Just as I reinstall the game after like 2 months

due to being weak to dem fanservice skins and dem thighs, new ptr strikes and reminds me why I uninstalled.
Trying to come back with a positive attitude just to get it crushed right away by yet another pathetic set of choices.

The hilarity of seeing D.Va nerfed once again, then the usual wave of people who feel entitled to go “D.Va was too strong because x! She could do this and that!” that’s been going on at every change since 2016, then pointing out a load of stats, naming owl, meta, blorgh blorgh my sr higher than ur sr blegh 50% winrate all that crap as if we’ve never heard it before.

“Now she’s balanced!” said forum user no. 3249872334 after the Great D.Va Treatment in 2017.

“Now she’s back in her place!” said forum user no. 5378293 after the various DM butcherings.

“I’m happy for this nerf” said biased user no. 7846 not long ago, feeling like the spear of justice has finally struck unto that oppressing character that oh my god made the game so unplayable for literally everyone ever.

The torb nerf kinda makes me laugh the most, but whatever man. It’s not like one can simply take patch notes any seriously anymore.
I can’t even remember one time, not one, where I struggled against D.Va, with any character. Not in quickplay, not in arcade, not at SR 2800 nor when I was in GM.
(This is usually the part where some internet goblin comes out and goes UR BOOSTED LUL even though I went through a long, boring solo grinding phase that god why did I even bother)

What are you guys even on about?

Ya’ll trying really hard to kill overwatch prematurely, aren’t ya


And its not even what pros said is wrong about her. They will still pick her because they have the coordination and mechanics to be able to contest high grounds with her and eat key damage. These nerfs keep making her all the more frustrating to play on ladder though.

These examples are kinda hilarious. They have been the same since her first armor and damage nerf back in 2017 and havent changed since from the old forums.


I dread their balance decisions. In other games, I am excited to see what is new. In this game I have to hope they did not give McCree a negligible buff so that he can be forgotten for a few months. Got the bad news today. Rofl. In a few months, I hope we can do this all again.

Watch how they nerf flash bang if the change ends up being too much.

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I will credit you once it happens. Thanks for giving them the bright idea, fam. :rofl:

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I’d like to see less than 2 Dvas per OWL match myself. If she now requires to be a little farther forward to properly tank… well then I guess she will have to act more like a tank.

Act more like a tank, with what kind of defences against reinhardt hammer?

Oh right she’s no longer a tank.

Dva played too far forward = dead dva. This is very apparent in every goats. Alone dva is also a very dead dva, such as sending dva to contest point alone gets her demeched more often than not.


That is the problem, it will not change much in terms of what professionals do. Sort of like how the Lucio radius “nerf” was just a straight buff at the highest level because of coordination.

But please, you’ve got to remember: The Devs never made her F-Tier purely at their behest!

So who’s the real favourite here? :cry:

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Elaborate on this because it makes no sense. How is it proper for a tank to be at such close range to eat damage? What makes this “proper” exactly? DVa isnt Rein.

Well this change doesnt seem like its gonna grant you this wish. They play her a bunch because of her ability to contest high grounds and eat key damage not because defense matrix had a 15 meter range.

And what about Reinhardt then? How can he act like a tank, with what kind of defenses against Doomfist’s Rocket Punch?

Or maybe that’s where the other team members come in, covering each other so there are no glaring weaknesses.

Dva is an off tank (same boat that Hog is in), but she has the incredible power to instantly erase plenty of enemy ults (with proper awareness). The range on her DM was so long, that pros simply understood that they couldn’t use their own ults while she was still in her mech, regardless of where she was. Shorter range on her ability to completely neutralize enemy fire basically makes it riskier to stray from her team. She will not be able to both dive and protect her backline without some serious APM.

All that being said, 10m is still plenty long, and she is still perfectly capable of playing a bruiser with mobility. She just runs a greater risk of leaving her team exposed. IMHO while she certainly has weaknesses, she is still performing really well with no real downsides.

Between stage 1 and 2 of OWL she has kept a low 80s% pickrate. Every other main hero from stage 1 was played significantly less due to the blanket nerfs that kicked off the second season, but she stayed where she was, becoming the most picked player. Now, full disclosure: I happen to know this graph appeared on these forums before stage 2 ended, so the numbers might be slightly off. They still paint a pretty clear image though. That image is: Why did they nerf Torb? (lol)

Perhaps not, but a man can dream though… a man can dream.

This reply took a little too long to type, and I’ve got to get some rest. I will be happy to continue this conversation tomorrow, if you’d like to debate some more! I’m always happy to try and see others’ viewpoints.

i think you’re sadly mistaken if you think that the reputation Overwatch had before it was ruined by heroes like Moira and Brigitte, was built on the back of a hero like DVA.

But this game has been dead in the water since Brigitte was released. I bet there’s tons of people who don’t even play the game anymore but just check here to keep up with the game, wishing, hoping and praying maybe someday it will stop being garbage and become fun to play again.

The OW community in a nutshell : No nerfs => People are mad, Nerfs = People are mad.

brigitte sure sent ow to a deeper stage, but if you think the community or its reputation was any better before that, you’re the one being mistaken.

In early 2017 there were a crazy amount of subjects who absolutely wanted D.Va dead, literally removed from the game, despite in s2 she was considered a throw pick until her former 100 armor buff.
Streamers I obviously can’t name because oh my god I’ll end you hyping up nerfs, the old forums were a nest of absolute toxicity towards D.Va players. I can recall names and posts that straightout trashtalked each and every single one of us with a language I can’t even quote now, before mods ramped up on strictness.
The “1v6 and win” meme was born back then.

Or even with Mercy. Also a throw pick in s2 (and she has instant mass ress back then), confirmed she needed buffs due to being “suicidal ress” until they gave her walking ress animation and invincibility during it (neither was needed). Magically she became overpowered and promoting hide and seek and all that crap that ended up the way we know.
Also one particular pro player straight out saying mercy should be trash tier in an interview… feels hard not to get toxic.

Look how it ended.
Nerf after nerf after nerf which brought nothing but disappointment.
It’s obvious that blizzard initially wanted a diverse fps that would play more like an mmo, but the overwhelming majority of noisy dps players just doesn’t want shields or heals because “it doesn’t gratify their aim”.

Every argument against tanks and healers is always the same; too much healing I can’t kill, he res with one button my skill not rewarded, he deny my bullet with one button, he block my attacks with no effort.

Most of these people are so tunnel visioned they don’t understand that skill is not only mechanical but strategical as well (and it counts in this game a lot more than in some others), but since they’re the loudest crowd things end up their way, and surprise! Stagnant meta!
On the other side, if it’s healers or tanks complaining, we’re labeled as inepts and told that we should adapt.
Yet I see people asking for genji buffs to this day despite being known that no other ult is as scary as dragonblade, probably because it’s the one that gets most kills (wonder why genji is most owned gold weapon) and I’m absolutely appalled.

I’m like… just go play a ffa basic fps with no shields and heals already.


DVa is indeed an off-tank but she is far from being the same as Hog. Actually I have no idea what they want her to be considering they keep changing her without settling down with a single kit.

:neutral_face: If pros picked her simply because of the range of matrix then why are they saying that Matrix doesnt matter as long as she has boosters on 5 sec cooldown and burst damage to contest high ground? They never said this, they never mentioned it, the only thing that was ever said about DVa in the pro scene was the fact that she can very easily be a check to heroes on high ground like Soldier, Ashe with her mobility.

The rest of what you said falls under what the OP said.

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