Every rework has been a failure

Passive rework (soul orbs)

A passive change isn’t a rework at all.

Yes that counts as reworking the way a characters passive works. It might not be a big and flashy change but that does fall under the rework category due to it being changed completely.

Honestly, thank goodness I explained it right hahaha. I thought I was the only one who felt like that. I still mesh very well with D.Va’s playstyle and I definitely think she’s very viable (even though the booster nerf was arguably unnecessary). It’s just. It feels like they put less effort into making her cohesive than other reworked heroes. And while self destructing for a new mech is viable, I think it’s stupid and something should be changed so her ult is… An ult and not a 4+ second full heal that you can just die during.

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Mercy and Hanzo reworks were good. Sym’s rework is probably one of the worst ever. Her tele is now almost useless and use ultimate is one big wall which is pretty underwhelming.

And she still has some demeching bugs that for whatever reason they don’t want to work on at all (mostly talking about dead mech healing and pack stealing)

I get that they can get busy, but this is something they could’ve attempted to correct over her 6-7 changes lol. Oh well.

I honestly despise how non-chalantly the devs do and parts of the community suggest reworks.

Some of them have completely altered how the hero plays and screwed over players that had a ton of fun with the original playstyle. However, revert it and you screw over those that prefer the new version.

Sure, sometimes it’s necessary but Blizzard goes overboard with it and i hate to have to worry about which hero gets ruined next.

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D.Va’s has worked out in the end, it’s just a shame she’s countered so hard by brig.

Sym 3.0 seems alright, all she requires is a few tweaks.

And besides, what classes as a failure.

Mass rez was removed to make mercy more involved in fights. Look what happened.

Sombra’s was done to make her more viable - it worked.

I’ll still take storm arrow over volley any day.

Sym 2.0 was objectively an improvement. Everything about her was better than Sym 1.0.

Sym 3.0 is probably an improvement, but needs some tweaks to make her truly viable.

I actually enjoy playing reworked mercy more than mass res even after the nerfs. I think it’s a success.

No criticism. I don’t truly have an opinion about this.

Honest question.
Should Bastion have remained with pre-nerf “ironclad” that made him immune to dying to all damage ultimate’s cast on him?

Except Dva was meta defining alongside Mercy until Brig showed up and Reaper is still in **** tier.

I Mean… The reason that was even possible, was that (Nano Boost, Damage reduction?) Was uncapped, basically… It was later capped.

I don’t remember all of the numbers, but… As a Bastion main, my opinion will always be that the best version of Bastion, was before the “Reword” At all.

The official Release version.

I Hope you can find all the possible details you could ever need about Bastion, Here: [💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored]

(I Can’t remember them all…)

Sym - Only her primary is garbo, the rest encourages a more active but still defensive and thought out play style. I wouldn’t say it failed.

Mercy - The right idea was there, but the execution horrible, so yeah. Failure.

Sombra - Wouldn’t Sombra 2.0 be the post-buff Sombra that only lasted a few weeks? She was fine. That wasn’t a failed rework. This Sombra 3.0 that’s on the PTR is though.

Hanzo - Again, good ideas but poor execution. A repeating trend with Blizz it seems.

ya i dont like the new sym loosing 3 rays and the shield gen not a fan and giving her a huge wall WTF is up with that who even thought of that???

Lucio, who isnt even considered a healer anymore.

Some of those might be right, some are only right in some people’s eyes, others are wrong.

I agree with a few though👌

Every rework has been a step in the right direction. They neither failed or fully succeeded.

The glass is 50% water/50% empty but you’re saying it’s 100% empty. Calm down my cynical dude.


lol what? No she didn’t. Changing DM to a resource thing and tweaking that a few times or adding a skill without replacing or actually, reworking, something is not a rework. Sombra’s had a lot of actual mechanics for her get changed and Hanzo has had a move actually replaced entirely. Already making his changes more significant.

Roadhog too, they messed up his rework so bad that people don’t even REMEMBER him.