Dva was OP, get over it

Individual experience is NOT something that you base balance on. Brig is powerful because of her passive heals, ult, CC, shield, and armor pack. Basically her whole kit is really good. Just because some people, according to you, didn’t play correctly doesn’t mean people are misunderstanding how balanced she is. That’s like saying “Widow isn’t OP because when I played her other people didn’t try to counter me and played out of position.” Widow being OP and how other people are playing are 2 entirely different topics.

And the one ability you conveniently left out was Resurrect. An ability that was buffed several times as an ultimate to the point where there was no danger in using it when alone.

This made hiding to being back a whole team viable, as before she would die before or soon after and would have to sacrifice herself to use it. When given invulnerability she lost all danger in using it that way since she could go into a full team and use it.

And because that behaviour was obviously flawed, she was reworked to make sure she does not have to hide and incentivized to participate in fights, but her ultimate was made a basic ability and was extremely overpowered.

Now they have balanced it in a way where she is incentivized to hide once again. Plus, her ultimate ability simply makes her an easier version of herself to play on top of removing her identity as a single target healer.

Resurrect also forces her to essentially stand still and unable to support her teammates, which was a problem when she hid.

As the most mobile support, having to get away from a fight or take 2 seconds is very contradictory and the playstyle of having to use it as well as forcing the developers to nerf every other aspect of her kit for it to remain part of her doesnt make much sense in my eyes.

Resurrect is not a core part of her gameplay anymore as she has more uptime with Valkyrie and has it available more often than she does Resurrect.

D.Va’s abilities flow nicely, she is a mobile tank with the capabilities to harass and defend her teammates with Defense matrix, which is one of the strongest abilities in the game besides resurrect.

With D.Va the changes made to it are similar to what Resurrect had to go through, only it does not limit her other defining characteristics in the way it does to Mercy.

Was going by this: Trickle down meta isn't real - #5 by JeffreyKaplan
So please with your act like the information doesn’t come from somewhere, but aside from that…
…I’d reply more, but you obviously have a personal problem with this video game :smiley: Aside from disagreeing, which is fine with me, why don’t you see a therapist about that and then come on back.

That’s fine if you want to say that. I’m really just pointing out that I think she’s not going to suffer, other than possibly at super high level play which I promise I do not care about whatsoever.

To me, Overwatch has character imbalances since day 1. If you want to argue about flanking vs. not flanking for D.Va, that’s a more detailed point. But it doesn’t change that this game has 6-8 characters dominating it at any one time, regardless of the flavor of the season buffs and nerfs. It’s maddening to have a game that both demands the team flex, and that each person specialize in certain characters to get better at them. Who in their right mind wants to play this game at high ranks?
And if you are playing it for fun, which to me is the only reason to play Overwatch even when trying to win, Blizzard’s small meter moving, and failure to really change much when they do big overhauls doesn’t make tirade level impacts. Long before D.Va nerf and buffs, just the lack of character imbalance in this game entirely, shown by pro-streamers and the OWL with their biases for picks, should be looked at The core mechanics of this game, revealed at those high levels of play, show the real problem.

Play at Bronze, or Silver tops, deal with Overwatch as nothing more or less special than any other internet played game, and everyone will do fine. Let the GMs have fits over it.

Actually I’ll edit this and say that resurrect has felt clumsy in this game always, and has no place in the game.

I don’t know why you’re really bringing Mercy into this though, it has nothing to do with her. Especially as much as you typed. I’m with you if you want to take out resurrect.

Dva still feels clumsy to me. DM is a good idea that works with the idea of being mobile, but it’s not implemented well at all. It’s like it’s a good idea of what should be there, but a poor execution of it.

Just need more variety and more tanks who can contest high ground the way dva can.

“checks Dva win rate” yeah its at 50% she is totally OP

So, the answer is to severely weaken a tank’s (already shoddy) ability to protect their team and give no compensation in return?

That’s not balance; that’s giving in to whiners. More to the point, it’s bad design. A tank that can’t tank is just a big DPS. D.Va will still be able to jump in and mess up squishies. People will then complain that her damage is too high (even though it was already nerfed a long time ago).

What do you people actually want? People complain about DM, usually when they fire their ult without destroying the squishy MEKA first. People complain about D.Va’s damage and watch as true DPS classes get gutted.

Honestly, it would be better if tanks could tank, DPS did DPS things, and healers healed instead of this mindset that everyone is a hybrid.


You make your opinion from 16 months old information ?
Are you aware how outdated that is ?

I think they’ll nerf characters just because they are picked a lot too :rofl:

Wow, I’ve never seen a thread like this before.

I vastly preferred playing D.Va at launch than I do now. And nobody can possibly say she was OP back then.


“D.va was op” LOL she never was op to begin with.

The only ability that made her annoying was her matrix, and that is going to get nerfed. IF they decide to add it to the game.

Nothing about d.va has been good since she is getting countered by SOO many heroes in the game, her mecha can’t survive for that long.

So this nerf was utter sh*t.

She needs to get buffed, or at least give her something so she can survive longer.

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will be interesting to see all the posts of “no one plays tanks anymore.” Interesting that zarya got no changes…

Which is 16HP/s making it around 4 HP higher then non boosted Lucio. Inspire got a buff but that only makes the last tick 20[I think maybe 21] but since she’s always refreshing you won’t see that last tick during fights.

Which goes away on it’s own after a time and needs build up time to make use of it.

Half the cast of heroes have a from of CC, big whoop. Not to mention her bash does poor damage and it’s only 6m.

Her shield is also the worst in the game, with how strong burst damage 500HP is melted[even Rein’s shield melts]. It doesn’t protect her against AoE explosive damage and is easily flashbanged[more so then Rein] cause of the curved part on the bottom of her shield.

This is the only thing decent about Brig but even then the armor pack has travel time.

Funny that you should type that, Your Overwatch posted a clip on their twitter with how Brig is still ‘overpowered’. Yet, they ignore that the enemy Hanzo dashing back into Brig getting killed and the enemy team didn’t focus her down till the last part of the clip and yet people in the comments agreed she is still OP. The enemy comp was also weird.

I mean Widowmaker is not OP, she’s strong.

Pretty much ever since DM was on a resource meter.

D.va was a bullet eater and now it will be more, get over it.

Better to slowly bring a hero down instead of using a sledgehammer to make them one with the dirt.

not on console

Genji’s nerfs were substantial.

True that he didn’t get the same number of nerfs, but then, he was never as meta as D.Va/Brigitte/Mercy is/was, not even close.