Let’s say Masters/GM is roughly 3% of the players
About 15% of that is tanks
About 10% of that is Hammond players
About half of that would be upset about the changes
And about half of that would quit
3*.15*.1*.5*.5 = 0.011%
Would it really be so tragic to lose 0.011% of the playerbase?
Untrue. Death and feeding could be averted, or at least minimized, with careful play. That’s true in games where defenses is good. What I mean by “mandatory death” is something like “Doomfist WILL die when he dives the healer” and not “Doomfist MAY die when he dives the healer”.
Its the same with feeding. You can get shot and give ult charge, but straight up feeding can be averted and minimized. In OW2, it seems like everyone will always be feeding and going back to spawn constantly with no additional strategy.
It may seem like that way with a negative look, but I assure the strategy will be there
You may die more often in a faster paced game, but that doesn’t mean it’s just going to be running in there and getting yourself killed. If you want to win, you need strategy, and that’s always been the case in those faster paced games.
You’re not trying to fix anything here, you just blindly hate hammond. One of the most played heroes in higher elos is hammond, he is complex and rewarding
No need to be mad if people in plat can’t play him right, they can’t play widow/tracer/genji/ana/zennyatta too
They matter, but just because a plat player can’t play around zenny, we are just going to delete him since he’s not played very often in lower elos? Tortured logic
You don’t use logic to balance, you just know what you like and what you don’t like. I feel great knowing that the balance team don’t hear people like you