Doomfist fixes/buffs when?

Dude was nerfed too much. It is very difficult to get use out of him. He has to do more then snipers to secure a one shot (charging at close to mid range and positioming with a wall).

Not to mention he feels clunky midfight as there are gaps where he can’t do anything. A feel like he needs a filler spell with his melee similiar to Bridgette/ Reinhardt and something like an x x x or aaa combo from fighting games to pump out damage and not be completely ability dependent.

His fist guns are okay but they dont feel good vs having a melee combo like jab kick lunge etc. I could also see succesful hits reduce cd like how the windwalker monk works in world of warcraft. Doomfist is OW of a monk and he feels extremely lacking.


That is my big thing too. They didnt like him as an assassin, fine. But if that’s the case, he needs an extra move or shorter CDs (with rebalanced damage ofc) to be able to stay alive in a prolonged fight. He can’t really be a brawler with this much downtime.


Can’t agree enough!!!

If the arent bringing his range and CC back, then yeah, shorter CDs could do the trick

(But the ult needs a rework)


All he has is Rocket Punch right now :confused:

Both Uppercut and Slam are pretty un-reliable now, combine that with his poor ammo mechanic, taking CC from seismic slam bugged it out to heaven and beyond {More so than before}

His Meteor Strike is more like Mediocre-Strike, thing can’t even kill a Baby Dva consistently

All he has is punch… its sad…


Ironically Uppercut is probably the best functioning and reliable ability right now. They improve the hitreg greatly and also made it so that he can knock people up during the entire animation rather than when he presses shift.


Wait, when did this happened?

Doomfist literally went from slightly Overpowered to straight-up trash unless you’re pro.

He’s so hard to frag-out with now, his playstyle is so risky and combine that with his abilities not functioning properly half the time and you get, well, a mess.


The update right before his nerfs did it I believe.

What it means is that Doomfist can uppercut people above him now, assuming they are within the vertical range of it.

The nerfs barely did anything to good players. I’m no pro - I’m just your average player in the average rank, but I have 75% winrate on Doomfist this season over 19 hours/94 games.

It made it decently harder to play him.

I mean I can still play him well, and will get constant 2-3 kills, but with his seismic slam nerf, it killed like half of his roll-outs.

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Dont wanna rank shame but at your rank even Sym is god.


We have people saying Doomfist is unusable unless you’re pro and then we have people saying he’s only usable in low/average rank. Which is it?

They mean that you have to be ridiculously good with him to play him at high ranks, like Brandito/Chipsa levels

But at low ranks due to the skill of players not being exactly the greatest, even Doomfist can do well there (even if you´re mediocre with him)


They definitely need to rework Doomie’s Ult. Especially, if they don’t plan to buff his kit in anyways.

Even though a split second slow could make SS consistent again. So the pull effect can take effect without stopping the directional movement of the target. Like getting a single spray from Mei would do.

You have to be “ridiculously good” at any hero to maintain GM/Top 500. That’s not exclusive to Doomfist.

Also, Overbuff seems to disagree with you.

I play DF more like an executioner and enforcer.

I can do work if I have a tank I can stand near, and just watch the teamfight… Maybe poke with RP (the real depressing part of him now), but ultimately spotting a ~200hp hero hit say 2/3 health and jumping in to execute them.

It gets some pretty good work done, but I realized where things start to go wrong is when the other team starts to get ults and my ult is something that lets me escape for free at the charge time of Genji getting his…

I got depressed. Sake!

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How would they really change meteor strike without reverting it though, since they dont do reverts.

I could see it being revamped into a displacement ultimate though.

I also talked with a friend how it could be replaced with an ultimate that calls a bunch of boulders up from the ground like in the cinematic, probably a bad idea though.

Im talking to the point of mastering the hero completely, and even then you can get way more value with other heroes with less effort

Doomfist is way to high risk and medium reward at most (basically not worth it)

And if we are talking about Overbuff…

Winrate most of the time is below 50%

Pickrate is about 0.6% all the time

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Good point on the Ult charge. Although, we can’t lessen it because Meteor Strike got nerf for being a satellite cannon.

So getting it faster would be unfair to the opponents.