They Destroyed Why People Played Doom (And How To Fix Him)

Yes, hammond needs a rework. I don’t understand the point of him in this tank era of OW2. He seems out of place.

IDK i’d say he fits better here with what they’re going for than old OW if they’re going for a more individual play based death match style.

what does doom do that other tanks don’t do better in ov2? melee range bruiser->rein, scary damage combo->hog, heavy dd displacement->hammond, high survivability? most tanks if not all of them… dive/engage tank->dva, like wtf is dooms crucial role in the tank category im having a hard time trying to figure out where he fits and who DOESN’T do doom’s job better. this also all co-oncides with the fact that he’s putting himself in the enemy’s playing field STILL, but doesn’t have some kind of survive button like wb shield or hog heal or a way to instantly make space like the threat of a hog hook or let his team follow with a rein shield. i just cannot tell what doom’s purpose is

Haven’t got into the beta yet, but I kind of agree after watching more gameplay today. Seems like the devs want him to be a displacer/disruptor but with the tiny damage all of his abilities do I just don’t see it. He can knock away or slow someone for a second but thats inferior compared to the utility other tanks have.

If they wanna keep this new rework doom his numbers def need to be tweaked, but imo my suggestions or at least something to bring back a bit of the old rollout playstyle without making him busted is needed.

Also kind of sad to see that GetQuakedOn was calling for some buffs for him in his alpha impressions vid but they ended up nerfing him even more for the beta. So far they’re following old doom’s path of over-nerfing him, except worse because this new doom isn’t nearly as much fun to play.

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doomfist now have a Hand armor made by plastic

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it’s so funny seeing doomfist’s giant robot arm gauntlet charge up, a thing that looks like it could devastate a tank, and then deal next to zero damage hahahaha. he looks so lame now its insane


After having played the beta since the twitch drops I can now say I still stand by everything I said, not much more to it then that.

I want my dmg back , tankfist is boring as hell , doom = high rish high reward + slot of time to learn , and they took both , even if they fixed the lack of skill he needs to play or the lack of freedom is combos , they will never give him his dmg back and that is what upsets me , without the dmg and killing threat you have no reward and as a tank you have no risk since you dont get one shoted and they dont have a million cc to chain on you . in my opinion the only doom that is variable is the real doomfist ow1 doom fist , not frogfist or tankfist .

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Definitely agree. Doubt his damage will come back as EVEN NOW people still complain he’s too strong, which just goes to show they probably never knew how to counter him in the first place, but at least give us back his old moveset.

this isn’t a forum post, this is a thesis :sob:

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My least favorite part of new Doomfist is that he’s not a combo character anymore. And before anyone says anything, no, standing still and then punching is not a combo, the ‘counter’ is not even close to satisfying, the block is not engaging or interactive at all.

There is no more juggling your 3 different abilities and using them all as escapes AND engages. Sometimes you even have to split them into engage-damage-escape. There is no more thinking on your feet, there is no more high IQ plays, there is no more edge of your seat escapes, no more adrenaline rush, no more ADAPTATION, no more FUN, no nothing to his kit. Everything good about Doomfist has been removed and he was already an almost perfect design. They simply changed way too much way too quickly; this was not a set of calculated decisions to try and smooth him over to a new category in a way that doesn’t totally shaft everyone that already plays him,

this was a radical change done because Blizzard knows Doomfist doesn’t have a lot of players and the community already has a sect of irrational hatred towards the character.

This entire thread, especially your well-thought out and written post, just makes me sad, and the semi-recent news that Overwatch 1 is getting entirely rewritten and disabled, replaced by overwatch 2 on release, makes it so much worse.

people do not realize the levels of genius Doomfist is working on in overwatch 1 because they don’t play and don’t understand his kit. Blizzard made a street fighter character, slapped him in an FPS, and actually made it fun. I don’t care if he wasn’t always a strong DPS, I would rather have a less than good but fun and engaging DPS than a mediocre incredibly boring Tank. It’s the kind of thing that’s literally always going to be upsetting to know.

It is a genuine marvel of character design that is just straight up getting deleted, forever, in favor of an extremely less interactive version of the same kit. Once DPS fist is gone, this marvel of design isn’t going to be the same ever again, and even overwatch 2 custom games won’t be able to replicate the kit 1:1. This is infuriating and extremely poorly thought out decision making by Blizzard to the point where I hope Overwatch 2 is such a massive failure that the company goes bankrupt because I want every single person in charge of making these decisions to understand how abrupt and stupid they are.

Even with how bad Doomfist is in Ov1 compared to a majority of the DPS cast who are way more reliable, i’d rather them nerf DPS doomfist and make him even worse than continue with the tank switch and ability changes. That’s how attached I am to his kit design and flow, because there’s nothing like it anywhere else, and I assume most Doomfist players feel the same- especially now that the beta honeymoon period is over and we can all think rationally instead of just being happy Blizzard paid attention to the hero. No more coping- let’s take a step back and realize that this really is just a piss poor thing to happen.

if that’s what’s required to make blizzard pay attention than so be it, what we’re seeing is genius game design get butchered for no reason

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The post is not perfect and has some flaws but basically:

Slam now shoots you into the air and when landing does fixed damage like winston leap. It is exactly winston leap. Before you got more damage from distance up to a cap.

Before you needed punch to get highground and if you made a mistake (very commen because hard depending on map geometry) u where stranged on lowground as a closerange big hitbox)

There are so many creative ways to play and many rollout spots dont work for 40 punches and maybe you get 1 punch and then people clip it and say doom is op. His punch damage could get nerfed (its low effort but still more effort than any other dps killing someone by just holing mouse 1) his slam distance was too short and easy his shields or health maybe but dont make him a winston.

He is 0 unique. 0 Unique. I would never ever play him over winston. (But since winston got a charged up gun now im not so shure anymore, people seem to want a easy way out now and its not good for the game its no challenge if you fix every heros weekness and make them all bland and boring.

The unfortunate side effect of keeping most of the hero core designs the same from an era where you were allowed to have three tanks. Most of the heroes have been around before season 18 introduced a role queue (along with OWL 2-2-2 rules). Hammond included.

Honestly the current state of the game feels like its chaotic in a good way and eventually the community will start to find a sort of rhythm on how to make this all work more cohesively and the tank heroes will settle into established metas for different comps … maybe, who really knows though right?

I don’t feel like commenting a post from last april. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Just coming back after playing OW2 for a bit now (along with the beta before) to say everything I typed in the initial post is still 100% valid. Blizz didn’t even address the issue of punching out to escape draining your powerblock charge.
AND on top of everything in the post, its pretty unanimously agreed rn that Doomfist is the worst tank pick in the game, which is extremely ironic because, as stated in the post, old Doomfist’s kit (with my suggested changes) would have fit much more in OW2’s more brawler, skill-based, 1v1 focused gameplay.
Hell, with Junker Queen basically being a DPS in the tank roll, they could’ve even put old Doomfist into the tank roll (with my suggested changes to his abilities) and it wouldn’t have been out of place.
His abilities have no synergy, and other tanks do everything he does now but better, as laid out in my post.
Again, such a shame that one of the most unique characters in an FPS has been destroyed because of a vocal minority that didn’t understand his playstyle, weaknesses, didn’t want to acknowledge their own shortcomings when facing him, and thought that godly clips from the top 1% of Doomfist mains represented what everyone was able to do with him all the time.


anyone who played doomfist enough to get reasonable success already knew tankfist sucked
i think blizzard only made him a tank because they knew they bloated the dps category and the forums already had a weird bias against him
so they rushed a staggeringly unfun rework of him made for new players

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To quote myself from other posts:

I think his RP should still OHK non-tanks with a wall impact, but if they’re going to keep him reworked as a tank, here’s what they should do:

  • Increase shotgun projectile speed. Again, no reason a “in your face” tank with such a weak weapon should have to lead his shots as close as 5 meters when most, if not every other projectile is hitscan at that range, explosive, has a larger hit box, or has a much wider spread. It was find before because he could control where they went to an extent, but not anymore.
  • Have Block increase charge speed of RP, essentially allowing a full charge just by tapping.
  • Increase regular melee damage and/ or speed. He should be called “Doomfist” for more reasons than just having a giant fist that one of the OW animations said can shatter skyscrapers. Assuming every characters base melee does the same damage, why the Hell does Zenyatta kick 50% harder than DF punches?
  • Increase damage of fully charged RP + wall impact to 100-150. It should take out a good chunk of a guy’s health.
  • Have block increase damage and radius of his slam and his ult. All his abilities revolve around his fist, why shouldn’t they all be buffed?
  • Give back the CC on his slam. Effect increases with charge.
  • Kills with a fully charged ability refund Block.

That’s all probably too much and would probably put him back in the damage role, but if it breaks him, they can reel him back as much as they need to. As he stands right now, his shotgun is basically useless, his blocks only redeeming quality is it can save him from ults like Deadeye, his self sustain is hilariously bad, and a tank should never be a hit and run for optimal usage.

His damage is poor, and every other tank can either out damage, outlast, or escape just as easily. I’d take OG Doomfist over this garbage any day.

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Hopefully they will buff him correctly come end of season

Doomfist was only a problem because dps refused to counterpick him in ow1. Old mcree’s stun completely shut him down and any ranged heros could hit his massive hitbox. He’s a decent tank, but is really situational and not as self reliant as he should be. with the new cc from tanks, he wouldn’t have been a problem. He was a problem in high elos bc people are such incredible sweats that it is impossible to balance insanely high skill floor characters, such as genji, up there because how do u compete with sweats with 4000 hours on doom utilizing every miniscule map pixel to assasinate people. only high elo people who make up 1% of the game complain. One shot combos are annoying when they cant be outhealed, making his combo 190 dmg would still leave him just as effective unless you have excellent supports. tracer is played in a similar way, she wastes an insane amount of enemy recourses but doesnt one clip generally. yet widow players just learn aim and basic positioning and can change the teamfight even in a 4 v 5. doom players only take out one player, and generally die or have to retreat. He was more of annoyance. they should really add mei to the tank roster, she is always under or overtuned and her kit is perfectly suited to be a brawl tank. most characters in the game have one shot combos and dooms used like 3 cooldowns. I also felt that i could play against a good doom and still have fun. I can easily have 2 deaths in ten minutes against snipers, but it forces a passive playstyle on support which is unfun, not unfair. genji and doom have always been raked over the goals when there is like 100 players with exceptional skill that dominate in high ranks. characters that people in 90% of the player base complain about are left untouched or even buffed. Genji and doom didnt ruin my fun, just maybe would deny me a win because they outclassed me, but i dont get randomly killed by a stray shurikin, genji has to be in my face and tbh its just less frustrating to die to.

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