Don't entirely delete OW1, keep Quickplay Classic

What is “pre nerfed for OWL”? I cannot find a change that I could point to and say “nope that was not a problem on ladder”. We are falling into the lack of specifics. There is one hero in all of Overwatch who is too weak on ladder but cannot be fixed because of an organized team and I suspect most people are probably happy that Sombra is kept to a minimum in games considering her kit is somewhat contrary to what Overwatch is about.

Also if they were releasing a classic OW it would not get new content because at that point it is no longer classic.

Maybe before roll lock?

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“Classic Rules Overwatch” basically 6v6, current hero balance, new heroes can be tweaked down to fit into the 6v6.

it would be cool if the keep a 6v6 classic or role quickplay in the arcade but i personally still dont know if there will be an arcade mode lol. i wonder about mystery heroes and total mayhem will that become 5v5 too?

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This so much all these Blizzard staffers are trying to play big bad Activision, when most of the problem was internal imploding due to heads of Blizzards behaviour and their own decisions.


The thing is heroes are currently being built around the idea of 5v5 existing and there being only one tank and the maps being built accordingly. To do more is basically asking the team to double their workload for a mode that will be very very very niche.

The reason I can say confidently it will be niche is because we currently have a non RQ competitive mode. It is actually fairly decently balanced and the thing is no one wants to play it. I cannot get a queue on my main account without waiting 30 minutes and I am not exactly sitting at some impossibly high point on ladder (at least I cant imagine I would be). It is just not a style of Overwatch people want.

People generally like Role Queue but they also do not like the queue times that come with playing the DPS role, and some of course dislike the heavy dependency that having good tank synergy can bring to a game (though I personally love it). Suddenly OW2 is advertising to have lessened the queue time problem and remove a lot of the tank synergy problems that decided games and so the question remains why would there be an appetite to go back? There was not for No Limits, there was not for Open Queue, it seems Blizzard is decent at figuring out what players want overall even if the execution is lacking.

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It is. You’re just trying to describe it in a light that fits your narrative.

Won’t happen, they are branding it as a sequel and everything will change. I would be shocked if they can maintain ANY of the old arcade modes as they are now.

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It’s not that I cannot, I WILL NOT.

You won’t consider Left 4 Dead at all.

No THAT really is a patch.

That’s a truly trivial change to the actual software.

Yes it is, as I said, previous modes have ALWAYS been available, Quickplay Classic and No Limits are still available.

No it’s not… I JUST FINISHED playing “classic” OW right now.

That is all I want to preserve, that Overwatch where you can play Quickplay Classic and No Limits.

The easiest way to do that is to not try to do the obviously stupoiud thing of patching Overwatch 1 but just leave Overwatch 1 in it’s current state but… disable comp.

Then have Overwatch 2 be a seperate install directory with a separate icon in the Battle.Net launcher.

I don’t think you actually understand what the term “semantics” means, you think it’s a magic word you can say to act like you get your way in a discussion.

A sequel means there’s a prequel.

Left 4 Dead 2 didn’t cause Left 4 Dead 1 to cease to exist.

Examples like LoL getting patches doesn’t fit because there is no League of Legends 2.

This is something that Devils just doesn’t get in their comparison, their insistence that it’s like a patch.

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Not this kind of sequel.

Just think of it like Overwatch 2.0.

But it’s not Overwatch Version 2.0

It’s Overwatch 2.

It won’t think of it as that when everything contradicts it as being anything like that. This is pure Orwellian double talk.

No it doesn’t? Even Jeff himself described it as an evolution of Overwatch, i.e. “Overwatch 2”

That doesn’t actually mean anything because Overwatch isn’t a species of animals or plants or something. So it’s a metaphor which doesn’t mean anything specific.

Even if you can decipher it, there’s no reason to entirely scrap Overwatch 1, parts of it can be kept, like Quickplay Classic.

Except it’s not a metaphor. It is an evolution of Overwatch.

You can say it doesn’t make sense all you like, but in simplest terms the fact is they took Overwatch and evolved it.

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I understand it quite well - it’s just very clear that you’re just being really argumentative about whether or not something is a patch and how much change constitutes the definition of being a patch or not.

The fact of the matter is, a significant portion of the game is identical to OW1. The vast majority of the gameplay programming will be the same, and art assets will likely be tweaked and updated, with possibly a new binary format, but will otherwise remain largely identical. They are not completely remaking every map, art asset, character model, and rewriting the code behind every gameplay system and hero functionality in the game. They are merely making large updates to them.

A lot of binary data is being changed, and just because this data doesnt have some “diff” function that can be applied to do an in-place update of every asset and dll/exe doesn’t mean it’s not considered a patch/update to the game.

You’re just being extremely stubborn and focusing on the use of the word “patch” to whine and complain.

6v6 will go away for OW1, OW1 has the SAME PvP as OW2, it replaces it, you are in the same lobbies.

Blizzard can’t afford to split the playerbase.

While I’d love to keep playing OW QPC virtually unchanged, I don’t think it would be healthy for it to never gain anything from OW2. Like balance changes or new heroes. If I could keep it and play new heroes on old maps that would still be great.

Pretty poor comparison to begin with, L4D wasn’t branded as a competitive game that would ever get constant updates.

So you just finished a comp game of 6v6 where you could pick 2 winston 2 tracer 2 mercy if you wanted? Man I must have missed that game mode or it doesnt exist because Blizzard patched that out of ranked and left it to not exist anymore and the only way to play it is in an unranked arcade mode that may or may not be available on any given day because a patch took away the classic Overwatch ruleset.

Meanwhile I already said why Left 4 Dead fails as an apt comparison to Overwatch. It is not only an entirely different genre but it is built with an entirely different model in mind. L4D is built around the idea of a buying the game playing it for awhile with friends but in 3 years you are playing something else. Whereas LoL, Overwatch, Apex, Valorant, etc. are all built on the live service model where you are expected to be playing it 3 and 5 years from now and the game is constantly expanding to keep people happy. So the games are built under entirely different premises and therefore your comparison fails.

I would love to know though (though again I know you cannot) if you can find a single non syntax reason that the huge LoL patch that updated the engine, changed the core gameplay and altered the monetary model is different from the OW2 patch which will update the engine, change the core gameplay, and alter the monetary model. Oh and you cannot play “classic” LoL. I found the flaw fairly easily in your example and await seeing if you can find a non syntax one in mine (because calling it something different doesnt change what it is).

Meanwhile in Overwatch right now if you want to experience those other game modes from the game’s past you are stuck hoping that either an unbalanced unranked Arcade is available for No Limits, or for Open Queue queueing for an unbalanced game mode that if you play ranked has no one playing it.

So if your sum goal is a random unbalanced Arcade mode that may or may not be available (as is the case for No Limits) I suspect that is something that they could trivially do as they are likely not going to remove the optimization tech they have for 6v6 because keeping it in place solves some technical limitations they ran into during the Overwatch cycle (the most well known being the issue with Echo’s ultimate where the chosen player cannot switch heroes while it is in effect).

Again though given that OW2 is comparable to both the No Limits removal patch and the Open Queue removal patch an arcade mode, though the maps would still be in 5v5 form, is about all that would be expected. Possibly also a 2CP Arcade mode but that would likely not be for about a year after release so that nostalgia can kick in for people who miss those maps.

I would be very Sad if it Force us to do 5v5. If it happens, then I would Quit Tank I don’t know what New Name for this Role now. I prefer to have Overwatch 1.

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