Doom feels like has 0 impact

Not even close to the best tank in the game.

Hes better than Hog, Sigma, Rein, Winston (Hog counters him too so theres no point in even counting hog, and he doesnt do too much to sigma Rein is horrible against doomfist because he can just constantly punch him out of melee range.)
Everything else outclasses him.

Just noā€¦
For unorganized play he might seem bad but for organized play nothing comes close.


Zarya is way better is better at damage and Tanking
Orisa is just better Rein at this point.

All the tierlists rank him as mediocre too or are you going to say GM players are unorganized?

I donā€™t know what tierlists you are looking at but every one I have seen has him in S-tier.

Ive only seen him in Good and Mediocre nothing else.

I unironically think OW1 Doom is a better tank than the OW2 Doom.

At the very least old Doom could make space via threat alone, now the only threat he really has if you are near a cliff.


Thats what im saying dooms damage doenst have to be insane but literally no one is scared of him people literally jump infront of his punches to body block him so he cant punch out.


Like why would I play Doom when Orisa just has a ranged version of rocket punch with none of the risk?


Did we play the same game? The game where doomfist gets blown up by flash+fan / hook / hack/ sleep? Iā€™m not saying 450 health + his current power block is enough to make him feel tanky but cā€™monā€¦ He has way more survivability now, you can actually engage and disengage. His leap cooldown does feel kinda restrictive at times tho

I think he is mostly fine you are just super dependent on your DPS picking up on your cc to confirm kills, I would imagine in pro play he is going to be one of the top tanks.

Think most of his problems can be solved by some number tweaks with either slightly more damage on rocket punch, lower cooldown on slam and more ult charge since its such a low impact ult and takes forever to get because he does such low damage.

Personally think slam having a lower cooldown would be the best bet.


Iā€™ve been watching getquakedon, and if he canā€™t finish killsā€¦ I doubt 99% of people can. He can jump in with his seismic leap or w/e it called, charge up his fist maybe pop a couple shots off that do almost no dmg and then punch out.


Iā€™ve seen xqc finish multiple kills and heā€™s played the game maybe three times in a year.

I honestly like this idea having multiple ways to power up rocket punch sounds good that or make empowered punch have half the charge up time of normal punch could also be nice

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While QuakedOn is a really great DF player, keep in mind his playstyle was never very orthodox. He played rollout DF in OW1 and now heā€™s still tryna play DF in a dps manner, not exactly the ā€œā€ā€œintendedā€"" way. Frankly I havenā€™t been enjoying watching his gameplays lately bc hes just flying around instead of tanking lol

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This has happened to me a few times and I started to pick this up. If I see doom jump into the back like I literally just stand behind as the tank and take the charged punch and watch him die. I was successful with it twice which forced the Doom to switch.

Matter of fact Iā€™ve watched any tank who switch off Doom do better overall. Usually they just switch to Orisa cause she brawls better and that spear is better rocket punch.

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All the people that blew him up still blows him up.

Hog just makes his day worthless as with less damage he just face tanks doom and hooks him through block.

I tried everything and thereā€™s nothing I could do against a hog.

Because Doomfist canā€™t tank he has the worse tank option and if you donā€™t fly around you are about to have a very bad day.

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You kinda gotta be careful though, previously Doom was built upon bursting people down more or less instantly which is something he shouldnā€™t be able to do as a Tankā€¦

This specifically sounds like he needs vertical movement (did they get rid of uppercut?). This wonder if they could modify his standard quick melee attack to be context dependent or something to give him more options. Heā€™s sposed to be a martial arts guy after all right :man_shrugging:t2:

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shouldnā€™t have changed his kit so much, old doom with less damage+more health wouldā€™ve been fine if he got shoved into tank category, easily much more preferable than what we got

they gutted his kit and identity to make him winston with a less effective zarya bubble and his punch.


Oh look, its CryoForel making anothing baseless post.