Event = the amount of Cheaters explode

What? No, I’m pretty sure that they are just speaking from experience.

I myself haven’t run into a cheater for hundreds of games, so to hear you claim that 14/15 games you play had a cheater in them seems statistically impossible.

I’m no huge fan of Occam’s Razor, but honestly what seems more likely? That many people including myself have played countless games without any cheaters but you ran into 14 almost in a row, or that you are making this up to make yourself feel better/troll the forums?

Not everyone who is better than you is a cheater.

Get over it.

You cannot provide their name, but simply posting a reply say hey the widow is cheating. is not against the rules.

I literally got accused of aim botting as Mercy of all characters… All because I was popping off shortly after archives, where I played 60 hours of bots to battle Mercy most of it.

People are so fast to think someone is cheating all because they play well in a match.

I’ve seen 4 total hackers in OW and only had suspicions of less than a handful of people otherwise. I know not all hacks are meant to be obvious, so I’ve caught on how to see the more subtle ticks and rarely ever see it. I’ve played since release.

there are so many cheaters.

but 1/2 of them are server-side game-engine backed aim-assisted washed garbs.

it’s called dda and they have some patents on rigging ppls aim, i/o, and cd prioritzation. favour the under-performer actually. and favour mrs.missalot bcuz well we like that kind of voice to be represented.

so during event u get washed diamonds logging in and not cutting the cake so the game rigs their aim breakpoints and hitbox regs. all part of the play nice play fair where every1 is gets a turn on the winners podium because all they hire at blizz are irl outcasts.

feel free to prove the patents wrong with some orange text that says they 100% don’t rig ppls matches, not just in terms of matchmaking but in terms of in-game params. it’s not a meritocracy.

gotta include them all ™


Cheaters? Not really though I am sure they exist, even in QP and the like people with Aim bots are not uncommon. Aim bots or Smurfs, they happen. Not “often” by modern day gaming standards but I am sure at least a few people a month make you think they cheated after they landed 5 head shots in a row or fired an entire Soldier clip without missing a bullet at 30m away.

That said throwers, trolls and AFK farmers yes. Afk Torb bots used to farm loot boxes is very common in the events, especially the Junkenstien one. They put down a turret and sit in the corner firing a shot every 30 seconds or so to stay in game. Some even scripted to fire his Ult straight up in the air…

posting replay codes isn’t against the TOS… … you could even just post them and say “cheater in this game” and see if people can figure it out.

Cheating is a problem in every single online game out there, for sure… but 14 out of 15 is pretty unlikely unless you were in a low pop queue and kept getting the SAME cheater.


i would like to see how many cheaters op has reported broken down by team side. i wonder if it would look like this:
cheaters on enemy team: 100+
cheaters on op team: 0

At the Same time, event brings back 5 stacks without comms. Stopped after the 3rd loss in a row. I guess it’s my fault for playing at night.

Oh those casuals are back in force.

how is cheat denying when everyone here also plays the game and prob didn’t even got a single game with a cheater and you say that 14 of your matches had cheater , yep pretty believable.

It’s not against ToS, it’s only against ToS to call out certain players in a replay code. So let us see :slight_smile:

In my 5 years of playing Overwatch, I have only seen 1 full cheater, they used wall hacks to know where I was going while there wasnt a widow on the team.

And I was playing sombra at the time

You hear how crazy this sounds, you guys who are trying to claim rigging are as bad, if not worse than flat earthers


I dont subscribe to conspiracy theories thanks.

Feel free to actually provide proof instead of “I’ve read somewhere that …” because we can all do that and word is cheap.

Cheats have gotten so good they are barely noticable, so most people still think “there are no cheaters in the game”.

Keep posting OP, there is no other way to raise awareness than just remind of the problem. Maybe one day they will start suspecting something. When the enemy Ana will land a 180 airshot Sleep on an ulting Genji in their Silver game lol.


That’s an interesting thought, because that’s exactly how valve started handling the process for CS:GO.

For those that aren’t familiar: Valve created a system (called Overwatch, amusingly) that rates certain categories of players based on how the system evaluates their legitimacy.

It is based on a combination of how often they get reported by other users + how often some sort of deep-learning AI system flags stuff they do (for example, if they frequently go towards where the other players are hiding even with no logical reason for doing so).

So somebody who piled up a lot of “sketchy” plays that weren’t conclusive enough to result in an actual ban would still get funneled away from the high-quality legit matches and would be significantly more likely to play against other suspicious players.

If overwatch’s system uses a similar passive monitor and/or a suspiciousness tiering system, it would definitely explain why some people insist there are a lot of cheaters and others insist the exact opposite.

Nothing in those patents describes what you are talking about at all. The language sounds entirely like it is referring to PvE gameplay vs. AI controlled opponents.

That doesn’t mean it’s not possible, but it seems very unlikely, since it would offer little or no benefit for improving player retention/satisfaction and would risk an enormous scandal if hard evidence ever demonstrated that a set of background algorithms was secretly rigging a supposedly “competitive skill-based environment”.

I wouldn’t be surprised if matchmaking for call-of-duty uses those patents for exactly the reason you think, but Overwatch has too much invested in the existence of competitive gameplay.

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For anyone denying that Overwatch has a major cheater problem here you go: Overwatch Bans: August 2021 Update

That post was from a couple of months ago. Straight out of the Community Managers mouth. What do y’all cheater deniers got to say about it now?


At least PC OW can detect in game cheats.

Us console players are literally helpless against the XIM using MNKers out there.

I wouldn’t say helpless. Those players are usually super boosted and therefore pretty easy to deal with. At least at my ranks. Maybe in grandmaster being an honest player gets you nowhere.