Doomfist fixes/buffs when?


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Buff him back into easily 1 shotting everyone? Pass. He was broken at release and even after one fix he was still crazy broken.

Blizz should never have released a one shot hero like him, esp. after the community had been having enough of one shot bug hooks from hog for far too long. Like, they nerfed hog’s hook then shortly after released supreme cheese one shot DF. Lel.

Let him remain trash tier.

Except tanks, characters that have better mobility and snipers far back from the action.

Also news flash his rocket punch hasn’t changed. His combo has though, due to the slam distance change and uppercut not registering sometimes.

doomfist mains are hypocrates

you did not complain when he was overbuffed but tell everyone to get good. now flooding the forums when you need to adapt.

Doomfist was never ‘overbuffed’, he had some of his bugs fixed.


The only buff he got was movement speed on the Ult and extra 5 gain to Shields.

I know, I just found a better gif with Jojo hahaha

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That’s fair. jojo is a fantastic show.

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Yup but Fist of the North Star was the daddy of badassness hahahaha


Key word some

Because no matter what period of Doomfist you played. You’d run into a few bugs just by playing him.


Rocket Punch hasn’t been nerfed.

He was “broken” on PTR for exactly 3 days, at which point they nerfed him into almost useless and then launched him into the main game, where he stayed at for the next year until they started fixing his bugs and then gave him two minor buffs. Good try, though.

Instead, they should release more one shot Heroes like Widow and Hanzo, who can kill in a single shot from any range instead of being limited to a 22m max distance, right?

By your logic, we should let the hero in your player icon, Mercy, be trash tier as she was legitimately overpowered for over half a year.


You can never say no to punching a tank to death.

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Yes she was too strong when they reworked her and yes she is trash tier now and I could care less. Let her stay that way. Game has bigger issues than Mercy maining.

If I had the interest enough I would reinstall OW via the battle net app and rotate the icon but I don’t.

So you’re not playing OW anymore?

But the same thing could be said about other Heroes as well. Bastion, Roadhog, Sym, Sombra, Soldier, etc. Your point is still wrong because it can be applied to other Heroes that have done well in the past but are now extremely weak. That is a huge issue with Overwatch.

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PS4 mainly, stopped using my PC account a while back

The balancing Bliz does OW wise has been poor for a long time now. Rather than buff up others’ to create a general viability across the board they pull out their hammer and smash the thing (“problem character”) into oblivion.


Rocket punch wasn’t nerfed.

I was one of the complainers when Doomfist was overtuned, and did a little happy dance when he got nerfed. What can I say, I dislike being one-shot in the face with very little counterplay.

But the last round of Doom nerfs were beyond ridiculous. I get that they wanted a solution to all the Doom complaining, but making him garbage wasn’t the solution. It’s much the same way that buffing Reaper’s life steal was not a solution (fix shadow step ffs), nor were McRightClick’s recent buffs (fix high noon ffs).

No one deserves having their hero made this useless.

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I like this change a lot! It makes a huge difference fighting enemies who are sitting at highground.
One thing i really dont like about it. If you uppercut someone who is on highground and you hit him NOT with the beginning of your uppercut animation, the knockup of the enemy will be relatively higher than your own knockup, so that you could only follow up with handcannonshots. rocketpunch will be a miss. this lets me miss so many combos, where you think you could RP them, but you slightly punch underneath them and hit no one xD

I’d rather have him unfixed lol. The moment he becomes consistent and viable people cry for nerfs, because god forbid a cooldown-based melee characters have any impact.