EXPLORE PARIS. (Possible hero 30 hint hidden on the map) (Found unreachable area)

Not sure if that is relevant nor interesting but what you’re aiming at is a clear reference to a famous painting by Delacroix named “Liberty Leading the People”.

So Im not sure about any of this but bare with me:

  1. I dont speak french so if someone does theres an option to explore, Luna seems to have a ton of voice lines when you smack her (:blush:) One of them sounded like something Widow says sometimes but im not sure, as I dont speak the language and it would take ages for me to go through it all.
  2. Is it me or is that Vishkar Vodka all over the freaking map?

She is just asking you to stop or telling you to get out, she does have a lot of voice lines for an NPC though

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It should be “Dialogues des carmélites” and not “Dialogues de carmélites”, probably a mistake, though.

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I noticed there is a poster in the club with a omnic cat on it and well… jetpack cat may be around the corner.

Le Chat Noir is thought to be the first modern a nightclub where the patrons sat at tables and drank alcoholic beverages while being entertained by a variety show on stage. Its a reference to the famous poster art for it.

However, I was thinking if there might be a reason to ALL the cat references. Luna wears cat ears and seems to say a lot of ‘‘fake’’ and real french proverbs about cats?

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Thanks for the hard work trying to find out clues, people!

Unfortunately I don’t bring anything to clarify the mystery (despite having tried with Doomfist/Sombra/Symm glitching the map, but I didn’t find anything new).

I just came here to say that Michael Chu visited the forums few hours ago to answer a little message about Mercy’s lore, and I’m sure they’ve seen this thread because it has many messages … so if they have not said anything, surely they have things to keep quiet :slight_smile:

Michael message: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/what-type-of-scientists-are-the-overwatch-scientists/307317/4


They keep quite in fear of backlash often.

My biggest hope for all of this is they actually create more hype like this in the future!

They have definitely seen this thread, I doubt they have read it all though xD

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More than likely however I feel like they are planning something big for this. Not going to get my hopes though xD


That seems like it could be legit!

Idk the omnic language is supposed to be unreadable to humans

Does anyone know what other maps have Omnic writing on? might be able to work it out with more to reference?

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Decoding the Omnic Language basically it’s still incomplete and people stopped trying https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/4uve9h/omnic_language_even_more_sources_and_a_word/

Have fun with your dead language, that might not even exist

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Oh wow, I cannot tell if it is all random shapes or they actually came up with letters

Dude, we just don’t have the time

It’s better just to wait a few days

Sorry, I will leave you to it xD

Nah I given up this ARG 😴 Thinking that the Paris Travel Guide was more a distraction

Gonna focus on something else today