Event = the amount of Cheaters explode

In the entire time since beta that I’ve been playing OW I’ve met two 100% genuine cheaters.

People are FAR too fast to point the cheater finger than admit they were either outplayed or they themselves messed up.

OP has no replay codes to post. That’s the only reason they won’t post them.

highly likely there were no actual cheaters that use aimbots/wallhacks but 15 low lv accounts that were better than him. OP calls every smurf a cheater even if you dont know if they are an actual smurf or alt

One of the two cheaters I came across were banned during the match


( Can’t post links sry )

Played about 15-20 matches last night and only encountered one person that was wall hacking, and he was pretty blatant about it as you could see him tracking players through walls on kill cams. (Thry had no Widow or Hanzo).



When you’ve used cheats yourself in other games many years ago, and even coded some yourself for single player games, you know what to look out for and it makes it easier to identify things

like other people have said, you’re not dealing with rage hackers in 99% of cases, these are sophisticated AI driven aimbots programmed to look human, they jitter, they miss on purpose, but if you know what to look for, they are as plain as the nose on your face

i can’t teach you to see it, i can’t convince you if you already disbelieve, but i can raise awareness…

cheating in this game is just as prevalent if not more so than any other shooter

and it being a popular game makes the cheats more sophisticated because they can charge higher prices for them

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honestly it still seems ridiculous to say that for 15 consecutive games you found at least ONE cheater in each game. it assumes that there should be just as many people behind it so good and crafty that they know 1 where to find the cheat programs or 2 have confirmation that they can use it 100% safe.

and then I think that with the current popularity that OW has (very low) cheating is more likely to be found in trending games where you can brag online. but even if i’m wrong, which is much, much more common than i think … honestly i’m hard to find cheaters in all 15 games. either you are a genius who knows the truth of this persistent conspiracy or you start to have a certain paranoia about what is cheat and what is not, until you excise any good independent result if real.

cheating must be fought especially in system anomalies, not in the eyes in all cases. blizzard could invest better in hiring a more precise anti-cheating system (see the latest warzon anti-cheating news for CoD) but assume it doesn’t work after 15 games because the service is bad and the cheating program is better … then tell me that the earth is flat only on your side of the world, forgive me the comparison.

I believe you what you say, simply because I am quite aware that I am ignorant, but we can also admit that a certain frenzy of “there is a cheat” in 15 cases out of 15 is less realistic than a "probably in 15 games 7-10 they had cheating ".

Provide at least some details?
How do you think they were cheating?
What led you to believe they were cheating?

It’s always baffling that people believe Overwatch is the only online FPS game not completely infested with cheaters. Like it is so much more difficult to go to google and type Overwatch cheats than any other game. The only different between Overwatch and other games is that the other games will tell you how many people they ban at regular intervals. Either Blizzard just doesn’t tell us or they simply don’t ban all the people that are cheating.

Best to not take video gaming too seriously because there is no integrity among the players. Maybe if you are playing in custom lobbies where you know all participants you can have some reassurance that all the players are legitimate, but otherwise there is no reason to believe any match was legit.

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just uninstalled the game. Again a cheater, extremely clear. Not even hiding it. Second game in a row against this widow.

I’m done.

Done with WOW, done with OW. Just done. Next.


[Edited by Blizzard]

The widow: I had the opportunity to look at his profile before he made it private, 29 kills per 10 minutes and 56% crit accuracy. At the end of the game he had a 60% crit accuracy card.

Forum Moderator Note: We do not allow public callouts, including replay codes if it’s being used to demonstrate a suspected bot.

I was called a cheater today at least 6 times of 20 games, saying thanks for skill recognition as a reply.

That dude plays the same with ult vision and without it.
Also if you put on 0.25 speed you can see he moves the mouse in the direction of the head like a normal flick, but then it micro adjusts just when it hits. Sometimes on V shapes.

Looks like a soft triggerbot, at least for half the match.

It’s pretty clear that it’s not legit: OWL hitscan specialists, people that get paid to play this game at the highest level, don’t have those kind of stats (the best of the best have around 30% crit accuracy), also his aim doesnt justify the result. His aim is subpar at best, he makes illogical movements before taking a shot like he doesnt know how to move a mouse properly, and yet he still lands those shots.
Funny thing about this whole ordeal? Him saying “sit” to me and the other dps. While aimbotting.

All FPS games have cheaters

You should probably thank the broken MM for favoring you instead, if the skill difference is so high.

cHeAt dEnIerS
bro wdym. we deny stuff that has little evidence. thats how arguments are? but your right, it is against tos. but when its something like cheating, im sure the mods are alright with getting these people banned. and blizzards anticheat is incredibly good. if you can cheat on ow, id love to know how. (im joking. dont cheat its weird)

Depends on rank region high sr games are notorious for cheaters especially subtle ones.

Also some regions have more than others.

Never said otherwise, but the impact of an aimbot is way way way way way higher in other games than in OW, and thats one of the reasons why OW might be the one with less cheaters.

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I got called a smurf for killing 3 guys afk

I don’t know what to say about that

AKA you don’t have any. I’ve been on here daily for months and I’ve never seen one of you guys post a replay code that has an actual hacker in it. It literally always gets debunked. People severely overestimate the prevalence of cheating and are now over-vigilant which leads to bad reads nonstop.