Don't entirely delete OW1, keep Quickplay Classic

Literally just need to port the existing maps into the new game for that specific mode. Tweaking any new hero to not be OP in it wouldn’t be too difficult as nerfing is probably easier than buffing, but I’d be fine if the new heroes weren’t even an option in the mode at all. Just OW QPC as it is now turned into a mode that’s playable if there is an arcade section like we currently have.

30 minutes? Lol do you live somewhere with a small population or in a weird non-NA time zone? I get at most 8-10 minute non-RQ comp queues, very often less. But regardless, we’re talking about an arcade mode. Who cares about comp? I spend 90% of my pvp time in casual arcade modes: QPC and TDM. Queue times there also never over 5 minutes, and it’s weird to even get QPC queue times to stretch over 1 or 2 minutes, matches are found quickly. Obviously they wouldn’t put a legacy 6v6 comp mode, so doubt queue times would be an issue as nostalgia alone will see people fill that mode.

People liked the idea of role queue, and it absolutely could have worked until someone had the dumb idea to add priority passes. That ruined role queue, which I still believe was not something the game even needed. I’d rather play as 5dps and 1 support than I would with 2 tanks who are just dps players in disguise farming prio passes and doing absolutely nothing tanky all match other than feed, die, repeat.

Would balance just be paused from this current time? Or would it be lanch OW?
I think I’d prefer launch OW tbh. That’d be cool.

How about just enjoy the game now while you still have it and then maybe um … stop playing it when the OW2 comes out.

You don’t know what evolution means.

It’s not a fact, you don’t understand evolution.

The way you apply it here it has no meaning.

It takes two to argue, your bias in demanding only I must not argue is hypocritically demanding my capitulation to favour your side of the argument.

They’re all being redone so they’re not identical.

Blatant contradiction in terms.

Oh so you think the term “identical” means “they haven’t changed absolutely every tiny part”.

An Elephant and a Pig are - by your logic - “identical” because they aren’t completely different, both creatures have very little to no fur. Oh no no no, “largely identical”.

Constant weasel words.

Stubborn means “having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.”

You are just falsely crediting your prejudicial assumptions as being good arguments or reasons.

This is weasel words, where you won’t say it outright as it’s too embarrassingly fraudulent to state plainly, you have to load it with baseless supposition.

That’s no reason to shut down arcade.

People who play Quickplay and no-limits have no interests in the sacrifices for 5 vs 5 which ONLY make sense for competitive role-lock.

But those balance changes are only possibly justified by the 1-2-2 role lock.

Yes it was.

Both Left 4 Dead games were advertised as getting constant updates and they have a competitive mode.

I never said anything of the sort.

Your entire rest of your spiel is founded on this totally bogus claim.

And obviously invalid excuse.

An obvious lie, they’re both FPS games.

Obvious self-serving fabrication.

People are playing Left 4 Dead 14 years later!

Not by YOUR definition of syntax which you will apply to any words I use to reason.

Optimization tech?

I’m not going to play this stupid guessing game where you demand I guess what you mean by that as you condescendingly sneer at me for not being able to guess what that actually means.

The overwhelming majority of play hours on an average day are NOT on comp:

And this is just player hours, as more casual players are likely to play fewer hours it may be as little as 30% of the playerbase play comp.

Simply rolling back to an old version is a terrible idea due to technical incompatibility problems but HUNDREDS of games just get their final balance patch and are left to run for a decade or more just fine.

The problem is Blizzard intends to artificially kill the prequel to drive users to the sequel.

No call of duty game shut down one game to drive people to the sequel.

How about you just enjoy living in your house while you still have it and then maybe um… stop living in when it’s replaced with a wet cardboard box?

Oh, do you not like how your house “evolved”?

Well you had your property for 5 years, I know when you bought the house you were told it was a perpetual ownership but life isn’t fair and don’t ever try to fight against injustice you might lose and then you’ll have lost twice.

Oh, I don’t think they will shut down arcade, it may change a little.

But people saying that OW1 will be 6v6 and OW2 will be 5v5 AFTER OW2’s release don’t understand what is about to happen and why.

There’s no reason to change it AT ALL.

Just let Overwatch 1 continue to exist and launch it as you do right now and go into Arcade.

Overwatch 2 will absolutely not be a “patch” that modifies the install of Overwatch 1, it will be a download that makes a fresh install and even will have a different name in the launcher.

There is no need to do it that way, just have OW2 appear in the launcher as a separate executable.

It would make ZERO SENSE to try to modify OW1 install to make it into OW2, just have OW2 appear to anyone who bought OW1 as a separately launched game.

If the devs REALLY want to artificially kill the OW1 comp to force people to migrate to OW2 then only kill comp, not Arcade.

People who chose No-limits and QPC will NOT enjoy being forced to role queue into a 5 vs 5 game.

I expect it will be smaller, because OW2 has all the storyline stuff, so that splits player base on it’s own.

Overwatch 2 will absolutely not be a “patch” that modifies the install of Overwatch 1, it will be a download that makes a fresh install and even will have a different name in the launcher.

It will completely overright OW1, but OW1 will still run the same PvP as OW2, since that was the point of it.

They can’t afford OW1 and 2 to have separate player bases.

That is why OW1 is basically being forcefully upgraded to OW2.

If the devs REALLY want to artificially kill the OW1 comp to force people to migrate to OW2 then only kill comp, not Arcade.

OW1 and 2 will likely have access to the same arcade. I expect it will be smaller though, because story mode.

QPC, MH, No Limits etc. probably won’t work because of the balance changes and 2/2/2 Role Q has to die because removing it will be the only way to get a whole bunch of the Tank and Support player base to play 1/2/2 instead - they obviously don’t want their new game mode to have even longer DPS Q’s than the old one :upside_down_face:

Also having only 5v5 modes will improve the console performance of the game and allow Switch players to finally hit a stable 20 fps :joy:

I really don’t get what made them think that making all those sacrifices would be worth it :expressionless:


I don’t understand why comp would need to be removed

That doesn’t make any sense.

Overwatch is not the first game that had a story, it has way WAY less story than Halo which kept their servers online until the consoles they were operating on shut down.


OW2 could be installed on any available disk space.

It’s completely arbitrary to delete OW1 to write over it.

No, they have been showing PvP which they say is the Overwatch 2 PvP.

All they are doing is shutting down ALL of OW1’s PvP to force everyone to move to OW2’s PvP.

Yes they can, Call of Duty “split” the playerbase…




For the past 15 years.

The term is not “can’t” but “won’t”.

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Right but each story is it’s own game mode, which will have their own queues.

But that is what they are doing, OW1 and OW2 comp IS the same. OW1 gets the same maps, heroes.

But all it has is comp / arcade like it does now.

Their interviews were EXTREMELY explicit about it.

COD didn’t have such bad queue times already.

I think the reasonable compromise here is to have OW1’s last updated file copied over to a separate game, much in the way warcraft classic operates. Minimal support of course continued for it for a brief time, but ultimately, leave it there. Don’t include new characters or maps (because asking them to balance two different versions of characters would be unreasonable) and leave it at that. I don’t imagine anywhere close to a sizable minority will continue to play it long term, and ultimately, you’ll be moving onto the updated version of the game eventually because thats just where the people are going to be.

They will maintain a 5 v 5 version of QPC, but 6 v 6 is probably going away for sure as balance would be a complete mess. They might leave it as an option in the Workshop though.

No one wants to play a game that is a complete one-sided mess. QP most definitely care about balance.

You paid for a license to play a game that in the TOS clearly states the devs can make changes any time to.

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yes the COMP is the same.

All the arguments only apply to OW1’s Competitive Mode.

So don’t apply them to QPC or No-Limts either.

OW’s queue times for Quickplay Classic and No-Limits are microscopically short.

isn’t that what ALL games do?

Old Call of Duty games get one final patch then left for posterity but you can still play them online.

Usually yes, but they’re treating current OW as a failed model/prototype and seem to want as little to do with its present state as possible. If we’re being honest here, not a lot of long term planning went into the game up to this point, so they’re giving OW1, the original FF14 treatment and drastically overhauling/redesigning it.

The gamble they’re making currently, is on retaining more of the playerbase long term with this change, than they might lose in the immediate, and possibly overtime reclaim a semblance of the glory days (which is rose tinted goggles for the most part because the game was always horribly flawed, but it was new, and everyone was bad so we didn’t notice it until comp was added)

Yet Quickplay Classic, Ranked and Unranked and No-Limits have - combined - to be 73% of the hours of Ranked/Competitive mode.

And that’s just the number of hours, NOT the number of players, each player must count equally not be counted as twice the player just because you played the game for twice as long.


I am actually asking them to do LESS.

To NOT deleted all of OW1 when OW2 comes out.

Overwatch 1 is in absolutely nothing like the state of the 2010-2012 state of Final Fantasy XIV.

Overwatch was a massive success and continues to be a huge success, and while the changes of OW2 overwhelmingly appeal to Competitive players they just don’t make any sense to people who are the modes with no role restrictions which are a very significant proportion of the playerbase.

I doubt such players even know the timer is ticking and the game they play casually is about to be taken away.

And importantly they did NOT simply release Final Fantasy 15 and FF14 suddenly stopped working, they communicated with EVERYONE playing the game that it was being shut down because of major technical problems that could not be patched. They re-made it to fix major technical problems but substantially it is the same game.

If you aren’t a hardcore comp OW player you probably have no idea what’s about to happen or when it might happen.

People still will not stick with a mode that is terribly unbalanced. Its one large reason QP Classic has such low numbers. QP makes up most of that number you quoted, QPC is tiny in comparison.

You still labor on with this despite the direct evidence that this mode is very few actual players in reality?

As I have said since 2-2-2 came out, OQ dead-enders will never give up believing this mythology that 2-2-2 isn’t more popular when it clearly has been and continues to be.

They have stuck with it for HALF A DECADE!

Stop it.

Stop it with your endless utter nonsense.

I literally JUST GAVE YOU NUMBERS showing their numbers are actually quite high.

It was a source you so arrogantly gave (but refused to verify for a long LONG time) and tried to pass it off as saying something that it obviously didn’t say.

Statistically very few people play QPC, that’s a fact.

You gave a combined number based off what I gave you in the other thread. Look at the chart, very few people in comparison play QPC. All you did was sum everything beyond Comp together and it was still a relatively fractured low number where Comp was still number 1 followed closely by QP. QPC is way, way behind either.

There’s no way to actually know this, one way or the other. Communication regarding the additions of the PvE content and the alterations to the PvP content have been communicated, and likely will see that communication increase as more information about it comes out (They’re being burned presently for a bad transition between the two, but thats a matter of content drought more than it is an issue with the direction).

Technically speaking, with the exception of the fate of 2cp, they’re not really deleting content. They’re reorganizing it, overhauling it, outright reworking some of it. Most of what we have currently, will still be here, and we’ll have more replacing what we’re losing.

I understand the pain of watching something you like, change in a way that makes you like it less. I do, really. I watched it happen with Dead Space, I watched it happen with Gears of War, and Command and Conquer. However, would I ever go back and play the older games, just because the new ones took a direction I didn’t like? Absolutely not. Those memories have been had, and no more can be made that are worth having. You might have to get familiar with enjoying the memories you’ve made in this present format because its not likely you’ll get anymore, and lets say for example, they do somehow preserve a 6v6 QPC when the update happens alongside OW2’s pve content. Sure, people will play it, but less and less people as time goes on. It will ultimately become a barren wasteland. People already complain about the game being stagnant currently. I can’t see a QPC as we know it, surviving an extreme of current conditions.