two completely opposite things because you say one thing is bad and saying it’s acceptable for someone else.

Then I’d argue that’s a very narrow and biased definition of “earned”.

The main reason that people think Rez is “unearned” is because it’s an Ult performed on stationary targets, unlike most Offensive Ults which can be dodged, blocked or ran from. But people overlook that this creates the inverse issue: unless Mercy found the EXACT right spot to stand, or her enemy wasn’t paying attention, she’s the one that has to dodge or run from six times as much fire to pull off her Ultimate.


All good :slight_smile:

So is this officially our next megathread? :rofl:

Jesus Christ on an invisible Sombra, they’re actually using this thread.

Mercy did not need this nerf :frowning:

fellow mercy mains, come forth to Part IV until they fix Part III

Oh my, so sorry. Didn’t mean to misquote you… Hope you’re still ok with James for Official spokesperson for Overwatch though…? :smile:

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Well rip my thread they made another mega thread.
Edit: i should mention I didn’t reply sooner because I was watching Antman and the Wasp then went home and played the Octo expantion.

Sorry, it is my job as self-proclaimed mod to make sure we keep Mercy feedback ”consolidated”

Just kidding :wink: