Dont expect high hopes for 6v6

I hear this from content creators, but the only role that has bad queue times is dps. Tank is almost always 1 min, and support has never been higher than one minute since ow2 launched. Not a single time have I queued and support was higher than one min.

If it’s about queue times, we need to get rid of a support, and have three dps.

there was a twitter post of one senior dev claiming the switch to 5v5 was for gameplay reasons rather than queue time

Thank you! Someone with some common sense… Why is it so rare?


Why don’t these fools just put both formats in the game…?

You can even do it like this- dps/support can choose to queue for 5v5/6v6 or BOTH at the same time

Tanks must choose which format they wanna play (or even they could choose too)

And since you have the option to opt in to both formats, any possibly prolonged queues would be avoided…

Unless nobody was willing to for example, queue for 5v5 and they all specifically queue only 6v6.

And if THAT happens, the solution is obvious.

Of course they’d need to balance for 6v6- which they already should, because 5v5 has been hell since day 1.

Hot take- if any role should be strongest in ow2, it’s support. The game has ONLY been good during support metas. Now more than ever your ability to win is team dependant outside of… tracer? Doom? Sometimes.

lol I do agree. If they’d started individual tank balance in like season three we’d be done by now. It’s a gigantic task, but it’s the only realistic way I see 5v5 working. It would kill counter-swapping at a minimum.

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I would imagine that since they balance for 5v5, 6v6 is going to have gigabusted tanks and the devs will go ‘oh well, we tried, looks like 6v6 is bad so we are only going to support 5v5’

Hot take, I actually think the giga buffed tanks would be sick in 6v6, and would love to try it with all the passives and buffs. The only thing that needs changing is shield health by maybe 400 for rein, and 200 for sig and ram.

I mean yeah we can say “blizzard will probably f it up” but they already HAVE and bad, so it can’t hurt to try.

The game is already complete garbage thoroughly for every role except tracer and doom players.

I wouldnt mind gigabuffed tanks in 6v6 bc i will be queuing tank in 6v6

I’d reduce all tank Hp by like… 200 ish each, depending on the tank, and otherwise not change them.

And I think that would fix most of them.

I’d also give Cassidy back flash bang and brig her proper stun, mei her freeze, and I wouldn’t compensation nerf any of them at all… tanks could afford to be strong when they can’t just hop in the backline a delete people for free and so many hero’s got ruined by 5v5

just combine DPS and support into one role so that most of the DPS heroes can also heal, kind of like illari/bap who are kind of like DPS but also support

and then bring back 2 tanks, because 2 tanks gives depth to the game; unlike 2 dps or 2 supports, which does’t give as much depth.

2 tank + 3 damage+healer role (5v5)
problem solved?

With the erosion of so much game complexity, sticking to 5v5 will be the death of this game. :saluting_face: :saluting_face: :saluting_face:
I mean what audience are they even going for? Obviously not the fps genre.
Aaron knows it won’t work but will probably be doubling down.

It’s so joever. Their only card is to keep powercreeping forever. They don’t have a real solution to 5v5.

There won’t be a 6v6 ever again. We all should know that. Bli$$ard is an egoist, narcissist company with narci and egoist workers (dO yOu gUyS nOt hAvE pHoNeS?). If they put back a 6th player, they would admit that they WERE WRONG for years. They won’t admit it, they won’t implement another player slot, unfortunately. Instead, we’ll get more recolor skins for 2000-3000 golds.

That’s super cope. Rivals is going to be successful and here to stay.
Did you even play the Alpha? It was a blast for me. The game is also more complex with more # of skills, personal agency, skill expression, etc.
The game also doesn’t have invulnerability spam on supports and most of the healing is solo target rather than aoe. It’s a lot more thrilling than Suzu/Pylonwatch.

Overwatch 2 itself is the Overwatch killer. Just need Rivals to come out so people have somewhere to move to.
There will also be Concord to try out, Deadlock by Valve, why would people sit in OW Ranked when they can play these new exciting games? OW2 is hardly even a sequel. It’s just so stale… no matter how much you like it. And on top of staleness it’s “less is more” less = less 5v5.

Many people would play tank, if they wouldn´t be the only tank of the team

6v6 would cause a tank-hype

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I def would since I actually get the flexibility/option to move to the side a bit and off angle people like I do in 6v6 OW. I actually played tank voluntarily in Rivals. It was fun playing Hulk and I assume Venom will be a good subtank for me too.
People like to pretend they don’t know where tank players would come from though if OW went to 6v6 (keep in mind we didn’t even have f2p back then). Now the game is so insufferable it looks like 60% of people in comp are queueing support from what I last saw. (which is just the DPS+ role) like 25% of players were queueing dps and tanks remained unchanged mostly around 14% or something within the last month of S11.

Just based on this alone, it makes it highly probable that this whole dev post is just going to be a long winded way of saying 6v6 ain’t coming back.

People who want it back should just uninstall and leave the game. I have :man_shrugging: they’ve ruined this game for me. I’m literally here now to see what they have to say in this blog just because I’m curious to hear they’re reasoning and then I’m gone.

How am I coping? There is years of precedence and this occurs with all sorts of juggernaut titles. Not just Overwatch. It’s more of an observation.

Nobody could know for sure.

Nope. And unfortunately I am not going to bother with the beta either as I am on console and unless they change how you get codes, or open it up, I am just not going to bother.

That is subject to change as they add more heroes. And if they avoid it, I am afraid the opposite problem is arguably worse. Homogenization…

Absolutely. There will always be a certain percentage of people that move on and find a new obsession. Marvel Rivals can be that for a lot of people. I just highly doubt it will take a substantial amount of our regular audience.

It is already in beta. And… It will not last a month.

That’s more competition for League of Legends players or something…

Again, they WILL play other games. Just not for long.

It is not about me. The audience as a whole still loves it.

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These can kind of both be answered with the same answer. They are taking a beloved 6v6 format and listening to the community about their gripes and the things blizzard did wrong to try and steer a different direction. They’re trying to go the route players want them to, with a grain of salt. It’s just a foundational formula for success… Like a polished hindsight version of 2016 OW which won game of the year.
There is hunger for the format and it works so… thats why I think it will stick around and succeed while being the first real OW competitor.

Also Overwatch’s niche it held for so long was the main reason it never died out. Competitors were not really competitors when they were like Valorant and stuff.
So I don’t think this can be compared to years of precedence with all sorts of other juggernaut titles which don’t have such a niche.

They are allowing both consoles to play if you sign up, or even if you don’t, they will be doing twitch drops for beta codes.

Yes subject to change. Hopefully they don’t go down the immortality route. Quick flash things like suzu and stuff are okay in a tuned down form. However, I don’t think a game will be homogenized when you can love whatever hero you play even if they achieve the same end result.
It’s all about the flavor you like and the hero’s performance. There really is no homogenization possible in my eyes as long as you don’t gut heroes uniqueness. Heroes will still keep their niche (unlike Hanzo and friends that Blizz just guts and leaves). Counterpicking also felt less relevent aside from countering a full cast of fliers (I would swap to the character “Storm” instead of “Magik” and kick their butts for playing that comp).

I don’t think it matters if OW had like 3 versions of cass with slight variation and animations with similar end results. It’s about the hero you identify with and how cool you feel playing them.

It may not, we can only wait and see. It’s just the “matter of fact” bravado I thought I detected that had me reply.

I don’t know where this “not for long” comes from. Maybe you just wish they come back so you can convince yourself of your own addiction lmao. I’ve been there. #psychoanalysis

There are lots of people that like OW2 that will continue to play it. We will only see the number after Rivals release. I just don’t think Blizzard is targeting a specific audience with these changes so the game will probably stagnate.
The game is more moba first person now than fps shooter. Like who is going to gravitate to this game when the competitors release content?

It is a unique genre in the way it has transformed quite a bit to beefy tanks and moba-like support abilities, but the fps shooter audience was larger to grab from.
So it traded 1 unique genre (being THE fps hero shooter) for another more questionable one.

In short, I don’t think saying players will crawl back, considering thats the 6v6 niche they’re looking to fulfill, is accurate. Neither do I think it will last a few weeks, like other “Overwatch Killers” which were not even true competitors but more search and destroy (single life) and unpolished games like Paladins.
Rivals has hype behind it unlike that xDefiant game I have barely even heard about.
Aside from those three I don’t even know what other games people cite as competitors.

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All I can say is pay attention to how many people do not even play this game and yet still engage with the forums regularly. They are not going anywhere, fam. They are here to stay. They will haunt us until they finally do find their replacement game.

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