Dream patch notes

he got a major buff that basically made his other nerfs useless recently but all of you keep forgetting to mention that. Oh well :man_shrugging: the bias
ps i think orisa needs to get nerfed sigma no because he is new and everybody is still getting used to him

With doomfist role as the game is now, he’s more of a tank than a dps, so I’m balancing accordingly.

Leap does basically nothing. A laughable double jump. I didn’t want to nerf him too much but I don’t mind a higher cooldown.

It really does. A random nade from spawn can decide a teamfight, it’s really too annoying.

With just a 50% healing reduction it makes more sense, since it increases healing received for allies by 50% and I don’t like imperfections.

It’s a revert to how it used to be.

Pretty much. Yes…

If you check my post history you would see I did play around with the workshop a bit but oh well.

Why don’t you come up with something better. :slight_smile:

Barrier HP and damage buffs are nice, but the increased stun is a little too much.

whip shot doesn’t need a cooldown nerf, 300 shield health is still a lot lower than her 500 pre rework health and so it may not be enough health to allow her to trigger inspire through her melee enough.

I don’t agree with the rally changes, the problem isn’t the ultimate duration. Now that armour is no longer a problem (GOATs), she can afford to have permanent armour instead.

What buff are you referring to exactly? All that Doomfist got was a cooldown reduction to Uppercut and Seismic Slam.
And if you’re talking about the changes to “Boop” related abilities, the only ability that got truly affected by it was Rocket Punch.
The CC on both Seismic Slam and Uppercut is basically non-existing, they’re no better than Lucio’s boop.

That could have been done better, tbh. His passive just needs to be tweaked a bit.

That’s not exactly true. It does more than you can imagine. The fact that he got a tank-shredding ability alongside a mobility ability on a low-cooldown is what busted him to begin with.
Giving Hanzo an easy way to evade up-close encounters with characters such as Winston messed up his balance.

Agreed. The worst part is that there’s almost zero counterplay against it. Once you’re hit by it, you can only be saved by a Zarya bubble.

And Brigitte wasn’t exactly balanced back then. Tracer got enough to worry about, let’s not give all Tracer mains ptsd again.

Yeah, that is a massive sledge hammer nerf for Mercy. And all of that for what? 60 HP/s and a better beam on Valkyrie? No thanks.

The flaw of your “adjustment” on Mercy is removing the chain beam. The duration nerf’s makes sense for the 60 HP/s, but that’s it.

Removing the chain beam for a better beam effect is a sledge hammer nerf because you literally nerf her healing potential from 300 HP/s to 75 HP/s and nerf her damage boosting potential from 150% damage boost to 35% damage boost. Not to mention you nerf her regeneration, which is too much.

It’ll make much more sense if her base healing is buffed to 60 HP/s but decrease Valkyrie duration to 12 seconds and remove chain beam but buff the beam effect to 150 HP/s healing and 50% damage boost. It is so much better that way.

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What would you suggest?

The only thing Tracer had to worry about was Brig and McCree, those two were the only ones that could reliably kill her. Brig also enabled a very special meta that now isn’t possible, so why not revert that.

Maybe you’re right, I didn’t think that one through.

If you’re interested, I did some other changes to Mercy in the workshop

Remember when Valk lasted for 20 seconds, did 60hps and she could rez 3-4 people with no slow or cast time LOL

Yes, what about it?

I had a few ideas…
*Decrease from 35 shields per hit to 30 shields per hit.
*Shields decay 5 per second, instead of 3

*Seismic Slam, since it can hit multiple enemies, now only generates 25 shields per target hit.
-Uppercut, can hit multiple enemies as well, but that’s rarer done, so it stays the same.
-Rocket Punch now provides 40 shields 20 when hitting the target +20 when the target impacts a wall

Brigitte also killed a very special meta that now isn’t possible, at least in a effective form.
Blizzard should look at her defensive and healing capabilities, not her offensive ones.

Those are some horrible balancing. Lol

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There is a bias here. By the way this is a way to delete orisa, ruin Moira. Not necessary dream patch notes. Some of these don’t even need changes.


Why everyone wants to change Mercy? Dang.


  • Orisa don’t really need a nerf on anything but Fortify
  • Bastion as a tank would be weird, I think he need a rework but as a DPS
  • Doomfist as a tank would be insane but he need more capacity to tank for his allies (maybe as a Hog)
  • Zarya don’t really need a buff, D.va and Winston could have one.
  • Do not buff hack, else everyone would go crazy
  • I like the McCree and Widow nerfs
  • I think the same thing for storm arrow : no headshot
  • I would not change Ana’s nade on her healing but on her debuff, like -50% instead of -100% healing
  • Why nerfing one of the weakest healers? Moira need her burst healing/dmg
  • I like the Brig changes but she could have a rework on Rally to make it into a good defensive ult
  • I agree for Lucio
  • Dang no for Mercy, let her as she is.
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Though I like the idea of making Doomfist a tank. The key would be to focus him on his displacement, like Hammond in a way.

That is:

  • Remove the non-wall-impact damage from Rocket Punch or make it 5 damage. Hey, 5 damage worked for Brigitte!
  • Remove some of the wall-impact damage. Total damage should never be higher than ~150.
  • Remove either all or most damage from Uppercut. Again, 5 could work. It’s a CC tool, not a damage skill.
  • Remove some damage from primary fire but add pellets. In theory at shorted distance it’d do the same damage as before but at longer range it’s a neat tool to keep people occupied.
  • HP to ~400.
  • Connecting any skill including the shotgun gives up to 50 shields. These can only refresh/refill. 50 is the cap.
  • The exception is Rocket Punch. Punch someone into a wall with it, and independent of damage done you get 200 shields. Only if they hit a wall.
  • Increase the CD of Rocket Punch marginally and of all other skills moderately.

You’d be very sturdy, very good at displacement, but those two are your only tools to protect your team with. Your own damage is very low and also very unreliable. The only reasonable attack skill you’d have is your ult.

hell no.

Orisa / Moira were troll pick not long ago.
Just move dps I don’t like to tank? How about no?
Mercy is fine and ABSOLUTELY does not need to touched.

Rest are kind of meh in my books.


It worked for a Support hero with a stun that she can use while protecting herself with her shield. That’s like Reinhardt charging with his shield out.

Hammond’s displacement does 50 per hit…

If all of his abilities do so very VERY little damage and they don’t even get the old CC back, they should be LOWERED.

With those changes, Doomfist would not just be the worst tank in the history of the game, but the worst character as well.
Bastion gettin ready to give the tittle away to somebody else for once

Why didnt you bothered to do it on this thread aswell then?

Why? Because you dont like about my disagreement (opinion) in your ‘‘dream patch notes’’ thread?

yes and everybody keeps forgetting that. the reduction to cooldowns lets to be all over the place with alot of shields considering he can combo alot more now letting him go in and out without a scratch. but every doom main acts as doom is a victim of the meta (when he was strong before as they introduced the reduction buff) when he is not.

Why do you want orisa to be garbage? The only reason she’s as strong as she is because all the constant dps buffs have pushed dive tanks like dva Winston and ball out of the meta so they can’t do there jobs of countering these comps.

The issue was running two slow shield tanks like orisa sigma would leave supports open to be dived, but then you have storm arrow, flash+ double FTH, reaper healing 40% of your damage with double magazine if he has wraith, etc. Meanwhile you have a widow ready to oneshot everyone stupid fast while your tanks are getting melted by the super dps buffed to fight goats.

It’s one-
ONE second on two abilities that are used together, most of the time.
This doesn’t allow him to be all over the place, this only made his gameplay feel more fluid.
And yes, he IS a symptom of the meta. He had only a 2% pick rate before the introduction of Double Shield.
He’s the most reliable dps at the moment because he’s the only one who can completely ignore the barrier spam.

  1. one second does all the difference in a fast paced game.
  2. the buff was added just before goats died and theoritcally where goats was at its prime so no one gave him that much of a chance or did they? his pickrate was abismal before the buff 0.76 right as buff came it climbed 2% and remember what i said the buff was just introduced so not many actually gave him chance because it was goats for the win? and even then as he got buffed hackfist comp became a thing as he got buffed why?