DPS Role Queue would be too long

“Give DPS role or I throw”

How do you handle that without tanking the playerbase?

People like playing damage dealers. Part of it is because there are 2-3 times as many damage dealers as there are either supports or tanks. Part of it is because people like to feel as though the are carrying, and DPS give you that feeling more than any other role.

Role lock means that people like me with good computers on good connections will always get to play whatever they want. People without won’t ever get to play what they want, and they will stop playing.

How do you prevent them from leaving for other games because they don’t get to have fun?

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Same way as now, report for Gameplay Sobotage.
Eventually players who can’t handle selecting randomly, which is fair to all, would get reported out or banned for leaving.

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So when its my time to chose, and I cant pick the heroes im good at because they are either picked already or the role they belong in is locked out, I have to pick a hero im bad and and basically throwing because i suck at the hero I was forced to pick?
Thus l lose SR when we most likely lose.

Am I missing something?


This is how people flex now.
Get better at other heroes.
You wouldn’t always pick last, and you could ask someone for a role, but they are not obligated to leave it for you.

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Just get good at all 30 heroes 4Head

“Just forcefully play the game the way i want you to play it, in order for my enjoyment to be better” “Screw your enjoyment though”

Its funny because that is the total opposite of how Blizzard themselves have structured the OWL. In the OWL there are players that are hired and only play specific roles. 1 tricks as well.
They already use a system that we want but they wont give to us.

I honestly don’t see the issue with dps having to wait that long. You want to play dps that badly? Well then go ahead and wait. Without role que those dps players just get a game and pick dps anyway and then force others to play tanks and healers for them.

And if those dps players are okay with flexing then they can que as tank or healer and get faster ques.

Honestly it seems to me like those people who don’t want to wait that long are the reason that role que should exist.

I don’t see a problem whatsoever.


I just love the idea of forcing people to flex. So sick of instalock DPS.


“Lets just force people to do what they dont want and hate”

Nice system you want there ace.
Nice way to lose players.

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The official statement on it is, with the player base we have. There is such a shortage on tanks and healers. That the role que would be 30 minutes on RQ.

Makes sense. Thank you Jeff

I want those people to quit. They ruin my games.


I’m not waiting 30 minutes to play a game, every time I want to play. In that amount of time I’d have already gotten in 2-3 games normally.

apex gets it right because you can win without using any abilities (I know, because I have) it’s characters aren’t HUGELY impactful, while winning an overwatch game without using abilities isn’t even possible in bronze. The characters in Apex don’t have abilities that counter each other much (with 1 or 2 exceptions) While overwatch is all about counters. See what I am getting at?

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punish those who are not flexible and teamplayers at all with longer queues or better said: reward those who chose to play heal and tank

2/2/2 is coming <3 Thanks Papa Jeff!


“I want the game to be filled with Mercy mains and people that just care about things like Lore and ships”, “Lets just leave the ultra casuals, thats what OW is about”

What do you mean? Nothing is confirmed yet

You’re missing the root cause, though.

People will stoop to that level because you’re forcing them to play something they don’t want to play, or not play at all.

Just look at their options:

Desire: I want to play DPS.

Option A: Play DPS = Impossible but fun for me
Option B: Play Tank = no fun for me
Option C: Play support = no fun for me
Option D: Force my team to let me play DPS = Possible, but gets me banned

There are no good choices here for the DPS player.

The entire concept behind your ideas cut’s OW’s nose to spite its face and will drive the game’s playerbase down significantly.

I hope that the Devs take note of your ideas as what not to do because you’re just as bad as posters like Minerva.

DPSers are the majority of players. They have just as much of a right to play however they want as you do.

You don’t seem to want a better game as much as you want to punish DPS players for refusing to do what you think they should be doing.

I hate the idea of a role queue because I would love to see the impact of 0/4/2, 1/3/2, 1/4/1, etc on organized play when the roster gets more diverse. I think that there are things that can be taken from a 2/2/2 role queue concept that could make the game better, but I don’t like the idea of a strictly enforced queue forced on the playerbase in “one size fits all” fashion.

I’ve got my own pet ideas, but I’m hard-against an enforced, strict 2/2/2 role queue.


Check out WoW, a game that has a queue system with tank, healer, and DPS roles.

You only need 1 healer and 1 tank for a dungeon, the rest are DPS. Quues take anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes.

Take a gander at raids, too. 25 people - 2 tanks, about 4 or 6 healers (can’t remember the exact number of healers), the rest DPS.

Queue times range anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour waiting for tanks and healers.

It’s so bad Blizzard had to give out extra rewards for those who queue as tank and healer but despite this queue times remain the same.

And this all for a game that has ~7 million subscribers so you can’t even pin it on “lul just a dead player base”


The difference is, in 2-2-2 comps, every role is equally needed QUANTITY-wise. While in wow, you need MUCH MUCH more dps than you do tank and support, hence you need less of them. There are 40 dps slots to every 4 tanks. THAT is why that system doesn’t work AND NOT because it’s a role-queue

Should be a 4 Flex Queue, with 1 Tank and 1 Support queue. And you should be able to queue for multiple roles. And then swap roles in the game as needed.

It’s their problem to fix, since they created a game with specific roles. They can’t keep expecting players to flex all the time, since that doesn’t work.