Dva was OP, get over it

Mercy says hi.

I think she is in too good a spot. She’s still one of the most picked heroes even after nerfs that would supposedly “ruin” her. If that doesnt tell you shes too strong i dont know what does.

Execpt all of d va kit is more coherent. Booster into DM into fire micro missle. Its not like mercy where rez dosent fit her playstyle.

True. On top of Valkyrie removing any semblance of her identity in a single target healer.

Valk was a improvment plus mercy was only healer at time without Aoe. I mean zen been similar posstion. He still a top 10 picked hero acroos most ranks.

Zarya bubble also has a ton of unmentioned bonuses. Like pretty much the only cleanse like effect in the entire game. Pretty much the only abilty that can actively save teammates who are being frozen. Can get rid of discord orb forcing the enemy zen to replace it. Every day uses that arent given enough credit in comparison to dm which needs to be used selfishly the vast majority of the time.

No she wont need buffs in 6 months it will happen a lot sooner than that. Whether it takes blizzard thar long to realize there glarring error or not is another matter and the more likely reason that it will take the time period you are suggesting. But it will be glaring far before that.

Maybe not overpowered so much as she was utilised, she’s just such a great hero due to her flexibility, meaning she can be used in a lot of scenarios. But she can be swapped out for a different hero if you want a certain team comp.

Yeah, I think now is the time to add some competition to her role, because she’s kinda in a delicate spot. A buff is unnecessary and a nerf could destroy her, kinda like McCree.

Your statement answers itself. Dm is one of the best abilities solely because theres no competition over the ability to damage mitigate burst projectile damage. If dm was so op youd see her in ever rank but nope she s only that popular in the highest ranks because of the way the pros use her and the fact there s no competitor for the role.

People have been saying the whole “d.va is too strong” and that her mains just need to adapt. But every nerf doesnt change her pickrate significantly. So long as dm is useable no matter how insufferable it is to use, so long as dva has no competitor for the role she’s played as then she s still going to be a popular pick.

Dva is also one of the easiest hero to play in the game. Ty dev, I believe soon all braindead heroes will be correctly adjusted

This is actually the correct answer. She’s a bit too good at everything she does. Boosters is the best mobility skill in the game: you can change direction an infinite number of times unlike Winston leap, Genjis dash or Tracers Blink and don’t need a surface to work on like Lucio wall ride or Wrecking Ball’s Grapple. So she can chase down anyone, even if they have an escape ability. Her damage is strong enough at close range to blow up a squishy. DM is the best defensive ability in the game and currently lets her protect the back line almost from the front line. Self destruct is a potential team kill, excellent point clearing and lets her remech for free.

The logic here seems to be that she can still do everything, just she has to be very close range for it, use her boosters more opportunistically as opposed to just chasing down anyone she likes while still protecting her backline and generally play less solo. It gives her a more defined weakness that I’m tentatively in favor of. But we’ll have to see: if e.g. Hog gets too out of control as an assassin, I’d rather they buff her back a bit than nerf him.

you’re just bad at the game. heroes aren’t op its just people are trash

they cant block damage from a hanzo dragon, cant be positioned as easily as with Dva due to fly making great openings, big difference between zarya bubbles and DM is that zarya bubbles are also tied to her damage, so a Dva wont be Dming as much so to let the zarya bubbles get their value and let the zarya get charge, I am sorry you don’t see this VERY OBVIOUS correlation

DM can instantly EAT COOLDOWNS, barriers can not. for example you throw a conc mine and its gone NO EFFECT at all unlike barriers

Genji deflect had a broken hitbox and got nerfed 2 years later, GTFO

Dva isn’t even op and gets nerfed because of ONE COMP(GOATS) not because of her as a hero

Thats your fault for throwing it at dva while she is directly looking at you, when you know she had DM dont blame dva blame yourself

I don’t get it

You hold M1 to heal, M2 to buff. Press Q and fly around and do the same thing. All of her abilities mesh together pretty well, and they’re all very easy to use.

DVa’s abilities are all good, individually, but I don’t get the playstyle they want. It doesn’t make a lot of sense as a tank. Maybe I just don’t “get” her yet, but she just feels clunky and uninspired right now.

Concussion mine isnt the only cooldown in the game -____- Barriers can block most if not all projectiles like Dynomite, Anti nade, flash bang etc. Youre talking about concussion mine not being blocked by barriers, which means if DM didnt eat it, it wouldnt have counters :neutral_face: Lets not even mention the fact that once its placed on the ground DVa can do nothing about it, you either keep throwing it into DVa, or the DVa is good and eats it on reaction, none of these scenarios are the abilities fault. Improve your mistakes and dont complain about it.

Blizzard doesn’t have the best track record with buffs and nerfs though. Remember how ludicrously overpowered Rework Mercy was? Rework Bastion?

Sometimes Blizzard is totally clueless. Nerfing DVA even more is one of those times. She’s barely worth picking already, once this next nerf arrives, expect to see her just drop off the face of the planet.