Luna's Cabaret in Paris - Voicelines and translations

EDDIT 3 : Thank you Karahe for correcting the voiceline that was bugging me! Aux perdants leurs yeux pour pleurer.

EDDIT 2 : New welcome voiceline : Vous êtes au Cabaret Luna. Et oui, Luna, c’est moi. Bienvenue à vous. This is Luna’s Cabaret. And yes, I am Luna. Welcome.

EDDIT 1: Now with the voicelines when she is attacked.

I just made a reddit answer to some people wanted to know what the Omnic singer was saying, so i’ll just copy/past here for you guys =)

Luna’s Song

Not in the right order. I’m pretty sure there is an order but those are going randomly at the spawn. Some lyrics sounds false/ with grammatical errors I put an * on them to explain later

Les hommes se vantent de leur conquêtes
Ils flattent et puis ils les jettent.

The men brag about their conquests
They flatter and then they throw them away

Mais lorsqu’une femme brise leurs cœurs
Ces fanfarons fondent en pleurs !

But when a woman breaks their hearts
Those braggers fall in tears!

Plus cruelle que la passion
N’éprouvont aucune compassion. *
More cruel than passion
Don’t feel any compassion

Maman m’a déjà demandé
Pourquoi j’étais aussi ingrate ?
Mom asked me once
Why am I so ungrateful ?

Tel un chat on n’peut m’apprivoiser **
et j’ retombe toujours sur mes pattes !
Like a cat I can’t be tamed
And I always land on my feet ! (true french proverb here, " the cat always lands on their paws")

En amour je joue pour gagner.
Aux perdants leurs yeux pour pleurer. **
In love I play to win
Losers only keep their eyes to cry with

*> the “T” is grammmatically incorrect but is pronounced in the song (correct one is n’éprouvons) - for the “flow” of the song maybe? it often happens in french songs and english ones I think?

** > Thanks Karahe again! Here it’s a direct reference to a french proverb : N’avoir que ses yeux pour pleurer which mean “Only have your eyes left to cry” often used when you throw yourself in a relationship that will cost you everything (including your heart), used as a warning most of the time.

False french proverbs./ or Poetry

Because those are not actual french proverbs, but they sound like it :

> Le chat grimpe sur le mur et scrute. De cette hauteur, il ne craint pas la chute.

The cat climb the wall and scrutinize. From that height, it doesn’t fear the fall.

> Le rayon de soleil fuyant sera vite remplacé par un nuage menaçant. The fading ray of sunhine will be soon replaced by a menacing cloud.

> Le moineau dont les plumes ruissellent, fuit la tempête à tire d’ailes.
The sparrow with soaked feathers flee the storm at full speed.

Interactions with the patrons.

> Vous êtes au Cabaret Luna. Et oui, Luna, c’est moi. Bienvenue à vous. This is Luna’s Cabaret. And yes, I am Luna. Welcome.

> Bonjour Paris, bienvenue au cabaret Luna ! Hello Paris, welcome to Luna’s Cabaret !

> Tout le monde est bienvenu au cabaret Luna. Loin des oppresseurs qui voudraient nous réduire au silence. Ici, vous pouvez être vous même.
Everyone is welcome to Cabaret Luna. Far away from the oppressors who’d like to reduce us to silence. You can be your true self here.

> Le cabaret de Luna est un lieu de répit * . Ici, vous pouvez vous laisser aller, même si ce n’est que pour une minute, ou moins.
Luna Cabaret is a safe place. You can let yourself go there, even if it’s just for one minute, or less.

> Entrez, détendez-vous et profitez du spectacle. Come in, relax and enjoy the show

> Aha, on dirait que c’est la première fois que vous voyez une chanteuse omniaque. Aha, looks like it’s your first time meeting an Omnic singer.

> Ahahahah, comme vous êtes charmant.e ! ( Laughs) You’re so charming!

> Qu’aimeriez vous entendre mon cher/ ma chère ? What would you like to hear my dear?

> J’accepte les demandes spéciales, que souhaitez-vous entendre ? I take special requests, what would you like to hear ?

> Bonjour mon ange, quelle vision de rêve. Hello angel, what a dreamy sight

> Si vous avez suivi le chat, alors vous êtes au bon endroit mes amis. If you followed the cat, then you’re at the right place my friends.

> Est-ce que vous vous plaisez à Paris ? Are you enjoying yourself in Paris?

> Prenez un siège et détendez vous. Ce soir, vous êtes mon invité. ** Take a seat and relax. Tonight, you’re my guest.

> Demandez moi le titre que vous souhaitez. Tell me what song you’d like to hear

> Je suis ravie de vous revoir. I’m delighted to see you again

> Et maintenant, une de mes chansons préférées And now one of my favorite song.

*> Not sure about my translation here. Because répit is a strong word in french. It could mean "it’s a place you can relaxe/ it’s a place you can take a break - but to me, it’s like you’re running away from something/ need a real break from your problems and you find a place to be at peace. Thats why I choose “safe place” when it could mean just “a place to relax” - help me I’m struggling there xD

When attacked

> Cessez s’il vous plaît! Please stop!

> Les armes sont interdites ici! Weapons are forbidden here!

> Si vous continuez comme ça; nous allons devoir vous demander de partir! If you keep doing this, we’ll have to ask you to leave!

> Allez vous battre dehors! Go fight outside!

> Mais enfin…! What…!

> Comment osez-vous? How dare you?

> Sortez! Leave!/ Get out!

> Arrêtez ça! Stop this!

> Sécurité! Security!

Hope it helped! You can corect me if my English is bad/wrong, because I often make mistakes =)


Thank you for doing this! I don’t know nearly enough French to even begin translating her voicelines, but I’m glad someone did this, its really interesting!


You’re welcome!

But I think I missed some, because i listened to those alone one a private game, but when I played it on the arcade, I thought I heard her tell other nices things to the players (but players kept hitting her so I couldn’t listen properly ^^)

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Perfectly understandable, she does have a lot of lines. This is still really extensive, even if you missed a few


Correct me if i’m wrong but this should be “n’éprouvant”, then the t would make sense.

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Thank you so much. How about the voice lines when you shoot her?

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It would make sense yeah! But you know, it happens in french song a lot, like in the english ones, like “He don’t " she want”, they don’t put the S so it’s nicer to listen?

I’ll go back to listent to it, you could be right, thank you!

I went back and there is more I didn’t hear, thank’s for asking =) , and I eddited the first post for that:

When attacked

Cessez s’il vous plaît! Please stop!
Les armes sont interdites ici! Weapons are forbidden here!
Si vous continuez comme ça; nous allons devoir vous demander de partir! If you keep doing this, we’ll have to ask you to leave!
Allez vous battre dehors! Go fight outside!
Mais enfin…! What…!
Comment osez-vous? How dare you?
Sortez! Leave!
Arrêtez ça! Stop this!
Sécurité! Security!

There are voicelines addressed to a female now (ma chère/charmante) the only ones I heard thrusdays were all adressed to a male patron (mon cher/charmant) even when I was listening with Widow .

Qu’aimeriez-vous entendre ma chère? What would you like to hear my dear? (my dear is feminine there)
Comme vous êtes charmante! (Laughs) you’re so charming!

Some I didn’t hear the first time :

Et maintenant, une de mes chansons préférées And now one of my favorite song.


Sounds like Widowmaker. Thanks for the translation! Hoping to see the map soon.

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It always baffles me how extensive their detailing is! I can’t wait for the map in game. I can’t try it out cause I’m a console pleb :frowning:

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I agree, the map is just gorgeous, it’s totally the idealised version of Paris in one map, (makes me want to watch Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain again now!) with all the clichés and even the sounds of the police cars in the background, that’s perfect, and as a french, I love it!

And new voiceline my friends :

Vous êtes au Cabaret Luna. Et oui, Luna, c’est moi. Bienvenue à vous. This is Luna’s Cabaret. And yes, I am Luna. Welcome.

I listen to it a few times, it’s “n’éprouvont”.

But now I have a hard time figuring this one out :

On perd dans leurs yeux pour pleurer.
Opère dans leurs yeux pour pleurer.

On perd : (we) loose
Opère : act - work - execute something

That would mean either We loose in their eyes to cry or Work in their eyes to cry…. And both sound weird, I don’t get what she is trying to say?

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It’s weird that it’s n’éprouvont, éprouver doesn’t have a tense where it’s conjugated like this.
As for the “on perd/opère dans leurs yeux pour pleurer”, it doesn’t make any sense. It should be “on se perd” (we get lost).

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Totally agree. But the n"éprouvont" is for the “liaison” to make the “t” stand out, so it sounds nicer to the ear. I know I heard this mistake on other songs, just like in english songs they don’t always put the s “she know” “he don’t”, I’ve heard it multiple times.

The opère/on perd line : totally agree again, “on se perd”, “perdu”, whatever they want, but just “on perd” doesn’t make sense :x

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En amour je joue pour gagner.
On perd dans leurs yeux pour pleurer.
In love I play to win
We lose in their eyes to cry

I think she says “Aux perdants leurs yeux pour pleurer”
Which would mean “(all that) Losers have (is) their eyes to cry with” in the sense that, once they “lost” at the game of love (to her), once she’s taken everything from her partners/victims all they have left is their eyes and all they can do is cry about it.
Hard to translate word for word in english.

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OMG you’re so right!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your input, that’s perfect and it make so much more sense!! That’s why I wanted to share this on the forums, because sometimes, people can get other ideas/point of view and that’s exactly what you did, thank you!!

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Together we are strong :3

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Time to pump that thread up since Paris is there :wink: Hope there will be some cool voicelines with some heroes soon - within each other or with Luna =)

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Oh, that makes so much sense!

I just hear a new voiceline on the PTR from Luna :

Tout le monde est bienvenu au cabaret Luna. Loin des oppresseurs qui voudraient nous réduire au silence. Ici, vous pouvez être vous même.

Everyone is welcome to Cabaret Luna. Away from the oppressors who’d like to reduce us to silence. You can be yourself here.

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This voiceline was added when Baptiste hit the PTR. I’ve looked at the game files and it’s the only new voiceline she has.
She has 78 lines (including this new one) and among them 13 (unused) interactions with heroes. Devs said they had her side of the interactions done and were waiting on the heroes’ VAs to record their parts to add them to Paris.

This line is great because it hints at Luna being more than a Cabaret owner. She makes it sound like she’s active in the revolution when she says “silence US”.

We knew the cabaret was a haven for omnics but it looks like Luna herself could be really involved in this underground revolution.

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Is there a place where I can view them all or are all those listed here?