⚙️ Burst Heal | Rez tied to Valk | Mercy Rework

Hey there.




  • Duration shortened to 3 seconds
  • HP/s increased to 80


  • Cost increased by 10%

QoL changes

  • Cooldown for Overcharge now doesn’t show up during Valkyrie

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to preemptively use Overcharge and activate Valkyrie to gain 50% more healing in Valkyrie, resulting in 90 HP/s for both main and chain beams



Yes, Mercy is balanced. I’m doing this because I like puzzles so Workshop fits my fantasy and I’m also doing this because I don’t like how little rewarding Mercy feels.

Now that we got that out of the way, let’s get started.

I’ve posted Mercy rework proposals before, and I’m doing it again now. Last time I tied Resurrect to Valkyrie and increased her base healing, and that was it.

This time, I’m changing things up a little. Yes, Resurrect is still tied to Valkyrie. Yes, Resurrect still has the long cast time. However, here are all the changes that have been made:


  • Moved to being a Valkyrie exclusive ability
  • Cooldown removed
  • 50% faster movement speed during the cast time of Resurrect

New ability: Overcharge

  • For the duration of 4 seconds, Mercy’s healing output is raised to 75 HP/s
  • A cooldown of 10 seconds is initiated once Overcharge ends its duration
  • Changes to Resurrect during Valkyrie, meaning Overcharge can’t be used in Valkyrie


  • Now provides 2 Resurrect charges

Here’s a visual representation of the changes that were made


Interesting suggestions, though with the two charges I have a feeling there will be a little upset of ‘boohoo a small form of mass resurrect’ or some nonsense.

However I would brace yourself for those who are against changes to Mercy, for whatever agenda that might be.


From both the feedback I had from Reddit and here, people have said that 3 resurrect charges might be too much and might bring back the problems mass rez had.

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So you want to unbalance her by giving her a bunch of buffs?


What exactly do you see as “imunbalance” here?

Mercy and Zenyatta are the only supports without the ability to increase their healing output.

Moira has Biotic Orb
Ana has Biotic Grenade
Lucio has Amp it Up
Brigitte has Repair Packs
Baptiste has Regenerative Burst

I like these changes but it’s untrue to say that Mercy can’t increase her healing. If she pops Valk her heals go up to 60hps which helps. Her ult is so fast charging that it’s worth it.

And Zen obviously has trans which does 300hps

Yes both ULTs but they can


I do like this version significantly more than your first one. Your second one… yeah that was gonna be OP. This one’s better than that one too.

Your new E fixes Mercy’s current inability to “give more” when necessary.

Some of Resurrect’s slow down is gone which is always good.

Valkyrie is now definitely her most powerful ability… currently that’s not exactly clear.

I personally still have a bone to pick with chain beams. They’re just… not good. But overall I would much rather have this version of Mercy.

I do have 2 quick questions.
First, what happens if Mercy pushes Q while E is running?
Second, how does the math on the Resurrect speed change work? Like… we looking at it reduces her to 25% then * 1.5 = 37.5% of standard move speed? Or is it 25% + 50% = 75% of her normal move speed?

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I wasn’t counting ultimates as they are rarely used compared to normal abilities over the entire match. Three out of the four main healers (if you are the type of person that considers her a main healer) have abilities that increase overall hps on top of their ultimates and other utility.

But yes, technically speaking all of them have that ability.

In theory, or at least if I understand my code correctly, Overcharge should stop immediately. I’ll look into it.

EDIT: Just checked. It doesn’t. Yeah, that wasn’t intended.

It’s a 50% increase of the result we get from the 75% decrease.

So the 37.5% one. Got it. It might be nice if it was a bit higher than that, but that is an improvement.

Thanks, it gets annoying having to try to argue that on every topic.

Onto the rework:

Giving Mercy a buff to her healing and giving her 2 resurrect charges would put her in the exact same spot as when she was a must pick in Moth Meta, but now with burst healing.

I also have an issue with your balancing of Mercy with this rework.

Instant 2 charges of rez in Valk
Faster movement during rez
Overcharge provides guaranteed burst healing with no drawbacks

res can’t be used outside of valk.

Res is a powerful ability, but this rework would make valk charge faster so it wouldn’t hurt as much, and it also wouldn’t compensate for the other three insane buffs you gave her.

EDIT: movement speed during res isn’t insane, there are two insane buffs and one other buff that isn’t as big.


Thanks for the feedback!

Many people have said to me already that Valk would charge too fast, so I’m changing the ult requirements in the next patch.




  • Duration shortened to 3 seconds
  • HP/s increased to 80


  • Cost increased by 10%

QoL changes

  • Cooldown for Overcharge now doesn’t show up during Valkyrie

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to preemptively use Overcharge and activate Valkyrie to gain 50% more healing in Valkyrie, resulting in 90 HP/s for both main and chain beams

I usually dont follow Mercy rework posts but I do like the amount of effort you put into the workshops

Keep it up

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Thank you!

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I’m still a bit unsure how the chain beams work. Do they give 60hps along the whole chain, 50? Half. I have no idea.

Live Mercy gives 60 HPs to every ally her chain healing is attached to.

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with this ability mercy will become more impactful outside of her ult.

Is that a bad thing?