Dont expect high hopes for 6v6

I’m one of them. Nostalgia keeps me caring about patches I shouldn’t care about. I like to watch the game direction in hopes it flops on it’s head someday. Sorry for the long post.
I don’t dislike disagreement or speculation about an outcome I may favor. It just sucks how many people on forums give up on a conversation lol.
Thanks for the reply.

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Yes, the switch from 1-3-2 6v6 to 1-2-2 5v5 which happened in late 2020/early 2021 during OW2 development.

But I don’t think people are really talking about the number of players on each team so much as the number of Tanks.

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Having open queue be 6v6 and also having it be partially role-limited (2 tanks max, maybe 2 supports max as well) would be ideal imo but that’s just my opinion.


Still, every test they ran has conclusively shown that the solo player on any role doesn’t like it, no matter the format

Jake will always defend / white knight 5v5 because he needs those $$$, i call it bull that he enjoys every role even “Off Stream” dude needs to play only Tank role majority of his stream and play it 5-8 hrs and lets see. wth is w/ the Q time issue? it’s free to play now and many will return if its 6v6


That would work for sure, I just kinda want to see what it would be like with all the tanks busted lol. I think tweaks would need to be made, like JQ not having any headshot reduction, but Mauga, and Roadhog having like 30%. Just based on hit box size.

It wasn’t.

Not saying you personally have no right to be pro-5v5 because of queue times, but the devs didn’t consider it at all.


Ultimately it doesn’t matter what he says. Blizzard consisntently said Wow classic wouldn’t happen for over a decade and then one day boom, it happened.

They’ll release Overwatch Classic the moment they think it’s most profitable to do so.


Yawn. Not the smoking gun you think it is.

They dropped a Damage player from each team in 2020/2021.

Explain? I don’t see how that would negate them saying that moving to 1 tank was purely for gameplay reasons.

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That isn’t what he said though?

He said they moved to 5v5 for gameplay reasons. People inferred that meant ‘removing a Tank’ but that isn’t what he said. Problem (for you) is they moved from 1-3-2 6v6 to 1-2-2 5v5. They dropped a Damage hero, not a Tank.

That’s why queue times weren’t a factor.

“not coming back” seems to require a lot of words indeed.

So he knows whatever he is doing is going to piss ppl off but still doing it regardless.

132 was universally hated so why would anyone even think 122 was going to work?

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This was very interesting to read, thanks for the links.

It turned out as predicted. Now I wonder if this was all forgotten in 3 years or if they decided to accept the downsides.

There’ll be high hopes. Because if the only concrete bottleneck for having 12 players in a match is hardware limitations, then players won’t be able to accept it and move on from the game. 6v6 is just that much more superior of a format by default without anyone’s personal input since 5v5 is fundamentally flawed and unhealthy for the game (i.e. rock-paper-scissors countering being a massive problem) AND it wouldn’t be our personal hardware issue rather than a problem on their end to deliver. Which in the end isn’t even a considerable responsibility since we can already play this format in the game. Leaving it out of official formats in any capacity is completely unreasonable

He might fling something on the side like the queue times, but that won’t catch since it was largely a hero pool issue and has largely been fixed through matchmaking algorithm changes to begin with. Without either of these the queue times wouldn’t be that far from OW1 queue times to begin with. And queue times alone don’t weigh even a quarter of a quarter of the reasoning to make the change reasonable

I still don’t get it, sorry. Maybe I’m being stupid, but in the tweet xeet he explicitly says queue times were not the reason in response to a tweet xeet asking about the switch from 2 tanks to 1 tank:

Here’s what I’m wondering. If you were still matchmaking for 6v6 role queue (2 tanks), how severely do you think queue times would be affected? Does that validate 5v5 regardless of gameplay?

:point_up: that’s the tweet xeet he replied to. I don’t understand where the 3 dps → 2 dps comes from because it’s mentioned nowhere in that thread and quite to the contrary, the thing you say “people inferred” is stated literally. Literally literally.

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A-aron got tired of forum dwellers implying that he was a yes man. He plans to prove everyone wrong by asserting dominance and telling them no.


It’s going to be 1 hour long and basically be “no 6v6 now sthu :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::kissing_heart::us::boom::eagle::tada::boom::boom::boom:

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If he puts in an American flag and a bald eagle Imma forgive them for everything :us: :eagle:


It’s important because that’s the context behind the move to 1-2-2.

While we (the public) switched directly from 2-2-2 6v6 to 1-2-2 5v5, that’s not how it happened internally. There is an entire in-between 6v6, single-Tank phase which they spent about a year on before moving to 5v5.

We know why they moved to 1-3-2 - it was queue times. We can infer they moved from 1-3-2 to 1-2-2 because - even after a year of work - it just didn’t work well enough.

As for that tweet? The dude is a server engineer. He works for Blizzard on Team 4, yes. But he has nothing to do with hero design or game-balance and would have had no part in the decision to change the number of Tanks per team or the number of players on each team. You may as well ask the janitor why they moved to a single-Tank format. We have more reliable sources for that and they have all said it’s because of queue times.

Got links to those? Curious to see conflicting claims. Especially since you use the plural.

Dismissing a core developer on the team who wrote several dev blog posts (he was even apart of the latest dev update video) as being no better in terms of insight than a janitor is a bit wild, but if sources can prove it I’m fine with it. Otherwise it really seems like you’re grasping at straws trying to make reality fit your view. His actual title is (was, at least, in April 2023) “Senior Software Engineer”, like what?

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