Dps complaining about long Q times are the ones that made Role Q necessary

Cause most people want to dps. Same happened in dungeouns in wow. DPS queue 20min, support 3min, tank instant. Get used to it. OP is correct, be stubborn and wait or select something else and get fast queues. I sometimes choose to wait cause I really want to dps, but I dont complain about it. And its funny cause I usually perform way better on DPS than the DPS players I get to play with when I tank/support, I guess this will be balanced out over time, cause right now we still have alot of DPS players who carried themselves with Moira for many seasons and then destroyed games as a dps, dont mean to be rude, but its the truth

Role Queue was created because Overwatch League had bad stagnation due to 3-3. Ironically the lack of dps was the reason for the change.

It’s more like the wait is so long that I have to play other roles. I can’t get any decent practice with DPS in because the Queue times are so long. And if I do get it then I’m forced to pick characters I don’t play just to counter barriers.

Imagine, if Bliz will install bitcoin miner on your computer with next update and for every time you play DPS you should get 1 bitcoin with mining for Bliz. Will you still be fine with that? “Wha. I can tolerate it. I will not complain about it because I’m a good boy.” Well, continue to tolerate queue times.

The least contributing members of a team always get blamed, that’s just mainly DPS players - the role attracts the lowest common denominator of people fwiw.

And he is still human, and like I said three times already FUN is subjective, if the player base doesn’t find this game fun, Jeff saying that doesn’t change it. Even the devs are human after all, and all humans make mistakes. I don’t understand why this implies I should find the game fun, just because the devs say it is. I bought the game because I find it fun, not because I saw a dev say it is, or anyone else for that matter. It was me.

If we only listen to the devs, here is an example: EA devs say their games are the best, not pay to win and extremely fun. Is this true for you or not? I mean it’s the EA devs themselves claiming that, there is no reason to doubt it right?

It’s invalid to ask for other to please your requests, and I personally never forced anyone to pick any hero, especially if you play a game with randoms. If I thought a certain hero might help us win I’d switch myself. In other words comments from that type were never valid in my opinion, and the only person that can made them valid is you. It’s never good to have people leave a game, be it tanks, dps or healers, but if you think this is your chance at revenge, feel free to go at it.


Whilst I think that you are right I also think that they can not help what they like to play.

gUyS, wE wOrKeD hArD sO yOu FiNalLy CaN wAiT fOr 10 MiNuTeS tO pLaY a SiNgLe DpS mAtCh! iT iS sO mUcH fUn!

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That’s the funny thing about all this

Player: Forced 2/2/2 and role Q will allow people to play what they want!

DPS player complains about queue time

Player: Just play tank or support!


Exactly. Not to mention the toxic attitude from the OP will simply divide the community even further.

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Toxic attitude has always been here

When heroes get nerfed, the haters tell the players of said hero to ‘adapt’ but if they are still ‘overpowered’ to them they go back to complaining

Then you have people calling Mercy players are a cult

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You aren’t being punished, you are getting exactly what you deserve.

This has never happened to me.

It is completely the DPS’s fault that there are long queue times. Only so many tanks and healers to go around. We’re a rare commodity. Don’t like the long queue times then you can sack up and go tank/heals. It is up to the players to choose what role they want to play. Those roles come with consequences.

Quick reminder that Blizzard also slowly chipped away a lot of fun mechanics on characters in those roles. In no specific order:

  • Moira used to be able to heal through barriers. They changed that, and made her problematic to play against barrier-heavy formations
  • LĂșcio had his speed nerfed two or three times, while also messing up with his wallride mechanics, forcing LĂșcio players to re-learn their rollouts often, which gets tiresome after a while
  • Mercy lost her only “moment of glory” on her old ultimate, and nowadays her whole kit is passive and reactive. She feels more like a sidekick than a full-fledged hero.
  • Symmetra removed from the support category and Blizzard stepping back from their initial motto of “support do not mean healer”
  • Zen nerfed because of JJonak being a beast on him, despite his stats on ladder being balanced
  • Brigitte becoming the second deleted-and-replaced character in the game
  • Changing how a base mechanic works (armor) on a tentative to contain goats, making every single tank (other than Zarya) more fragile than intended
  • D.va was changed in minor ways as much as LĂșcio, messing up with muscle memory of D.va mains constantly. Just like LĂșcio, having to re-learn your main now and then gets tiresome after a while.
  • There are still people salty about Roadhog gun nerfs to keep his hook in check
  • Wrecking Ball is almost useless if the enemy team have a semi-competent Sombra or Mei

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Apex doing exactly that to keep the queue times and the early game easier on casuals?

No idea, haven’t played apex legends since release

You’re on such a high horse I don’t know how you haven’t broken your neck looking down at people.


I mean, he’s not wrong though. If there’s 2 tanks/healers every 5 minutes, and 20 DPS every 5 minutes
 the DPS are going to have longer wait times. That’s just how supply and demand works. May not make him better for playing a tank/support. but it explains the queue times

what is your rank? I gonna smurf there if you don’t understand cosiquences still

I mean to an extent but part of the issue is also how unfun tanks are to play lately. You’re stuck with either Orisa or Sigma 90% if the time, sometimes Ball or Zarya. Playing tank has been so miserable lately that tank players would rather wait and play other roles or just not play at all.

Even high ranking supports are getting long queues now (check Swimmers twitter, hes a main support who got a 40+ minute queue the other day) because its bottle necked by tanks.

Oh look another lets hate on the DPS for absolutely no reason thread 

They try to make you feel bad about being a white straight male, now they try to make you feel bad about enjoying one role more than another in a computer game