Don't entirely delete OW1, keep Quickplay Classic

“have been communicated”

That’s some spin a politician would say to weasel out of admitting who they have and haven’t informed.

It has not been communicated to people who just play the game.

Yes they are.

They’re deleting 1/6th of the players slots from each team.

If I snap in half 49 out of the 100 DVDs it is in no way excusable that “hey most of your DVDs haven’t been destroyed”.

No you did NOT!

You watched sequels be released that weren’t quite as good.

You can still play all of those prequels!


“I wouldn’t do it so therefore anyone else who does it just plain don’t matter” !?!?

Fewer and fewer people.

Though maybe you do mean “lesser” people, people who are less of a person simply because they don’t have sufficient group think. To you, is any individual is worthless, the worth of anyone is how they can copy a large enough number of other people??!?

That is not an argument against shutting down OW1 now that is an argument against NEVER making Overwatch in the first place!

Everything ends.

That in no way supports arbitrarily killing something early.

This is such an obviously bad faith argument.

The “hardcore” comp players complains about it being stagnant.

That says HOURS of playtime, not numbers of discrete players.

If comp players play for more hours they will be over-represented.

Even then, just by number of hours QPC alone is about one-third as popular as Comp.

Rightly so because they are all very similar and fundamentally at odds with Comp.

Comp inherently combined together all the ranks despite different ranks not playing with each other.

Anyone can find this information. Its not hidden.

I stated they’re reorganizing.

Thats an exaggeration and you know it.

Dead Space became an action coop shooter. Command and Conquer became a mobile game. Gears of War was milked after the story ended in satisfaction with the 3rd entry. The original fans of all 3 franchises were abandoned and betrayed. We can always go back and play those games, but it will never be as good as when it was new, and nostalgia is a trap.

Its not uncommon to end up creating more disappointment digging for gold in a mine devoid of anymore veins, but just dust of what used to be there. This is why I call nostalgia a trap. The game remains the same, stagnant, but you, the person, change. How you feel about something, changes. You can only relive a memory so many times before you cheapen it with pale imitations.

I don’t even know where you came up with this absurdity, but I won’t engage in this discussion beyond this comment. You’re coming at me in a way that is completely unwarranted.

Its being updated, not shutdown. Every update overwrites what was there before it. Some of it stays the same, some it changes. Buying OW2 is optional. The PvP content however, is just being updated/overhauled/reorganized, and as I’ve said, a lot more will be getting added, than is currently being removed. Exaggerating this reality does nothing but dramatize the discussion.

So you say, but I will make no such claims one way or the other, given I have no means of knowing what the playerbase actually complains about beyond the extreme minority of it that actually interacts with websites such as these forums.

Ok that sounds good but instead they should just revert to that October patch. Please don’t leave the game with a hog meta lol.

You know there is another definition besides it’s biological one, right? Literally just Google it and see for yourself.

That’s such a weird argument and frankly I feel like you know that.

Why would they look for something they didn’t know even existed?

You’re not thinking, that’s another obviously bad faith argument.

No it’s a perfect explanation of how it’s wrong to abuse the term “most” as most is simply “any amount more than half”.

No, Dead Space 1 didn’t change at all.

The sequels changed but the original game did not change at all.

I already told you this and your typical dishonest style you ignored this distinction.

Speak for yourself, don’t impose your personal interests on others.

Yet you post a further two paragraphs after you said that.

This isn’t an update, it’s a numbered sequel.

Yes and NONE of those apply here precisely because they are derivatives of the concept in biology.

This isn’t an evolutionary algorithm, this isn’t a memetic evolution, this is meaningless buzzwords that don’t prove a thing.

I’m not here to argue the semantics of the term evolution with you. Anybody else would’ve understood it perfectly.

I can see that bad faith arguing is apparently your MO though so we’re done here :v:

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He does this quite often. Everything he says is right and everyone else is 110% wrong on everything.


I’m sure Classic will also share a queue between both OW1 and OW2. Same servers and everything.

Of course I don’t say anything I know is wrong, only a dishonest person would do that.

So thank you for the generous compliment.

Though somehow I think you’d be proud of a large percentage of everything you say is knowingly wrong!

You keep copying terms that are used against you without caring what they actually mean.

People who play these modes do not care about balance. Removing options of play is entirely stupid and would cause more people to leave if you just keep restricting them and taking options away. It’s why they’re in the partial mess they artificially created.

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They don’t care about it to an excessive extent. Certainly not, as you say, at the cost of removing options.

They don’t want obvious imbalance but the lack of concern about imbalance works both ways, I’ve never seen Goats in Quickplay Classic.

Because although Goats was notoriously effective it’s not a particularly fun strategy, what’s far more important than winning is winning with a hero that they like to play. In comp, it’s considered a reportable offence - throwing - to play a hero just because you like to play them and not because you think it’s the most optimal hero.

I mean, I’m sure you believe everything you say is right…


You can’t compare a videogame overwatch to a house.
This is just stupid.

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I’m sure you don’t.

Such is the nature of dishonesty.

In an analogy I absolutely can.

That is the entire purpose of such comparisons in an analogy.

It’s to force you to consider the value of something by an analogy with something of undeniable value.

No. Just because it’s an analogy doesn’t mean it’s true.
I could make an analogy of my food stain on my mousepad being as important as billions of people’s lives but it’s still not as important.
You can’t compare your stupid videogame to someone’s house, their living space, their safety. You may as well compare your videogame to someone’s life.
You are just silly.
How about all these dumb complainers about the game just stop complaining and enjoy the game before OW2 comes out and inevitably ruins it.

I’m not responding anymore because you obviously just spend all day everyday checking this forum having arguments with people. Just because you’re good at arguing doesn’t mean anything you say is valid. It’s all just bait and nonsense to try and start arguments. You just continue to argue about anything even what an analogy is.
I even checked your forums activity profile and it’s just you making massive posts like 10 times a day arguing about absolute nonsense. Oh and don’t use what I just said as a thing against me to argue about because it’s just an exaggeration but you get the point.
You probably spend more time arguing on this stupid forum than playing the actual game overwatch. Sad.
Goodbye. You fill up the forums with your massive garbage posts that no one wants to see. I’m muting you I don’t want to see any of your rubbish anymore.

It’s obvious you don’t understand notifications exist.

I get notified of your inappropriate comments, I don’t get to go searching, just one click.

You clearly don’t understand analogies as they are a hypothetical scenario wouldn’t be something that’s happened.

No that is a brilliant analogy of how it’s it’s as bad to arbitrarily equivocate the worth of life as to completely disregard human life because BY ANALOGY someone could arbitrarily equivocate any number of lives to anything incredibly trivial.

You don’t understand analogies.

Oh have you never heard of a pie chart!?!?

That is an analogy that compares ANY quantifiable thing to slices of a pie! Money, lives, injuries in war, anything.

A pie chart showing shares of income and shares of pie is not saying that being paid in money is the same as being paid in literal slices of meat pie! The components are representative.

It may have taken YOU a long time to write that nonsense but it took me very little time to read it and say why it’s nonsense.

YOU tried to start arguments!

You made a completely absurd claim that an analogy is just a flat equivocation. You want to destroy all nuance in the english language.

No you LIED about me.

You don’t get to lie about ANYONE and expect their servile acquiescence.

Arguing against nonsense that other people say.

Nonsense they perpetuate because of a clear bias.

It’s not an exaggeration, it’s a fabrication.

You’re incredibly rude.

and people look down on those who enjoyed QPC, and stated QPC is just comp practice, “QP don’t matter”

what if it was the other way around?

overwatch released with competitive only…and then later casual quick play was released (people was getting tired of sweaty try hards) and then after QP released everyone loved it, but still found it a bit too competitive…so they loosened up some of the comp rules on QP and comp mode

time passes by, people started to complain QP still isn’t casual enough, so they “ruined” competitive mode by removing 222 restrictions…but made casual quick play mode better

time passes on, people are complaining “hey i wanna have fun with two or more winstons on the same team!” so blizzard catered to the Quick Players, and removed hero limit from QP and competitive mode…

yeah it doesn’t sound fair now does it?..its almost as if one player group forced changes to affect both player bases, whether or not if the QP playerbase (TRUE classic QP[no hero limits])… liked it or not

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5v5 QPC is the only reason I may consider reinstalling this game. Not everyone likes failed Overwatch 1.

Okay, that’s what you want.

Do you care about what other people want or just yourself?

I’m not wanting anything taken away from anyone else, everyone else can get what they want.