There was a time back when I played Halo 2 online that I found video games kind of intense and it made my heart race a little bit. But these days it just doesn’t do anything for me.
Honestly I’d be kind of fine with feeling stressed from playing because at least it would be something.
Maybe game just became too predictable for you. With time and experience you eventually can tell with decent accuracy, what happens next - who will win this fight, where are most likely spots for ambush, etc.
Games in general became too predictable, but also the illusion of immersion has been broken after 25 years of gaming. Now it is just pixels and numbers on a screen.
I am even getting stressed in QP…
Constant Ball/Hog tank comps.
People ALWAYS waking the Nano Monkee when he is on top of me and I have 20hp.
Reddit RedShell Lucio’s not healing.
Stubborn Doom/Widow mains that refuse to swap even when hard countered.
Flash Fan Ham on Cool Down.
Flank Hogs.
Dvas getting melted by a 100% Charged Zarya.
DPS Flanking Moiras.
That Bronze Mercy player who is only pocketing her Masters DPS BF.
Rein Charing in at 100hp, avoiding your bio-nade to keep him alive.
Everyone forgetting they have Ults until somebody else use them, then 4 ults go off.
The blatant smurf saying “EZ” “Rolled” “Trash” or “(Insert Role here) Diff”
The Sexists.
Did I mention Lamp?
Someone once told me that this game gets better after getting out of Plat. I beg to differ.
Well its a stated goal with OW 2. The problem is, a lot of players imagine they are just better than their teammates, and think they will be the carry in games. Oh my my, are they going to be for a shock to discover they are just garbage like everyone else… humble pie is a bitter fruit indeed…
Considering the nature of deaths of DPS being pocketed they most likely died to a one-shot mechanic or a combo which is rather acceptable, part of the game and fine so nobody would be salty about this. The only exception to this would pretty much be being out of position at a flank or way too aggressively in the frontline. If Rein/Zarya backs up and anyone, and I mean ANYONE, manages to walk in front of them and die, they will 100% get flamed for it and they will 100% deserve all the hate for it
In other words players don’t get salty about natural occurrences in the game. It’s always some sort of active doing that makes them mad. In the previous case it’s tunnel visioning and outright ignoring proper positioning. This is a common one just like missing all your shots, extremely poor reaction times on switching to heals or going behind a cover, missing easy abilities, wasting ultimates and so on
Some attempts and synergies fail naturally and others deserve to fall apart. That’s because OW in the end is designed to be a game of switching. Flexibility is an expected feature in players and if players aren’t able to form synergies that work in the situation by being flexible and picking the right heroes for the occasion, they get highly punished for it. Now I get that this might discourage certain players from attempting to work together, but that’s because they’re being punished for the attempt because while they’re advocating for it, they’re actively fighting against designed game mechanics
Teamwork is not really a complicated thing in OW. As long as you are down to simply playing the game properly for a win for what it is instead of trying to bend the game your way, teamwork comes very naturally between heroes and teams
They don’t have to be openly salty about it, but it will certainly change their opinion on having to protect whatever support they got with them. It’s literally basis of teamwork - you protect your support from enemies, support allows you to win against said enemies. If one of components is missing, you won’t get teamwork, as players will simply see no use in it.
My goal every game is to find the most dependable player on my team and enable them as much as I can as a support. Be it speeding them in and out of engagements or booping close range heros away from them as Lucio. Damage boosting the cracked player on my team or getting that clutch rez as Mercy. Shoving the barrel of my gun down the backside of my Rein and shutting down ults with sleep as Ana. Or defending my backline by shield bashing and whip shotting as Brig.