Dont expect high hopes for 6v6

Even if he doesn’t specifically mention 5v5, both times there is a recognition that the solo player of any role doesn’t feel fun to play


Leave the forum echo chamber for two seconds. You clearly have a vested interest. If Aaron felt compelled to talk about this, it wasn’t because eight people posting on a dead game’s forum asked them to. Its because all of the regular players this game has had over the years have quit due to this game’s nose-dive in quality and its being recognized that they want 6v6 back.

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The 6v6 discord has THOUSANDS of people in it.

If thousands of people are willing to go through all these steps of setting up custom 6v6 lobbies (With the creator doing daily/weekly balance updates to fix all the issues) there’s obviously something going on here.


There are MASSIVE differences between 1-2-2, 1-3-2, and 1-4-1

In either 6v6 solo tank scenario, the solo tank is guaranteed to be miserable because there are way too many DPS for the tank to be effective. And a solo support won’t have fun either with 4 DPS running at them either

1-2-2 actually works because it’s a reasonable format

it only ‘worked’ (if you can even call it that) after
continuous health increases
giving a 25% headshot resistance
a juiced up tank passive
50% resistance to the dps passive
reworks on tanks that did nothing but made them stronger
buffing off-tanks to make them even stronger to fill the main tank role

And hard-counters are still as strong as they were before, in fact this update further encourages people to counterpick rather than outplaying the other person

this was just a stupid format

these two are so similar, i would rather them have 1-3-2 so blizzard has an actual reason to just gigabuff the tanks

yeah solo tanking is stupid in whatever format, thats the whole critique of the format

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Why are you acting as if 5v5 is the only format that requires balance changes/reworks to “work”?

Like, you could literally put forward any format, 6v6, 5v5, 4v4, 7v7, and for it to truly “work” the entire roster would need to be balanced a certain way, and reworks would be done

6v6 had multiple reworks, and massive changes to how the game was played to “make it work”

The same would be said for any format

You’re not making a point.


Yeah, no. I’m good on that. I’ll just sit in my room and listen to music instead, I guess.

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The OW1 cast was built upon a 6v6 environment, then forcing these characters into a 5v5 environment doesnt play nicely

If they were going this 5v5 route, they might as well have reworked all the tank cast to better fit the 5v5 mould, reworking every tank to be able to attack and utilise defensive abilities at the same time

The only tank characters that transitioned seamlessly into OW2 was Sigma, and that was bc he was so bloated and broken enough to function as a solo tank.

It had two major reworks, first was the change from no limit to open queue, then open queue to role queue
no limit was a no brainer, open queue to role queue was in response to the devs not knowing how to balance properly, which ultimately sealed the fate of the game as they refused to diversify the tank role

5v5 bad bc solo tanking in any format bad, look at how many big reworks they did and they still havent gotten it right, ignored the big glaring issue of counterswapping by making numbers go up

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Solo tanking is not always bad. Tanks just need to be powerful enough to deal with whatever they’re facing via format. This is why 1-2-2 works with Tanks being gigabuffed compared to how they were in 6v6. 1-3-2 was sort of impossible to make work because you just can’t deal with 3 DPS as a tank. 2 is manageable, 3 is not

This doesnt matter if the other team just counterpicks bc there is no reasonable way to counter the tank if they just stayed on their current hero roster, thats the biggest problem with solo tanking, along with them eating all the CC

Looking forward to a bunch of recycled points about why they think 5v5 is better, followed by an announcement of a new $40 skin.

That is such a Reaper main thing to do. You could be a great Punisher player… I know it.

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I cannot stand 3rd person perspective games. Plus I think my garbanzo PC wouldn’t be able to handle it (otherwise I’d be playing literally anything else other than OW).

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The exact reason they stopped doing test runs in arcade and custom is nobody uses those modes. Because, frankly, they are absolutely worthless.

its alright we can go play marvel soon.

if enough players leave OW they wont have a choice but to find new devs

Anyone who has seen Marvel Rivals or played it has to be crazy to totally drop Overwatch for it

Overwatch just plays so much better

I don’t think Rivals will be dead in a few months or anything but it’s no “Overwatch killer”

It’s probably drawing more people away from Smite than Overwatch


It will play out as all of the other “Overwatch killer” types have. Enjoyment for a few weeks, at best, before they come crawling back and put all of their stock in the next “Overwatch killer.”


If he doesn’t say 6v6 is back, then at minimum he should be announcing individual balancing between all heroes. Doomfist 0 knock back resistance, rein 75% knock back resist. Zarya does 50% damage to, Ana sleep 5 sec against Winston, and 2.5 against orisa.

There had better also be hero bans, and a map voting system. This is a bare minimum standard that we all know they won’t hit lol.

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matchmaking is better (so far), gameplay loop is better, skill expression is higher, it will be new, in marvel

like what part of OW actually earn our time? lol i just heck around and the game means nothing to me, its just a fill when i over do other games.

never thought it was, blizzard has a simp army that will ‘protect the billion dollar company meme’ for them, literally made someone commit… well and has put out slop after slop, but everyones got old feels for the company.

lets be honest, if OW2 was a different company when it launched, it would be dead RN.

thats possible, but if you look and ask around, there are hordes of OW players desperate for something else to get high on and its not even hidden.

It is everywhere, just ask people ingame

Or the past. They literally have told us a billion times that it’s a queue times issue, and people on here are just stupidly stubborn in refusing to believe it.