Dps complaining about long Q times are the ones that made Role Q necessary

my games , when not playing tank or support myself, have been a lot worse.
I much rather play a game with 5 dps and a support, or 3/3 or any other kind of weird comp, than having people on my team who feel forced to play a role they don’t want to play because it skips a queuetime.
The entire thing i loved about competative prior to the role-queue was the ability to flex and make weird comps work.
It made for more dynamic teamplay and more interesting comps left and right.
Who hasn’t played against a 6 support ‘fun’ comp and actually lost against them? who hasnt played in a goats vs goats comp and thought to themselves afterwards ‘that was a really fun game’.
Being forced in a specific scenario pushes more specific comps, we are now in a reaper doomfist roadhog orisa , or double barrier tank comp, half of the healers have fallen out of any form of competiveness, and you’ll mostly end up with a moira ana, moira baptiste, moira lucio comp.
no matter what happens people are always going to find the most obnoxious team comps and people are g oing to complain about not being able to play what they want to play, because they end up against ‘meta heroes’ who counter their hero.

Fact remains, people are dodging dps queues by playing support/tank and then refusing to play that specific role like you’d want them to be played.


I was deep bronze as dps and i carried myself up to low gold as dps.

i don’t know what the games are like between bronze and gold, but at plat , which has always been a place of hell and damnation, it only became worse with role queue.
And i’m absolutely not saying this to bash or anything.

Every SR has its own playerbase, plat’s playerbase is sadly filled with a lot of toxicity


You think silver was any different toxic wise? lol

In my case, because 25 years of playing Blizzard games has shown me that even putting the game in an “easier place” doesn’t result in them balancing any better.

Even WoW has proven that. They’ve pruned the classes down to absolutely bare basics already, and still can’t balance them. At this point, I doubt Blizzard could balance Pacman.


To better benefit the game as a whole for those tank and support players that were sick to death of everyone else instalocking dps and refusing to switch to help the team.

This is one of the best decisions the developers have made.

Maybe the ride was unsafe with 12 people on it at a time. Blizzard, Just like the theme park example used their own initiative to better benefit everyone. You can still enjoy the ride / still enjoy dps. It just takes a little longer to start.

Not if the people leaving are refusing to see the bigger picture and are spitting their dummy out because the game has undergone a fundamental change to help everyone. I’ve lost a hell of a lot more games with 4-5DPS on my team than 2-2-2.

I have at least 10 - 12 friends who have stopped playing but still watch OWL. I’m not saying everyone is the same but just because someone stops playing, doesn’t mean they won’t still keep up with the OWL or general updates / changes to the game.

like I said i wouldn’t know, but i accept your oppinion :wink:
to me it just feels like i have to play like a grandmaster dps to be able to push out of plat as a dps player if your supports and/or tanks are throwing just so they can play without having to wait between 8-10 minutes for queueing as dps, while moira and zen can get kills, and roadhog is pretty damaging too.

I mean i even got trashtalked for picking Sombra.

people always find something to complain about if it doesn’t go the way they want it to.
The true power of competative SR pre-rolequeue was the ability of being able to adjust and make weird picks work, adjusting to the team’s needs and finding solutions to problems, flexing was an amazing thing to do, granted not for everyone, but the same dps players who used to complain they had to play a different role, are now still playing a different role but without the option to work around it because you can’t pick a support as a dps if both your supports are just doing their best to kill instead of healing their team

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It’s not anecdotal when I already gave you valid reasons, you can no longer switch between roles to pick up the slack (or switch with someone because they can’t play a certain hero), and you can no longer ask people to switch, since you can technically select that role before you queue, telling people what to do was never the solution, but having the power to flex and do your best at any given situation was. If 2/2/2 vs 2/2/2 is considered balanced, then 1/4/1 vs 1/4/1 is also balanced, and this is not anecdotal, and no it’s not that simple but just going by that premise it means it is, because that’s all I hear how 2/2/2 is balanced when it clearly isn’t.

This is how people climbed before, the more flexible you were the better results it would yield (with exceptions of course), and the higher you go the better your games become, because people up there know what really mattered and how to counter pick properly. Under the old system you would pick the heroes you are best at, but now you can pick anything and not care, because 3 SRs allows you to, and no one, not even Blizzard can do anything about you, unless you are extremely toxic every game (which again is left unresolved, and to my knowledge was the main issue people avoided playing competitive in the first place).

Jeff kept saying fun, fun, but FUN is subjective, what is fun for you isn’t fun for me, or isn’t fun for Jeff. Just because Blizzard said they spent 1 year on this system, yet it came out utterly flawed you are telling me you blindly believe them? Because I’m not, if they really spent 1 year on this I think this game is indeed going to die soon. Are you seriously telling me that you believe Blizzard’s statement that Role Queue is a major success? In my case I’m not trying to make you believe me, I’m just saying think about it, and see what makes sense and what doesn’t.

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Disagree 100%.

I have never sat in queue longer than 60 seconds as a tank. And I’ve been playing tank since 2-2-2 came out.

It’s real easy to complain about DPS mains when you haven’t played DPS since the beginning.

And since I am taking jabs at the tanks and supports.

DPS, you ask why your tank sucks? It’s because he’s really a DPS main who doesn’t want to wait in Queue.


I still think tanks are boring. What now?

forcing people to play the game in a specific way, after its been a different for 2 years, seems like an odd thing to do, people were ‘bored’ of goats, but there were many counters to goats, yet they didn’t feel like playing it.
I am still an advocate of having hero bans instead of role queue because it keeps the flex mentality while at the same time limiting the powers of specific comps, if you as a team hate facing a doomfist, then ban doomfist out of the game, it creates more dynamic, and requires more focus-
i don’t mind role queue in quickplay, but it’s really not working for competative in certain ranks in my eyes.
I remember the 2/2/2 days where symmetra was played as the 2nd support, granted it mostly happened in 2cp or hybrid maps, and you’d switch the moment they capped the point, but it caused for a different dynamic, a dynamic we can no longer have.

sigma is not that hard lmfao. especially when he’s a must pick.

People can bash flexing preRQ all they want, but the truth is, in the end it was an actual skill you’ve had. Not to mention that we’re all different in preferences, strengths, talents, so while you can somewhat counter pick now, it’s far from being the same since the heroes posses vastly different skill sets.

Woah, hot take of the century. I never heard this opinion before.

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I completely agree with that quote. It seems as if someone post production told it them it would be a good idea for a company like them with their audience to market the game towards mainstream casual fps gamers. Almost seems like it was a precursor to blizzcon 2018. Now we have a game that bends over to keep those gamers with multiple alternatives while alienating the ones that did care and did invest in the whole game and not just one facet. 222 feels like a step in the right direction but comes a little too late. Don’t get me wrong I love it, this was the consistency I came to OW for. There’s plenty of variety to be had in the game if you play more than one hero or role. Blizzard let people get away with refusing to do that and let them dictate the terms of the game, HUGE mistake.

As a tank/support player, I enjoy RoleQ/lock, and definitely think it was a step in the right direction. Personally, however, I simply do not understand this strange fixation and animosity towards DPS players. They’re literally just people, like you, I, or any other, who found characters and kits that simply clicked with them, and enjoyed playing them in a team setting. Are there bad players in the role? Yes, of course. There are, however, bad players in every role. They were just more visible in the DPS category as a matter of numbers.

No, DPS players weren’t the problem, and, theoretically, they should be just as important a part of the team as the other roles. The real issue was that having more than 2 in a team meant someone was either solo healing, or solo tanking, which vanishingly few found tolerable, let alone enjoyable. That, plus years of lackluster balancing, and an overall lack of focus towards the game’s design, led to the myriad of problems we’ve ALL faced, as a community. Everything else has been a symptom, nothing else.

As such, while I enjoy RoleQ/lock, I don’t think 222 is the way to go. It has laid a great foundation, but it shows many of the glaring issues with the game, as designed. There is too much healing, too much damage, and the roles are far too asymmetrically represented. The proper solution would be aggressive balancing, and consideration for larger team sizes, to better align with the community at large, while avoiding solo roles. That, and actual focus in the games direction. It can only try to be everything for so long before it ends up being nothing.

I am not discussing the feasibility of compositions with you. That isn’t what I found anecdotal. Your comments pertaining to “I see it like this” and “when I am in a game” are what I found anecdotal.

Except Jeff Kaplan is the game director. His fun is the only fun that actually counts.

You still never told me why the comment;

is somehow invalid now when it wasn’t 6, 5, or 4 months ago.