Does overwatch make you more stressed?

My stress level is ranked by the following:

From least to most stress

Dps ( I suck at Dps, but still don’t ever stress over it.)


Off tank.

Main Tank ( forget it)

So depending on my mood is what I’ll play that day. Usually I’m healing.

Overwatch makes me depressed of how addictive it is for the little effort blizzard has recently put into its game

Its stressful when I do my very best, have over 40-50 kills and still lose the match. I lose motivation to do my best when I feel I cant control anything no matter how well I do. Toxic players also stress me out, I cant always make 50 elims per game if the enemy team is focusing me constantly. Being told to kill myself over a video game just makes me want to play another game, I’m not going to play a game where some random strangers are being toxic over a loss. Im not a punching bag and I’m not going to fight with strangers. Apart from everything I just said, I love overwatch but I hate the players. Everything about overwatch is great, from its lore to its heroes and its gorgeous design but the players on this game always leaves a sour taste

Who you romancing there? Miranda best girl for me.

It doesn’t get better even in masters, that should tell you more than enough.

I used to get really stressed but then I realised I’m ok with leaving QP games which stress me. I no longer play games against Widow or Bastion and sometimes Doomfist. If I’m playing tank I leave if there is a Mei or a Sombra. I sometimes have to leave if I’m being constantly booped through the air by the likes of ball, doom or junk as I feel motion sick if it’s a lot.

I also have an anxiety/panic condition and losing control of my hero triggers me pretty badly (this is the only game I find this happening. IRL I can’t be a passenger in a car and lots of other things where you give up control) so if I’m slept and not behind a shield I insta-leave before I even know I’m doing it (often I’m so panicked I have trouble hitting the leave game button).

Apart from the sleep issue, I’m now very relaxed when I play. I end up leaving games and I know a lot of people hate that but it’s the only way I’ve found not to get completely stressed while playing. I leave as soon as possible and often in the spawn room. I also have a small set of maps I find more relaxing to play - mostly payload - and insta-leave in the rest. 2CP is way too stressful and I find KOTH pretty stressful too where things are happening way too fast.

I’ve been playing since 2017. I’m so used to the game that I don’t find it stressful

But angry nerds/bigots always make me laugh…

They’re really willing to scream and cry and say horrible things over one OW match. You know their life isn’t that great.

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Only if Hog and Cree are in the lobby

Overwatch isn’t the issue, PEOPLE are the issue. When you have to play with those who are don’t think, don’t act, don’t see the situation and only have tunnel vision, and ESPECIALLY the higher majority that just DON’T CARE that’s the cause of stress.

I seen someone play the most braindead Winston into Hog Reaper Mei. There was no saving this person. I said frick it, I’m going to do the same thing next game. Believe me when I tell you, I have never, EVERRRRR!!! received the level of help just from executing the worst plays imaginable, except for a few times when people were actually on voice.

We won with my suicide jumping into an enemy comp that should have destroyed me every time. My mind was destroyed and I didn’t play for a week after that. People make no sense. Smh

this is literally the only game that has ever made me angry at myself and others lol, and i’ve played games that are notorious for annoying in game things

It gaves me depression

If I play DPS, then yeah, but I have comfort picks in support that are a chill experience.

Overwatch is not relaxing at all. Only when I’m duo queueing no limits and messing around.
The people are infuriating (especially recently, a lot of toxic alts and bad eggs are flooding QP even), the balance is a gamble (not finding it too bad from where I’m at but man Tanks as a whole bar Winston are sooo bleh right now), and almost everywhere now is just flooded with people safe behind their screen to say whatever. If it wasn’t for the aforementioned chill time, I’d have dropped it a few months ago–which is sad, because I used to find this game fun and relaxing all the time!
Now it’s just a dice toss to see if I’ll land a game that’s a full 6v6, on a map people want to play, with a functional comp, actual teammates and enemies, and ugh. Too much has to align in OW now.

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he actually said that? i mean in pretty much every game where you can choose characters beforehand there has been mains not sure why overwatch would have been any different, even in games where different characters are just reskins(for example i mained dingodile in the new ish CTR despite the character making zero difference since you can select your class)

As far as I know, yes. Wait, I think I found his post:

Not exactly stressful but more like a miserable experience.
I feel like I am fighting my own team more than the enemy one.

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You know how they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

If Overwatch stresses you, I feel like you may be playing for the wrong reason. What I mean is, if you’re only having fun winning, that could be a problem. I mean, no one likes getting rolled, but if the game is at least somewhat fair, you should be able to some sort of fun.

If that doesn’t work, I’m sure there’s a custom game that will amuse you, there’s dozens of options. Chill/kills where you can just relax and goof off with fellow players, infection, gun game, bumper cars with Hammond, rein go kart( I think it’s called), etc. Like for me, as a doomfist main, I like to do doomfist parkour. Not only is it fun, it helps me practice rollouts. Personally, I’m quite a fan of mystery heroes. While going against multiple bastions when you’re team is Winston heavy sucks, just the utter amount of silly things that can happen make up for it.

If you’re trying to grind comp, take a break and try a different, less serious game mode. That’s just my two cents. Overwatch is literally all I play these days, but sometimes you gotta play a different game mode to find enjoyment.

I don’t even remember when was the last time I had a match that wasn’t a stomp one side or the other.