Every rework has been a failure

You forgot Lucio.
Was a nice hero, with an useful mobility.
Now he feel slow, very slow. And you can’t use the mobility anymore cuz the area of effect is now so tiny…

You have the most mobile hero who can’t move… Dat logic.

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Agreed. Reworks aren’t fun for the game.

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Actually my biggest complaint about new Sym isn’t that her Left click no longer locks on. It’s that it’s so weak that even at optimal range, hell in many cases even when right in front of a damn barrier, Right click is always the better option.

and I can’t wait for the Sombra changes. I think she’ll be great.

Nah the reworks were needed and for the most part well executed. Hope you can still enjoy the game OP

Hanzo got two abilities though with one removed, plus changes to his projectile speed and perhaps even to his sonar arrow. Now he’s even had changes to the Strom arrow. DVA has had a lot of work on her but stricly talking about reworking (ability changing) Hanzo still has had more than her.

I remember they add MM for the Matrix and LMB nerf. But not say this is a rework.

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The devs dont understand their own game anymore and are therefore unable to balance it. They have no idea what they are doing and it seems to me that everything is alright for them as long as the OWL is working out. This game isnt for everyone anymore it is made for a handfull of guys who bring Blizzard money.


I agree that every rework has been a failure and has made the game worse in some fashion. From Hanzo killing everything and being unkillable, to Bastion failing at his one job (tank-busting), to DVA being an assassin instead of a tank. All that were needed were slight changes to existing properties. Blizzard opened the flood gates with Symmetra and is now too rework-happy.

Second worst. Bastion still has a team composition centered around him, dubbed Pirate ship (and “protect the president” to an extent). Plus, at least Bastion was good at some point in time. Sombra has always been bad and is about get worse.
I digress though.


Sombra is the worse character, I would agree. But her rework isn’t done, so it’s hard for me to consider it a failure. She is getting something Bastion hasn’t had in a long time. Attention.

At least they are looking into Sombra, and in till it’s released I wouldn’t consider Sombra “rework” a failure.

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With the exception of Sombra I think the rework you listed have all been varying degrees of success. They may not have been balanced all that well initially, but the skill reworks and adjustments to the heroes play style have largely been a positive.

Even Sym 2.0 wasn’t bad . Just way too niche.

Sym 3.0 is still kind of up in the air on how she is going to turn out.

With Sombra it seems they just can’t figure out what they want her to be.

Sym - I enjoy playing her much more. Less frustrating to play against.
Mercy - Team rez made Mercy stronger, but still think she is better now
Sombra - I don’t play her.
Hanzo - He is MUCH better then before, no longer do I think “Ugg, a lucky scatter arrow got me”

I would change some minor things with the heroes as they are, but they are in a better spot right now.

From what I remember, both Hanzo and Bastion’s reworks have been complete successes, so much so in fact that both have seen nerf after nerf to adjust their high power level.
The intention of a rework is to make a hero more viable, weather it be by increasing the strengths they have, or mitigating their weaknesses. In rare cases, like Hanzo and Symmetra, changes to the hero’s kit overall are made to make them more viable all around.
Every change made to a hero is debatable, but I feel it’s incorrect to speak in absolutes when pertaining to all heroes reworks over the game’s lifespan.

If Mercy was an overall improvement then there wouldn’t be a need for megathreads to silence the complaints and criticism still several months later :stuck_out_tongue:.

D.Va is a debatable one.


Sym 2.0 was just a buff, really. Sym 3.0 was 100% a failure. They literally made her worse.

Mercy and Hanzo are good reworks gameplay-wise, just overpowered.

As you said, all of that is subject to opinion.

In my opinion, hell no she isn’t more fun to play.

No, it didn’t. Cooldown Rez is stronger than Team Rez in almost every way.

Have I missed something?

Your opinion =/= truth.

We can’t know yet.

Your opinion. I like the result of the rework.

Not even out yet, so you can’t say this.

I prefer this Honzo to the old one. He can still be fixed so I don’t see this as a failure.

Your opinion =/= truth.

That’s pretty much the response to your post.

One more time!!

Your opinion =/= truth.

I’m glad we got this straightened out.

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That’s not true. People can not like a character even if the change made them better.