Every anti-Sym buff comment summed up

2 Tracer/Genji
2 Zenyatta
1 Lucio
1 Symmetra

This was the god comp team IDDQD ran(modern day Dallas Fuel +(rip) Internethulk, Tviq, and Mendokusaii.

At the time Zen orbs never disappeared and sym had 50shields. Lucio also had 30m range on his auras.

its official after all its from the playoverwatch youtube channel maybe it was closed beta or even before that

Like to say it was intended

I want a revert please

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no, none of those, I want to know your suggestion on how to rework/change her kit if you dislike redistributing her damage values

Is anyone genuinely actually against Sym buffs?

she already lost 30dps per second from her turrets.

So simple increase the base damage of primary to say 80dps. Reduce the charge time for each ramp by 0.5 seconds and we’re good.

And tick rate.

wdym “and tick rate”?

If you’re not aware of the “tick rate” problem, I suggest you take Symmetra into a custom game and test her damage potential vs enemies with armor.


Her biggest issue right now is her primary fire. Something needs to be done about it. Clearly they decided to go with it to combat the “no aim” complaints, but it doesn’t fit the rest of her kit at all.

  • Her turrets are OP
  • Now she takes skill, no more ez kills
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Kek requies the same absurdly high level of gamesense, now just needs stupidly high accuracy as well.

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My favourite in game insult is “Symmetra, switch, we need more damage!”

Game ends with me getting POTG with four gold medals.

Sure, Jan

i like 3.0 more than 2.0, but really, i’d remove the ramp up mechanic entirely. It made sense for 2.0 autolock beam, but for a beam you actually have to aim is a crutch that holds it back. Especially when you need 4 seconds of 100% perfect tracking to get the best dps. When you factor in 10 ammo per second…
It takes an average of 6-7 seconds to get to level 3 beam and at that point you have depleted your ammo and still doing subpar damage thanks to the awful tickrate and beam hitbox.

“Just shoot the shields” people say, except that if you are doing that you are not shooting baddies and 4 seconds are A LOT in a game like ow. Doesn’t help you have to be close to shoot shields with your primary and shields aren’t usually unattended.

Really, just get rid of the ramp up mechanic and choose a fix dps.

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Bravo :clap: :bouquet:

… babysitting turret? I don’t know how you played your Torb but a lot of those old one tricks I saw for Torb made sure that turret was level 2 and then they played Torb like a Tank Buster and front line DPS basically as he is now but worse. It hasn’t shifted that much for people who were trying to maximize torb just those who used him as easy camping defence power.

Maybe they could increase the tick rate frequency when firing on shields, this would fit with the kit as her being a shield buster, taking down shields more quickly, and be a real threat to the people behind them when the shield does fall.

That makes perfect sense to me. Or 50 per cent more damage against shields. Some sort of benefit other than slowly regening ammo.