DPS Role Queue would be too long

Being a good sport and filling in to whatever the team needs is a form of soft throwing no matter how good your intentions were. Because 90% of the time you are probably going to be filling in on Heroes you don’t play your best at.


Maybe you should play every champ for 100 hours before you decide who you’re bad at. I hated playing Ana when I first picked her in a 5dps team, and playing her today gives me anxiety but I’ve played her more than anyone. I’m good with her now but I sucked very very bad for the first 60 hours.

It’s soft throwing when you go into a comp game with experience on only a few champions.

I can play all the hitscan characters at a high level. Including some off meta picks like Roadhog.
I really don’t have the patience or time to learn all 30 characters enough to play them at a high level just so I can Flex while the people on my team are enjoying the characters they like.
And I’m making the sacrifice of filling in in order for them to be able to play their mains.

DPS moira … problem solved.


and if someone plays like that, they won’t go up in sr. They will weed themselves out swiftly and lose sr quick.


meh, i dont play comp as it is …

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Well this is exactly what people want to stop. There are ALOT of people who “are high level hitscan players”. We want less people like you in our games and more people that have the time to be good at multiple archetype.

I’m excited for 2/2/2 because you will get to play your hitscan but I won’t have more than two of you guys in my games.

People picking tanks or healers will have shorter queue times, and the hoard of dps will finally be forced to wait in line. Consider how strongly you feel about only playing dps. That is an accurate measure for how long that queue line will be.

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I agree. Supply and demand. Jeff mentions “Soldier would have to wait 28 min in queue”, well that Soldier is the reason Role Queue is needed. He’s the extra in the team. He’s the reason people can’t stand Overwatch. Why should we worry about him? Give him an option to be put with other DPS that are extras and let them play together.

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I remember the role queue from WoW. When i queued as a dps class wait times could be very long. If i was queuing as a tank or healer the wait times would be significantly less. I didnt mind the long dps queues as i could still go ahead and do other quests or farm for materials.

In Overwatch you would either be stuck waiting for the match maker or the dev’s would have to throw you into a skirmish mode with other folks who were waiting for a game to form.


See here lies the issue. You see me as someone you dont want on your team thinking im selfish. When in fact you are the selfish one wanting to force others into roles they are not comfortable with in order to make YOUR experience better, Who cares about the persons experience you are ruining making them play heroes they dont like right?

Blizzard in fact are hypocrites. Lets look at the Overwatch League.
That is pretty much the epitomy of how OW should be played and how a team should play together right? They are showing us how OW should be played at the highest level.
Guess what, in the OWL they are using a form of Role Q.
Teams hire Tanks players. They hire Support Players. They hire DPS players. And they even hire 1 tricks, like Tracer or Widows specialists.
What they dont want to give us , they themselves are using in the OWL.
You dont see the Supports flexing to DPS, you dont see the DPS flexing to Supports, etc. If a player flexes it is a very rare case.
They are using a system to compile their teams that WE want and have been asking for.

Even stats. We all been asking for a proper scoreboard. They dont give it to us.
In the OWL they have tons and tons of stats available to them on players and the match. But of coarse they hide them from us and wont let us have these kinds of stats in our games, because of sensitive players.

Also like I said in one of my previous posts, I dont care how long I wait if I can play the heroes im best at, and not flex and play heroes im bad at and lose SR. Just to apear to be a good sport. When im harming the team more than helping.

Imagine playing any other game that lets you choose heroes and then be restricted to only play some heroes and not your favorites.
Street fighter, “You have to play Chung Li 90% of the time , you cant play RYU.”
Smash Bros, “You can only play Mario and Yoshi, the other characters are off limits to you.”
Diablo, “You can only play the Wizard, not the Witch Doctor that you like so much” “Tough luck kiddo”.

You want to forcefully twist people arms and make them play the way YOU think they should?

This is all nonsense.
lol why even play then.


And so the dps mains would just go play Apex, CoD, or some other shooter. Killing the population doesn’t help the game overall.


Same, logging off the mage because Tank queue was instant and gave use a loot bag.

Are they going to start giving high priority loot boxes?
I don’t need loot boxes, please give extra comp points?
I don’t need those either, what else would help me decide to play what is needed?

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Yeah I do think you’re selfish. Street fighter and Ssb aren’t team bases games. They weren’t created to be balanced around team based architectures. Most games don’t have the Rock Paper Scissors champion counters like Overwatch.

I’m not only asking to better my experience, but I want to play the game how it was intended to be played with balanced team comps and skilled individuals who can flex to any role.

I want a better experience for you too, you’d get team comps you’d really shine in, and you may even get tired enough of Q times to get good with a shield tank or two.


Hard to predict. And even then, heroes need to provide quick or immediate feedback, otherwise people would be like “what do I even do as that hero?” and they’ll never touch the role again. That’s why dps are popular - you click, you shoot, you kill, you’re good.

Did you totally miss my OWL and Blizzard showing us how the game is intended to be played?

They hire players that only play specific roles. They dont hire players that can flex to any roles. In your head canon you have a warped way you think this game should be , when in reality its nothing close. Even if it sounds good in your head.
Blizzard in how they have structured the OWL with the Pros, dont play the game at the highest level with players flexing to any role.

Do we See JJONAK flexing to a main Tank? No, because thats not his role and thats not what he was hired to do in the team. If he did flex then he would be harming his team because he would be throwing.
His team would lose most likely every time. Just like Ryujehong flexing to tank. The Dynasty were trash when they did that.

  1. How does knowing that we will be wasting our time somehow not an issue. The issue is the waiting…

  2. No, I would not.

  3. Nope.

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I can’t wait to wait in DPS que for 20 minutes to get paired up with a Widow who can’t hit a shot, and no option for our off healer/tank to swap to help out.


I mean it doesn’t have to be just DPS, Tank, and Support queue. Add a flex spot (which will put in whatever role is required), or allow players to queue for two roles. A preferred role and a secondary role that maybe fires after say 3 minutes of wait time.

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Sorry man, I don’t watch owl at all. I don’t know any of these people or care to know.

I know 1 thing for sure though, these people are paid to play. They don’t have to switch because no role needs switching to on professional teams.

Regardless of all of that, if you’re really trying to imitate the pro’s you’d be playing way more tanks and healers instead of using some subjective excuse for why you won’t flex.