DVA, Winston & Hammond will get upgrades in OW2

I’m more curious with what they are going to do with Sigma, since he is both a great off tank and sometimes do the job of a main tank

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Let’s say Masters/GM is roughly 3% of the players
About 15% of that is tanks
About 10% of that is Hammond players
About half of that would be upset about the changes
And about half of that would quit

3*.15*.1*.5*.5 = 0.011%

Would it really be so tragic to lose 0.011% of the playerbase?

Death was always mandatory, unless your team are a group of gods that can physically remove the enemy team from the objective long enough to win

I am interested in that as well. People want his barrier gone, but the dude just isn’t built for that.

Maybe the April fools thing was an insight into their plans, making him more mobile and focused on his “gravity” motif

Yeah they say upgrades, but I’m not buying it. I’m expecting tepid buffs combined with nerfs.

So it’s fine to delete heroes as long as they have a lower playerbase compared to the rest of their role?

Lets erase:

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Untrue. Death and feeding could be averted, or at least minimized, with careful play. That’s true in games where defenses is good. What I mean by “mandatory death” is something like “Doomfist WILL die when he dives the healer” and not “Doomfist MAY die when he dives the healer”.

Its the same with feeding. You can get shot and give ult charge, but straight up feeding can be averted and minimized. In OW2, it seems like everyone will always be feeding and going back to spawn constantly with no additional strategy.

Fixing queue times is all about getting the most players and losing the fewest.

And there are no options that lose zero players.

If you can’t be comfortable with the idea of losing some, then you aren’t seriously trying to solve the issue.

Look at the tank queue times today, do you really think that the actual tanks are that popular and appealing? Lmao

A lot of my friends are locked in the rein jail just because they are too much afraid of the hate they will get from trying to play another tank

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I’ve probably spent about 600 hours on the issue of fixing queue times and increasing Tank popularity.

I miss any "Tanks from FPS games"?

Heck, I was talking about fixing queue times since before Role Queue was even announced.

✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept

And? It is still dumb to make all tanks go towards being shield bot’s or Zarya clones, variety is what make’s Overwatch fun

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It may seem like that way with a negative look, but I assure the strategy will be there

You may die more often in a faster paced game, but that doesn’t mean it’s just going to be running in there and getting yourself killed. If you want to win, you need strategy, and that’s always been the case in those faster paced games.

Well, if they can find a way to make it so Hammond isn’t an extreme throw pick for 95% of the players.


If they can’t, fixing role queue is more important than an individual hero.

We don’t balance the game around gold, we balance the game around people who atleast know where the objective is. Hammond work’s fine in 3500+

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Genuinely don’t care if they lose half the Hammond players in Masters/GM, it’s that’s what it takes to fix the issue.

You’re really talking about a very small portion of the playerbase.

You’re not trying to fix anything here, you just blindly hate hammond. One of the most played heroes in higher elos is hammond, he is complex and rewarding

No need to be mad if people in plat can’t play him right, they can’t play widow/tracer/genji/ana/zennyatta too

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You’re not trying to fix things either.

You’re just stating that the enjoyment of players outside of Masters/GM doesn’t matter.

People like that can quit as far as I’m concerned.

They matter, but just because a plat player can’t play around zenny, we are just going to delete him since he’s not played very often in lower elos? Tortured logic

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You don’t use logic to balance, you just know what you like and what you don’t like. I feel great knowing that the balance team don’t hear people like you

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Like I said above, a lack of damage, or in this case, a lack of healing, can be supplemented. Easily.

That’s not true with a lack of tanking.

That said, to me “fixing the issue” would be finding a way to lower Hammond’s skill floor, or make coordinating with him more obvious to teammates.

If they can’t do that, then he’s just an obstacle in the way of a more important issue.