Dont expect high hopes for 6v6

I’d play it.

I’d like to see some general detuning of the tanks if they did this, maybe give like a ~20% health reduction to all of them, remove self healing, and all of the role passives.

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They internally tested different formats for over a year during OW1s development and Jeff explained in at least 2 different interviews why 5v5 was never going to work as a format either.

There is nothing they can do to get more tank players or fix queue times, they can make the game better though it’s just not going to be through 5v5. If they plan to tell everyone it’s not happening then the game is over. Only those like yourself will continue to play which won’t be enough to sustain the game in the long run. Because every change they’ve made still hasn’t resulted in more tank players playing this game or better queue times.


The reason people want it back is pretty simple. A number of heroes were designed around it. Tanks especially. It’s why some tanks are more off tanks than main tanks. Blizzard doesn’t have the capability to alter these heroes so they’re on an even playing field. Either they go ham with buffs and it creates monsters or they try to alter things so drastically it makes things utterly broken. It’s almost like it’d behoof them to play test changes before making them.


Opinion discarded.

Try again without the paranoid, tinfoil-hat oppression-complex attitude next time, kiddo.


6v6 was never coming back. The blog was always going to be an explanation of why they prefer 5v5. They are going to go into queue times, tank synergies, gameplay loops, and probably several others to explain their preference but they aren’t going to say anything about going back to 6v6.

Here’s how you should know that: if it were ever on the table, a blog would not be where it gets announced.

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This. Any big change would be a video.

When they inevitably announce it’s not returning the game will lose a large portion of its players.

Here’s why

1- Hyping up this massive Dev post which will just be a long version of saying no with a variety of excuses will piss off every single 6v6 advocate. Which at this point is becoming more and more people.

2- Marvel Rivals Beta drops during this time frame. More players than the alpha causing more exposure + massively bigger IP

3- Tanks will NEVER be fixed. They created a problem that has no solution and overwatch will be a constant cycle of wild patches to try and make this format work.

Was 6v6 perfect? No, but it’s a better foundation to fix issues. Most of the issues 6v6 had could be fixed with balance whereas 5v5 is a format problem.

Overwatch 2 has so much around it and it sucks watching one of the most innovative games be destroyed by the people who made it.


Balance wasn’t going to fix the ratio issue that there are simply not enough tank players for 6v6 to work. Unless your dream 6v6 is 132 then that is the problem.

Meanwhile Rivals will join the LONG list of 3 month games, aka games people swore would kill OW but died 3 months later. Each and every single one had people going “no but this time for real” and each time it failed. This one will as well.


Rivals doesn’t need to Kill overwatch blizzard is doing that for them.

Rivals is just adopting the players blizzard is kicking away from their game.

Rivals won’t be dying it has one of the biggest video game companies behind it, devs active with the community on discord, and it’s Marvel.

If they make the game fun and address gameplay concerns properly the game is going to do just fine.

Competition is good rather you play it or not you should he rooting for rivals success. Competition makes companies produce a better product.

Rivals doing well would most likely be beneficial for Overwatch


This is objectively and factually incorrect. Jeff said 4v4 felt like too few and 7v7 felt like too many. He never once mentioned 5v5.

Also OW launched with the ability to play 6 Tracers on one team so idk why you are talking like any of that matters in the first place when it’s been 7+ years and so much has changed.


How can I when 5 vs 5 is full of braindead throwers? Just gonna be 1 extra thrower waste of space.

5 vs 5 is 1 vs 5
6 vs 6 is 1 vs 6



Overwatch is not really bleeding players though so Blizzard is apparently not doing a very good job at killing their own game then again people have said OW is dying since 2016 just like WoW has been dying since 2004 so apparently they just take a very long time to die.

Also nice job reading the marketing blurb but you should probably look at the actual games made by “one of the biggest video game companies” and I wonder if you would recognize more than 1 of them (and the one not for positive reasons). Basically this is their first real major solo project so drop that “biggest video game companies” nonsense because the receipts do not back that up.

If they make it fun it has a chance but they also have to fix the fact that it looks like a cheap mobile game designed to draw in the Marvel fans for a quick buck before dying 3 months later.

As for the Marvel name, if not for the fact that Insomniac NEVER makes a bad game, it would be 20 years (Spiderman 2 on the Gamecube) since they were involved in a good game.

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aaron is a brainless and horrible…honestly i wish the ceo would see that she needs to fire aaron and get jeff to come back and in reality it would not save the game anyways with him being the director and there are to many changes to the game that make 6v6 working impossible

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Jeff was in favor of 132, and was almost certainly a big part of the content drought idea (as he did it when he ran WoW as well), so maybe deifying him is a little premature.

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jeff atelast got the game where there was GOTY and the game did literalyl go down hill severely after aaron taken over

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Aaron’s highschool english teacher: “F”

“I’m gonna need a little bit longer my dog ate my homework”

This better be at least 3 pages.

A-aron is a straight G doing this. I am happy that he respects us normal people enough to go through with it fully understanding that the less normal people are going to maliciously misconstrue his words and doomsay.


The next time I log in will be to play 6v6. I haven’t been online in months, so it will be their loss. I don’t care what Jake has to say, as if he some authority on the several years that I have enjoyed this game.

If we don’t get 6v6, there is no reason to hope for any improvement for this game again. They have tried everything under the sun to balance the unbalance-able, and failed every time. This isn’t Overwatch. Its all a mess.


When Aaron took over OW was receiving 0 content updates and OW2 was stuck in development hell. After he took over OW now receives more content than at any point in the game’s history.

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That is the problem with this community. A-aron cannot even give us a status update without getting strawmanned.