Doomfist fixes/buffs when?

I had an idea actually:

Change the animation to be the same has the highlight intro, instead of him jumping out of the map and then landing, the kill zone is reverted back to its original size, and instead of being instant dmg, it now creates a Shockwave from the landing area that extends overtime, it starts from 250 dmg and goes lower until it reach 50 dmg only

I honestly think a solid and small buff to test on the PTR would be putting the charge rate of it to Tracers. It feels about as reliable as Tracerā€™s ult.

We canā€™t revert it. Doomieā€™s Ult needs to lose its satellite cannon nature. Not being able to fight back while being targetted by it, is the reason it got nerfed.

That boulder throw rework would be funny but yeah probably not practical.

Maybe something akin to Dragon Blade but with Punches.

Nah trust me, Tracer ult is far better at killing

Iā€™d be okay with that since Tracer can only try to kill with her ultā€¦ DF can try to kill with his or escape.

And most likely fail

I donā€™t think theyā€™ll buff Meteor Strike as it is.

Tracer you can shoot at when she throws her Pulse Bomb.

Doomie on Meteor Strike, we canā€™t. I just feel we arenā€™t solving the real issue with his Ult, if we keep it as is.

But thatā€™s just my opinion.

I donā€™t believe thereā€™s anyone who mastered Doomfist completely (exploiting all of his bugs/unintended features). But itā€™s not necessary to do well with him.

ā€œEffortā€ is quite subjective. In what way does Doomfist take more effort? Heā€™s not very mechanically intensive at all in my opinion which is why I like him. Itā€™s easy to get a lot of value just repeatedly rocket punching people into walls.

Also last I checked Doomfist had a positive winrate over 50% plat upwards that only increases in the higher ranks which is why I think youā€™re mistaken about his only value being in lower ranks.

Are you kidding me here?

That might work on low ranks, but at high ranks, its a completely different story

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Even at high ranks, I see streamers like Byeongjong engaging most of the time with rocket punch and then uppercut and slam out. Thatā€™s not too mechanically intensive, and heā€™s doing that at GM. So Iā€™d say that playstyle definitely can work at high ranks (although can get boring or predictable if used too much).

I think Doomfist could be suited for a Primal Rage style ultimate, but with a more offensive spin rather than the disruption Primal Rage has.

He gains maybe max shields, his damage and speed increased by maybe 15-20% and his seismic slam cooldown gets reduced [Scaled with the duration of the ult]

Not even gonna comment about my idea? :l

Didnā€™t see it, notifications were blowing up on different threads, apologies.

It sounds pretty decent. But what kind of shock-wave speed/effect visually are we talking? Sound Barrier esque?

Itā€™d definitely be better than current Meteor though.

Fast enough so you cant simply run from it and completely evade it

Maybe slightly slower than Earthshatter

Iā€™d see that.

I was thinking more of a smaller style Sound Barrier like effect. Visually you would just sub the green-wavy effect for a more bright blue electricity bolt effect.

Pretty much yeah, and maybe also the shatter effect on the floor

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If they go the offensive route, I could see this working.

Though if they decide to take his ultimate a more defensive-route. I was talking with a friend earlier about how meteor strike could be turned into an area-denial ultimate, where in the current radius, wherever he lands is now a ā€œradiation/electricity zoneā€ where whoever is in there gets zapped with bolts of electricity emanating from the ground he struck.

An Ult that Buffs his Kit for a short duration.

Why not! At least that sounds exciting to have then a get out of jail free card.

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I feel like they should buff his Rising Uppercut like it used to be and his Seismic Slam. But leave his ult as it is.

Yea his ult feels so bad. Like genji gets a dash reset and instant melee slashesā€¦ Doom gets a timed jump that takes you off the point (c9 in overtime) that canā€™t even kill a tank or go through shields being a melee ability (inconsistant with other melee abilities), has no vertically or sustain. But it has a short charge (good luck charging your ult with his kit). Genji is in a much better spot melee wise.

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