Event = the amount of Cheaters explode

I’m not great by any stretch of the imagination, but on console you start seeing consistent MNK in high plat, but once in +Diamond it is virtually every match.

I’ve met so many players who openly admit to it and frankly it’s sickening. Many of these players can jump 1-2 ranks with this mechanical advantage. Which is quite significant when you consider they are jumping into the top 10% of all players (literally Plat to Diamond is a massive jump in community percentage breakdown).


I’d say that’s not a lot of cheaters because let’s say Overwatch has 2 million players, I personally think it’s more, but let’s just say 2 million, that’s only 0,9%. Not much if you ask me. Definitionally not as much as OP describes. Sure that’s only the accounts that got caught, well let’s double it then: 1,8%. Still not a lot.


Iv’e seen 7 or 8 100% cheaters in the past 3 years. 3 of them Bap aimbotters.

There are lots of smurf accounts online at the moment, but not cheaters.

The dude literally shot himself in the foot with that link … OW has like 1.2-2M concurrent players and thats a low percentage LOL.

Also, cheater accounts can be banned even after months of not logging into the game so yeah, those bans do NOT equal = Current live used accounts so yeah.

Thanks for winning the debate for us buddy :rofl:

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People would if their replay code thread wouldn’t be delisted in one hour because its against the ToS

If you look at the korean forums, its filled with cheater replay codes because they even encourage it and the mods even “name and shame” the cheaters in a thread.

Yup and some of these accounts are not even unique players because these cheat nerds just buy a new account when they get banned or have multiple cheat accounts so the actual percentage of cheaters might even be lower again.

Like I said, he also doesn’t post replay codes on EU where he makes the same threads and where we are allowed to post replay codes as long as we don’t mention names.


but how do you manage to have a hawk eye capable of identifying a cheater in every single game? indeed, it is simply ridiculous to claim with full certainty that all of your games contained cheaters not bannable after your reporting or in each matches.

frankly … either you don’t know people who know how to aim, or you just judge by the fact that you have 15 consecutive losses. It’s for folks like you that then the game becomes tremendously call of duty style and no mechanics that require collaboration! (No collaboration needed)

when one is a loser too many times, “Maybe” he really is. :unamused::unamused::unamused:

(Ah… But surely there’s cheaters… How can I doubt on it?)

That makes sense actually I didn’t think about it that way. 24,003 seems like a lot with just that number alone but when you compare that to how many players are playing the game, you’re right, it really isn’t a lot.

Fair enough.

24,003 was the previous ban wave. The banwave from your post were 18,003.

Yeah, well the post said since May we have banned 24,003, and then it said they were targeting an additional 18,003. So 24,003 + 18,003 + how ever many haven’t been banned yet. Still isn’t a lot compared to how many players there are. You’re right

And we have to factor in the cheaters buying more accounts too, which makes it even less actual cheaters.

You are sourcing that number from where, exactly?

Because I don’t think overwatch has had close to a million people playing it at any given time since 2018.

The most players online at any given time in the last year is about 650,000.

Source: https://activeplayer.io/overwatch/

The only statistic I can find that even comes close says “6 million monthly players” and that doesn’t exclude people who log in once/twice a month just to check what’s new after patch/event updates, nor does it exclude players who have multiple accounts.

An FYI, OP counts smurfs towards cheaters so its likely 15/15 were low level accounts he identified as “smurfs”

I didn’t say concurrent players online. It’s also not relevant because those accounts from the banwave obviously aren’t either. There’s a difference between active playerbase and concurrent players online. Didn’t say 6 million either.

wow you must be very skilled, I’m getting a little wet here

Events attract older players to return.

Because they haven’t played in a bit, their MMR has likely decayed, meaning people significantly better than you are more likely to show up in your games.

Just because you lost doesn’t mean someone’s cheating.

Mixing concurrent with MAUs basically
Also like lethal pointed, the cheater accounts can and mostly will likely not be live/concurrent and whats worse, not UNIQUE so yeah … very low percentage.

Hey, baby, I scored an 86% hook accuracy game earlier today.

lmao no their not, read the ToS again

Forum Moderator Note: It is, however, against the Code of Conduct as it is considered harassment.

i would believe

because they said sus