You’re ignoring the fact that they’ve said it with their own words back at that OW2 presentation that Tanks will not defend.
Then there’s the fact that Jeff before he left, said he wanted OW to go more in an FPS direction than a MOBA one. That was in August last year.
Blizzard has been doing exactly that before 2020. But what do we have now? Rein & Sigma are DPS. Rein will hit even harder in OW2 considering his improvments there that we were shown. I dont want to start on the Healer side.
First off, defensive STOPPING POWER would certsinly apply to them being able to get kills efficiently.
DVA’s Defense Matrix wont be reverted to being good again. Winston’s barrier wont get buffed. And Hammond was never a defender to begin with so Blizzard will def make him hit harder & without relying on CC.
Actual defense, shielding teammates, will be dead. Idk how you can say otherwise when all the Tank nerfs alone make Blizzard’s priority clear.
Defense Matrix used to last 4 seconds. Blizzard nerfed that down to one. In the OW2 Toronto Push gameplay video, DM still lasts 1 second & you can see that just 2 minutes & 34 seconds into the video.
So no, Blizzard wont make DM good again. And with 5v5 around, why bother? Brawlers/Bruisers/Heavys will be on their own. DVA will just get ganged up on every single time, so that annoying ability doesnt eat up ults at the right time.
If grapple were more focused around doing damage than being fast, you don’t require CC to deal with the character
The reason you need stuns for Hammond isn’t because of “grapple spam,” it’s because of how fast he gets around. You can’t damage him enough to deal with him without stuns most of the time.
If he were slower but more threatening, that would be easier to balance
You’re just confirming to people that tanks are all about being shield bots. Hammond is a great tank design, other tanks need to be more like him and not the other way around
People in gold can’t play ball the right way and never are going to be able to. You can’t destroy a hero just because he is hard, both widow and tracer work the same way
For people in lower elos, the only tank that work as a tank is the big blue rectangle man. But just because of this fact, you can’t reduce the entire tank role to being a shield, people NEED to adapt to solo tank
I’m not saying that at all, I’m saying that the character doesn’t work as a damage character because they’re a tank
I’m saying the current Hammond is not good as anything but a tank. Also, we don’t need tanks to be like Hammond, it’s fine to have the “barrier bot” tanks as you put it because it adds variety to the role.
Barriers are a big part of what separates this game from others you know?
I assure you that a lot of them love playing hammond, but most of them don’t play him because is hard and they get a lot ot hate from people who “we need a shield”
This flat out isn’t going to work though. Doofist is already super easy to kill even without CC since he has to dive into the enemy for value. Oh, what the heck am I talking about; everyone suddenly seems excited for a game that makes death mandatory now.
I just don’t want to see anyone complain about feeding in OW2; you all want everyone to kill fast and die fast, so feeding must be a positive now, right?