Every rework has been a failure

Your every post have been a failure too :confused:
So sorry about that… :frowning:

This is exactly how I feel. Nothing in her kit synergizes with anything else, she has no gameplay “flow” so everything feels sloppy. Furthermore, she’s the only hero in the game that has to use every single last one of her cool downs, plus her melee attack, plus her primary weapon just to kill a Squishy.

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Um…any major change to a character’s kit and how it operates is a rework dude. D.va has been reworked more than once lol.

Hanzo is played more often now and the players that pick him are less insulted so it’s not a total failure.

I don’t like it when the same dps are chosen considering how many of them are available. Even if Doomfist or Hanzo drive me crazy in comp currently, it’s good to see them being played.

There was a time Genji / Tracer were the only dps we could see in comp. Now it’s more diverse.

But I agree that Hanzo’s rework is a failure in terms of balance. Blizzard has issues reworking heroes without making them OP or underpowered.

Sombra and Sym are still not good enough :confused: !

If we’re counting changes that had a significant impact on D.Va’s playstyle, we’re on D.Va 6.5. Approximately.

Both D.VAs and Mercies definitely we’re not.

Mercy was turned into a meta-monster for 6 months and is still extremely strong despite being nerfed eight times. I’d say if a rework makes a hero shoot up to the top, there’s something wrong. Like putting the most powerful ability in the game on a cooldown?

D.Va isn’t as bad, but if Brig wasn’t brought into the game, how much do you want to bet she and Winston would be reigning supreme? So much damage and mobility. Arguably, she isn’t as bad as the result of other reworks (Hanzo) but, still.

Also seeing the amount of people frustrated with Bastion makes me extremely sad. It’s so obvious he needs to be looked at, and yet the devs choose to say nothing. It’s been too long - he needs a change, he needs buffs.

Please dont buff bastion. Please.

I thought he meant that it made the characters bad in some way, which I foudn to be untrue. Although I can agree that Mercy is just too good atm, a simple change to make mercy’s heals ramp up would probably fix her.

All the reworks, has in some way balanced the game, if sym wasn’t changed, Brig and Sym, would make Tracer and Genji unplayable in one way or another, if you consider the lock on sym had, multiple sentries and shield gen.

Sombra has become more accessible to almost all players to pick up, simplicity with still depth, she got additional buffs, devs are being patient on hearing everyones opinion, she will be adjusted or tweaked accordingly, but in small updates, in order to preserve balance of the game.

Mercy was always fun, her changes feels more balanced now, she isn’t over powered but due to changes other heroes has more potential to be viable now.

Hanzo scatter was given enough time to all players to voice their opinions and adapt, but if his scatter stayed would of made other heroes unviable, the storm arrow is at least more balanced compared to scatter, though scatter could come in another version, possibly on another hero but with less projectiles.

I believe it was overall success, considering the reworks have more options when it comes to adjusting so tweaking them won’t make some abilities completely useless, not to mention they added new abilities for each hero.

This is my opinion, considering the Devs have worked on this game longer than we have ever played it, they know what they’re doing, and they are listening to everyone.

We are also reaching a very pivotal point in the game life cycle that as they are introducing more maps, heroes and abilities, the devs do and are taking adequate time to properly adjust all heroes, in their own pace when you consider looking at the game as a whole in all perspectives. It’s not easy balancing games or developing all these heroes, all they ask is patience, they aren’t bots who can work 24hrs a day, they need rest and time, it’s understandable that so many 40million people all over world are playing, they can only do so much in a day, they have families to care for, their own well being, they care more than anyone else can imagine.

This game is a blessing by the years of hard work these Devs, Artist, Staff, Voice Actors, Casters, ect. who are going above, and beyond to please everyone, to even support the players, streamers with careers, they don’t have to, but they are trying their best to make the game best it can be. Give 'em time all they ask.

Bastion is absolute garbage right now. One of the worst heroes in the game - only way he succeeds is by relying on a tank.

I mean, Mercy’s healing has never been a problem since it got buffed by 10. Her numbers, and her viability, have shot up ever since her rework - because her weaknesses (lack of self-sustained mobility, interruptable regen, single target healing) got removed with it.

Literally no weakness.

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I think D.Va has been the only successful rework.

Mercy was an abject failure, she’s overpowered but there’s nothing left in her kit to really nerf without just breaking her entirely and leaving her with no gameplay at all.

Roadhog was hardly a success. He’s less frustrating to play again, but that’s because he’s terrible.

Symmetra has been a failure at every turn.

Bastion was a failure.

Reaper is still deeply questionable, there were clear merits to soul orbs using Wraith form to collect them up, but then the self healing isn’t bad but he’s still a bad hero.

Sombra wasn’t even good for the two weeks she was supposedly meta defining.

Ana was a failure.

Hanzo is ridiculous now. Failure and probably the same problems as Mercy, hard to nerf and rebalance without gutting his entire kit and playstyle.

Mei is a failure.

So, yeah. More fails than success, by quite a margin.

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Why the heck are so many people upvoting this. Such a negative post, and it’s clearly not even true.

Have ALL reworks gone well? NO

Are they all game breaking and terrible? NO

It’s not that dramatic though guys come on.

“I’m not hearing that noise!”


SHes still overpowered. Not as much as she used to be, but Ana and Moira would need huge buffs to comPete with her. If that happens, people will just win quad support with all 3 and a zen

Hanzo and mercy reworks broke the game and continue to break the game. Of course people are upset.

It wouldn’t be an issue if they balanced faster. Mercy has been broken for a year. It’s unacceptable. It will kill the game.

It’s so close to a great game but if they keep the easiest hero’s drastically OP then it will die soon

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I enjoyed Symmetra 2.0. I’d kill for them to revert her but maybe keep the turret firing mechanic.

I will give you that they don’t balance fast enough, but they definitely didn’t break the game. That’s overly dramatic is all I’m saying.

Made the game in a bad spot or remove fun and fairness I’ll give you.

Did people just,forget Lucio’s rework? I personally LOVED that rework, though I guess people might disagree. D.va’s rework wasn’t all that bad either - IMO - and Bastion’s was,ehhhhh. I like the Sym rework, too, so in my opinion around half of the reworks were successes while the others were “failures”. They were meant to make the characters better, so in some ways the vast majority of them were actually quite great in the long run, great used loosely when it comes to the op results. Not to mention the kind of rework with Reaper which I found to be better. Roadhog’s, on the other hand, is still shaky.

TBH, The lucio rework brought confusion still to this day too. He’s more fun to play ever since the rework but he’s become a worse healer due to the radius nerf. Even if you CAN heal more after the rework it isn’t on average as good as how much of a zone you could heal before which kept the whole group healing. Now you’ll get a few and if you can heal everyone you are Zarya grav bait.

I simply don’t believe that he’s really all that much worse anymore with the buff to his healing overall in exchange for the lower range. Sure, there might be less healing - I really don’t know - but he now makes up for it with better single target healing, damage output, and mobility while also being encouraged to be in the thick of things rather than the old lucio.