EXPLORE PARIS. (Possible hero 30 hint hidden on the map) (Found unreachable area)

That would take a jedi master in piano to guess every single key

Just some food for thought: The hint mentioned speakeasies, so bars, and I remember when Paris was first on PTR that whenever the streamer I was watching went behind the bar area in the attacker spawn that he would automatically teleport back to the stage. I feel like behind the bar could be a secret bar.


That very well could be it, only problem is I think every voiceline has been spammed at the bar. I am not sure what else could trigger it

I can’t play Cadmus et hermion so if no one has done it later I will try again with a friend

Does anyone know if it was ever confirmed where Widowmaker killed Gerard and if she lived in Paris formerly?


She likely lived in Paris before as thats where she was a ballet dancer.

However we dont know if she continued to live there after Her and Gerard were wed.

Or if thats where she killed him.

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Omg I want Mama hong. I wonder if they will ever put her ingame tho.

Figured that was the case, they probably would have put a reference to his murder.

I think I will give up on the Jean, Amélie and Gerard theory for now.

I knew that Baptiste was in the hex translation.

I havent read you can translate hex to binary , then binary to english and get a phrase. Any sauce?


Guys, we have gone so off topic here…
Let’s keep this strictly to exploring the map.

There could be clues in the letter or something else that relate to the map, it’s just being thorough.

I don’t understand?
Murat is not a french word, it’s a turquish last name

Have you tried to kill someone as widow and see if her killing line opens something?

This may has nothing to do with the secret room, but isn’t weird that this woman doesn’t hold a bag even tho her arm position is the position of someone who is holding a bag?

Thats how you hold a bag? poor bag

Like dis


It’s weird to stand like this without a handbag. Especially while modeling for a handbags shop.

Honey its called modeling

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Maybe she is just a bit stiff? Needs some WD40?


Not yet, soldier 76 might be a good option with the 76 keys?