Dva was OP, get over it

He got a 2s nerf to his ult (which still kills the most per game btw) and a hitbox reduction on Deflect (which was most needed as he could deflect things from behind enemies).
Everything else were bugfixes, and a few buffs here and there.

I fully accept the fact that Reinhardt Zarya is how the game is meant to be played and anything else is sacrilege against jeff


They were mostly bug fixes that SLIGHTLY dialed him down. The only notable one was the deflect hitbox.

Again, equating Genji’s nerfs to that of D.Va, Brigitte, or Mercy is just a massive stretch. Mercy especially, all her nerfs were really substantial.

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LOL at all the people who will complain about bunker comp post patch. Without dva bunker comp will be total complete 100 percent aids to face. This nerf cannot come at a worse time

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I’m a D.Va main and 100% this. D.Va is super overpowered. You just can’t gloss over the 100% pick-rate in pro play in MULTIPLE METAS.

than address her for the high end dont do a blanket nerf that will kill her in low elo and introduce the most toxic meta to face ever. I just faced a bunker comp in a game. It is absolute aids.

Dont destroy a hero in lower elo cause she is a problem in the top 1 percent. Remember what happened with the reaper buff at 50 percent leech.,

The ladder is not just the top 1 percent

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I agree with you.

I disagree. I think this nerf is really well thought out.

Unfortunately, it’s just one game. And the game must be tuned to perfection. Strategies in low ELO are more collateral, unpredictable and just use different methods.

That was just stupid.

But the game is, considering the game should be tuned for a balanced play through all ranks, and tuning what is closest to perfection in play is probably the most adequate way of achieving that, considering the game will just be boring, pointless and will plâteau in the high ranks strategically otherwhise.

Dont think she was Op at all, DM was a bit “Too effective” in “too many situations” maybe? But Overpowered nope. Not at all.

Its an unique mechanic, like anti-heal so its always going to feel powerful since nobody can do that but still its manageable and has counterplay. I think this nerf was quite unwarranted. You could simply make the full range of DM deploy slower or make it narrow.

That’s the exact definition of something being overpowered btw

The only pattern I see is Blizzards poor balancing, as per usual.


Mercy was not OP. Genji was not OP. D.VA was not OP. Always the side kick.
Doomfist not op either. People like you cried for nerfs instead of trying to learn. It’s because of whining pricks like you that don’t want to adapt in a game that’s all about adapting that this happens. You’re the worst.


Absolutely not. In this universe at least.
The definition of overpowered has to do with power itself. Like everytime you use the skill, theres little to no counterplay and its always effective.

DM doesn’t fit that category.

A bit like… DM. It’s difficult to counterplay and holds massive power. It is always effective, as you can see with D.Va’s pick rate in pro OW.

It’s really not difficult with the cooldown. The visual update is more than enough to end the remainder of accidental grav eats. Don’t forget, this nerf does not affect the current metas at all anyway, so… What’s the point.

If you’re playing with a bad D.Va, that is.

You mean in the OWL, right? I haven’t been paying much attention. Regardless, it will be welcome to us peasants in the ladder.

D.Va isn’t overpowered in the ladder. Hasn’t even been the best off tank on the ladder for over a year. Good D.Vas are still limited by DM’s limitations.

I believe the ladder is shifting to bunker comp, which is unaffected by this nerf too. So again… What’s the point of it.


What? … wait WHAT?
Difficult to counterplay? Dude beams go through it, just stop shooting a second and it has 2 sec CD to use again, plenty of room to shoot again. WTH ?

Massive power? Again Beams go through it and its a focused cone, doesnt cover pretty much anything to the sides or on the back.

Always effective? In which universe? Oh … Pro OWL, those dudes that are 0.02% of the overall OW population, sure.

What a pointless stance to begin with. I could say lottery is the best money investment because the top 0.02% of winners always get their money back AND win brutal amounts of money.

PFF :rofl:

Funnily enough, that’s not the point of the ability.

Defense Matrix is not a shield.

What a bunch of nonsense. What does this has to do with anything? That is a terrible comparison.

As a consolation prize, she’s always in the same composition as the other, “better” off-tank.

I will believe it when I see it. And when we talk ladder, what rank are we talking about.

D.Va is a massive counter to bunker comps. This nerf is very huge for the bunker strat.

Only in GOATS, simply because that comp typically mandates two off-tanks and there are only three off-tanks and one is Roadhog. Double off-tank comps like Zarya-d.va or d.va-hog are niche at best, especially now.

High ranks. I believe in balancing around GM. The meta is currently in flux on the ladder, which is another reason not to pull a nerf.

I’m referring to affecting it in terms of breaking it, which is what Blizzard typically likes to do. GOATS is pretty dead on the ladder to my knowledge, so I don’t really think they need (or should want) to bolster bunker, considering bunker is one of the driest comps to watch. And I’m a huge Orisa fan. It doesn’t affect bunker in the sense that bunker is already a clumped up comp, just like GOATS. It’s clear by now they’re balancing around pros, but this nerf doesn’t affect the pro meta.

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It literally is.
It seems you live in a parallel universe mate, nothing you are saying has an even remote connection with reality.
All it does is either prevent you from shooting or absorb your shots, the outcome is the same : Nothing happens when DM is used (besides beams) and the target is protected.

And 2+2 equals four, your point?
You are the one talking like its powerful and effective everytime its used, which is blatantly false. Again in this universe at least.

Absolute nonsense yep, like using OWL dva pick rates to argue she is overpowered. Absolutely pointless and nonsense, like me using the money won by lottery winners to say lottery is a great money investment.

I cant argue with people that overexaggerate that much. Move on mate.
No more responses for you.