Doom feels like has 0 impact

Mei, Widowmaker Bastion and Doom were all capable of peeling and making space due to sightlines and trajectory alone (minus Mei who literally has a giant wall), they really didn’t need to change that much about Doom to make him a tank beyond giving him more health and toning his damage down some, dooms new kit isn’t nearly as fun and every tank does whatever your trying to do as Doom… better than Doom does by far

He still gets blown up fan the hammer and magnetic grenade kills you he still has the combo.

Wait hold on how is it basless its pretty accurate also arent you the same guy who said sigma needed small buffs during the double shield meta?
Yet you would call my post baseless?

Must be thinking of someone else

Also, doom feels great, dont know what youre talking about

I don’t really use his slam to escape. I play it lame, I tend to slam in a safe zone, like from front of the choke with my team behind then I follow up with a power block and then I decide whether to push out or to punch the enemy group depending on my health and repeat this process. This should be enough to allow the team mates to also throw in some damage and heals your way and to stay alive. That is the main thing I try to do instead of going in deep looking for kills unless I want to pick off a healer in the backline but I ensure I have ultimate or close to it before doing that.

Doom was always an easily counterable, dodgable character. People got mad cause he exploited bad positioning and they didn’t want to admit it was their fault.
He was high risk high reward, now he’s just a bad mash of other tanks abilities. All the skills players spent training for him, the most mechanically complex hero in the game, are gone now.
Laid it all out here to help non-doom mains understand.
They Destroyed Why People Played Doom (And How To Fix Him) - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

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More and more people will see how bad and bland he is and I hope they change his power block

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Something will defintely come

considering the fact that blocking damage with block immediately puts his punch cooldown to 0, what more do you want

I doesn’t just pit it at zero only if it’s charged.

And you mainly use it as an escape punch if you started any engagement with slam.

I want meaningful damage in his gauntlet and not in handcannon

I’d also like the return of uppercut not Winston leap.

new tank doomfist is literally only playing lame lmfao