DPS Role Queue would be too long

But in OWL, with set rosters they do actually switch. They switch from “hired as tracer main” to “sorry you’re not playing this week.”

And I don’t think any of us want that. We want to play. Yes, we want a way to find hope and a reasonable expectation of a semi-decent-ish comp. But, forced 2-2-2 is not the way to go.

This is my biggest gripe with forced 2-2-2. There are nights and games where I’d prefer to dps, or prefer to heal. But also I like the option of being able to swap off Zen into a 76, so i can counter that pharah while also still being able to offheal somewhat.

I like the fluidity of games. Yes, it could be improved, and maybe there are solutions out there that could prevent 1healer and 5dps comps. Idk, but I hope they are still looking for solutions other than forced 2-2-2 and long dps queue times.

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Well maybe it shouldn’t be that way, maybe they will force the same standard on owl players too.

Well ill put it another way.

The way the developers meant OW to be played originally, was for players to switch to different heroes multiple times during a match to counter the enemy team. In a Rock , paper scissor scenario. In recent interviews the devs have stated that the players never really adopted this style. Even though that was the intention. In fact the system punishes you for switching often. You get less SR and your MMR suffers.
In other words several devs have said it was a failed vision they had that looked good on paper but it didnt pan out like they thought it would.

The developers also thought that having no hero limits in the game was a good idea. Remember having 3 Lucios and 3 DVA’s in one team?
This was another mistake they had to fix for the sake of the health of the game.

Looking at a fantasy scenario and the actual way the game is played are totally different things.

Thinking everyone should just play any role in your dream scenario doesn’t happen in the game. I mean there are flex players that play all roles but they will be mediocre with all heroes and not great with any. Being a hindrance to their team rather an asset. Loosing SR in the process in a higher % of their games.
Why do you think so many people are frustrated with the game?
Because they cant play the heroes they want. People get toxic. They throw because players are stuck playing heroes they are not good at. They lose. They come to the forums to cry about how this game sucks. etc, etc.

Any game or sport or form of enjoyment that people sacrifice their time in like OW, you expect some form of enjoyment. If not then why play.
When you are forced to do things you dont want to , then there is no more enjoyment. And no reason to play the game anymore. Forcing others to play the game how you want to in order to make your experience better is selfish no matter how you look at it.


I understand what you’re saying and I understand how you feel. But your argument is subjective and there is not a single bit of verifiable evidence to back up your opinion.

Saying things like “ flex players are mediocre at all their champions” is just plain objectively false.

Look at your win rates. Are they way above average because I’m sitting over 60% on 8 different champs right now. Is the difference in win rate between you and a flex play really the biggest factor in comparing the two? Here’s my opinion, I don’t think your win rates are much better than the flex. I think you’ve handicapped your character pool and inadvertently tilted other people’s games. It probably tilts you too. You probably say to yourself “man I wish my team mates were better and picked better champs and not god 3+ dps”


then youl be reported multiple times and banned super quickly by the automated system

Why should dps have to wait longer to play when Apex Legends gets this whole hero selection thing right? Just go play Apex.

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I’d be 100% okay if the DPS queue is fine. DPS mains love to instalock 5 DPS heroes every match. The rest of us suffer for it. If they want a shorter queue, then they can learn a tank or healer.


So people who play a game based on SWITCHING/FLEXING are reacting and throwing a tantrum because their que times will be longer due to their own stubbornness and attitude of not switching/flexing.

Do you have any idea how stupid this makes you guys sound? You expect other people to tank and heal so you can pew pew all day long. Tough cookie.


Role Queue is what is stupid.
Randomly ordered hero selection and role locking is a much better idea. Please learn how to make a game from Respawn Entertainment.


I disagree. I would rather have someone on Support who wants to be one not one who just wanted to get into a game faster. Less people joining in Support just to DPS on one.

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Do you really want to spend just as much time, if not more, waiting for a game as playing it? OW matches are 15-20 minutes tops. People leave games over queue times. It’s part of why BR is so successful right now. You jump in, and queue up in a minute at most. If you die, you just leave and queue up again. Very quick and efficient.

That makes no sense. Every hero in Apex plays the same. They all pick up the same guns, they all shoot the same way.
The only thing that is different is their few abilities and their looks.

This isnt the same as choosing to play a Rein or a Soldier. They play nothing like each other.


The process for selection genius. Once the first person picks that hero is locked, except with roles.

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The selection process doesn’t even matter in apex. Is what i was saying.

Lets say I LOVE playing Wraith. Someone else picks her. I can choose any of the other heroes and im not losing much at all. I can pick Lifeline or Pathfinder and play those heroes 95% the same way I play wraith.

I pick up my favorite guns and I shoot them the same way.

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Don’t hurt yourself. Just take a nap.

You got proven wrong, and thats the your witty comeback you chose to use. Yikes.


We’re not talking about a 2-3 minute queue.

We’re talking about a half an hour to play a DPS hero. To play any DPS hero.

Sure, some people will flex, however you cannot play a game while you queue. So people aren’t going to flex. Many people will simply quit altogether.

Overwatch, in its current state, cannot work with a role queue. The game will die.


I’ve explained this in another thread ad nauseum you proved nothing other than you inability to understand simple things.

A role queue is a dumb idea. It has an adverse effect in wait times.

Random selection, with role locking to whatever (2-2-2, 1-2-3,…), is much smarter.

A better role queue idea to minimize queue times.
You can pick all 3 roles, with one role having a priority tick, and each game you don’t get your prioritized role, you will get a priority point, and in the queue you will have 1 priority above all others queuing for the DPS role.

You can also refuse to flex, and just tick dps, and get a pure DPS queue time, which will be longer than the tank/heal queues.

Queue times won’t matter under that, it’s the fairest queue model for role queue.

Exactly this.